Levothyroxine 50mcg Tablet Recall (Page 2)
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I recieved a letter from my health care provider saying that i cannot continue getting Levothyroxine 50mcg tablet that theres a recall on that medication.I want to know the reason for the recall.

32 Replies (2 Pages)

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You sound as though you are definitely hypothyroid and in need of thyroxine replacement asap. All it would do is replace a hormone that your body is not producing in sufficient amounts to keep you feeling well. I would advise you to take them. Six months is too long to wait for next blood test - two to three is more appropriate. You may well need an increase until you regain a sense of well being.

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Hi, I desperately need advice- I have been suffering M.E. For 11 years-and,unbeknown to me,a blood test in 2010 showed TSH levels were a bit high but TS at 14 were 'in normal range- I have just been retested and now TSH risen to 5.30 and T4 is 12- My Doctor is worse than useless- I am housebound-so he telephoned- should add.NEVER seen this Doctor- he is 'my GP' -because my usual Doc.retired). New GP left it to me if I wanted medication- and has given me 25mcg of Levothyroxine- I take 1mg Lorazepam in morning, same at night-plus 75 mg of Dosulepin at night- I have had no advice about this-even tho there must be some interactions? And my GP said 'no side effects'-and I would have to book a blood test in 6 months- My Doctors surgery do not believe in M.E.-although- when I relayed some new symptoms-over the phone- he was quick to put the down to 'my long term illness'- I have been much worse for 2 or 3 years- more tired- aching more- eyesight deteriorated- latest symptom is itching and bloating- I have had private treatment in the past with a Nutritionist and I know I have adrenal fatigue- or worse- and that is my problem- I know that all these are connected and I know that treating the thyroid without stabilising adrenals could be dangerous- To be honest, I am scared of taking the tablets- I don't know when to take them- and I have bad reactions to so many medications- Nurofen, Penicillin, even vitamins-plus multiple chemical intolerances- I would have liked to be tested for auto immune thyroid disease- because of M.E. - I'm in a mess and don't know what to do?

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I had the same problems plus anxiety and tremors the dose needs to be raised slowly for some people as with me I was on 50mcg and the raised it to 150mcg after a few days I felt so sick this is the second time this has happened. I am back on 50mcg convincing my dr to raise the medication slowly.

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I have been on levo for 17yrs and i still suffer with fatigue dry skin hair loss joint pain, but all i ever get from my GP is that my test results are normal.... where to go from there.....

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Yes...testing was done. They started the dose at 50 mcg and did more tests a month later. They increased the dose to 175 mcg and he became very ill. They then reduced the dose back to 50 mcg (2 months ago). Recently he went back to have more tests and the dr upped the dose to 175 mcg again. My husband is now starting to have the same problems as he did last time. I would think that if this is not working for him that they would put him on something else. It's very frustrating.

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Rebecca, has his doctor done blood tests to check the levels of his Thyroid hormones?

Normally, the doctor will do the blood tests on a regular basis and adjust the medication accordingly.

Depending on the results, the medication may be raised or lowered, as needed to best help the patient.


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It all depends upon the Blood levels of T3. T4 and TSH ( tests to check the functioning of the thyroid gland) Dr may have found out on tests that thyroid was functioning very low and that can be cause of Muscles Pains, So the dosage was increased

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Is it normal for the dr to up the dosage of levothyroxin from 50 mcg to 175mcg? My husband is having alot of pain in his legs and shoulders and also alot of coughing. This is the second time the dr has done this.

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nativegirl29, yes, it is highly possible that you would go through an adjustment phase, any time you switch from one medication to a different one.

I'd recommend staying in close touch with your doctor, so you the medication can be adjusted, as needed.


Is there anything else I can help with?

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Does the body have to adjust to levothyroxine if you switched from armor feel like im losing it and on a rollercoaster, my dr said I was swinging back n forth dnt knw what that means but I feel hypo n hyper at times but my tsh has gone up to 8 since being off armor feel awful, please help!! :(

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I just picked up my prescription for the 50MCG pills with no problem from Walgreens and nothing was told to me of a recall.

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I can't find any updated recall information for it, but there was one reported on April 28th, for the 150mcg tablets, so it is possible that a problem was also found with this one and it was added under that same recall.

There has been an ongoing problem with Levothyroxine products, which has created the need for the recall and this problem has actually been occurring since the 1990's.

The problem is actually two-fold.

1) They have regularly found stability and potency problems with them, regardless of the manufacturer or dosage. Most of them did not retain their proper potency up to the listed expiration date, as they should.

2) There have been extreme dosage irregularities, even with tablets from the same manufacturer that were manufactured in the same lot. The FDA does allow some variation in the active ingredient for generic medications, but they regularly fall outside the allowable limits and to have such variations in the same lot is simply unacceptable, as the dosage should be consistent.

The reason for the recall that occurred on 04/28 has to do with the second problem that I stated. Ones that were manufactured by UDL did not pass the new testing for dosage potency that the FDA now requires on them.


Are there any other questions?

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