Levipil 500 Mg (Page 3)
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I am having shivering problem and doctor advised me to use Levipil 500mg. I am taking it once in a day in afternoon. Can I please know on which part of the body does it work?

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I am a patient suffering from Trigeminal Nueralgia identified since 2006, was getting along normal with Tegritol CR200 & Lioresal 10mg till last month. As a next step I underwent Nerve block with Glycerol injection a week back, did not work and pain remained. Doctor after several consultation and changes in medicines prescribed Levipil 500mg and I have started getting some relief. Is this medicine a stimulant to activate the injection given last week or is the pain relief is by means of this medicine itself? What are the side effects if it is going to be prescribed for a long period?

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Heena, not being able to breathe and turning blue is not a normal effect of any medication, while it's taking effect.

When you were at the hospital, what did they say caused it?

As to whether or not its epilepsy, no one is really going to be able to give you a definitive answer just from what you have posted on here.

However, what I would recommend is if you have had such problems with this medication and the tests didn't show any signs of anything, then see a different doctor ad get a second opinion.


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i am 16 years old. and i used to faint once or twice everyday for the past 2 weeks. after going to the doctor they asked me to take an EEG, MRI , CT scan etc... all the reports were normal and the doctor said i have seizures. he prescribes LEVIPIL 500 every night after dinner. after one dosage, the next night i started shaking tremdously, i couldnt breath and i turned blue .. this happened 3 times on the row. i was taken to a hospital they put me on drips and calmed me down.. the next day we went back to the same doctor who prescribed the drug n he said this is the after effect of the medicine and its taking effect. he also said i have epilepsy.. he has asked me to continue the tablet without fail for 2 years everyday... after 2 days i was fine n back to normal.. i dont know if i should continue the medicine or stop it.. i had my exams going on and my dad was not feeling well.. so im not sure if its due to tension or i really have epilepsy.. please help me out

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Levipil contains the active ingredient Levetiracetam, which is an anticonvulsant, used to treat seizures, this means it acts on the brain.

Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, hair loss and anxiety.

Learn more:


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