Levels For Pain Management
UpdatedI am perscribed percocet 7.5 3x a day I take them everyday like I am supposed to never a day went by that I haven't taken them and i have taken 4 in a day insted of 3 but never any less since I've been on them I was on percocet 10 mg 3 x a day a couple months ago and never had a problem with my levels well I went for my appt. this month and they told me that the last couple months (since being on the 7.5 mg ) my levels are too low said they were about 100 this confuses me because as I said I have never missed a dose I depend on this medication to have any quality of life my question is what is my level supposed to be and are there any contributing factors that could cause my levels to come back this way I have been having kidney problems recently kidney stones to be precise I also have a problem with my kidneys not sure what its called but I often have to take fluid pills other wise I would not be able to urinate but one time a day I'm really confused by these results and pretty upset anyone please help with this
3 Replies
If you take Lasix or other "fluid pills" that could dilute your urine so that your levels of Percocet may be lower then normal. If your doctor knows you take lasix (furosemide), or you show him a script for it, there shouldn't be a problem with your dilute urine.
I think Cathie is on the right track, here! The diuretics can dilute the urine, so it may not be as concentrated as expected. Thank you, Cathie!
Which diuretic do you take?
The kidney issue, since they likely don't process everything efficiently, if you have a problem with them, could also be a contributing factor.
If things have gotten worse with your kidneys and/or you've had to take more of the diuretics than usual, which would cause you to also up your fluid intake, that most likely explains the low levels right there.
I have never had a problem with a UDT at my pain management docs, but I drank 3 beers (bud light) the night before my drug panel, and oxycodone didn't come up. I know they know I take it. I have to take a UDS when I go back. This is a heads up to anyone who drinks at all!!!
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