Lee's Save The Baby. Where Can I Find It?
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The is in a clear bottle with a red screw on cap. The liquid is yellow in color It has oil in it that separates and goes to the top when bottle sits. To use run the bottle under warm water and shake to mix. Applythe warm liquid tothe child's chest and under nose to relieve symptoms of croupe. Instead of placing a drop under the nose you can also place it on a pillowcase or sheet.
Re: Pamjh (# 10)
?????? would give a lot for that. Glad you prize it!
Re: husq (# 19)
Oooh! That's an interesting question, I'll have to investigate!
Re: Leslie G (# 5)
Just from the smell, which I grew up loving, one of the ingredients was oil of oregano. Camphor as well, which can't be used internally.
Re: Mona (# 8)
I just ordered Vetrx. It has the same ingredients. Fingers crossed that it will be the same.
My Mom would heat it up on the stove in a pan of water and rub it on my chest when I had a cough or cold. I can't believe that people actually drank it. I am sure the camphor was bad when ingested but I don't understand why the FDA considers it harmful if used topically. I wish I could get it. They have it available in a form like Vicks Vapo Rub but it is nowhere near as strong.
Re: marybeth (# 3)
I would love to buy that product
Re: Leslie G (# 5)
I wish Save The Baby was still available. It was a Godsend when my 2 sons were little. It was so effective when I rubbed it on their chests to relieve congestion and quiet coughs. I never gave it to them orally. When warmed and given as drops in their ears, it helped with the frequent ear infections they both had. My mother in law was the one who told me about it.
Re: John W (# 11)
In the 1950s my mother did the same for me. I still get chills down my spine when I think about horrible taste. However, it was the only thing that would stop my cough.
Re: Leslie G (# 5)
alcohol, 8% (drug active ingredients)
Canada balsam (drug active ingredients)camphor (drug active ingredients)lard (drug active ingredients)oil origanum (drug active ingredients)oil rosemary (drug active ingredients)
Re: Linda (# 17)
Re: Terry (# 9)
That is how my mom used it and nothing else stopped the ear aches. I too wish it was still available.
Re: Mike (# 7)
WOW, and you even lived to tell about it!!! Amazing how things that actually worked are now "toxic" yet the rates for cancer and other deadly diseases have increased.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
It worked great when I was a kid my mother gave it to me A teaspoon of it and the relief was almost immediately.
It was made in Watervliet, NY
Re: Verwon (# 1)
They sell Camphor oil you could put drops on sugar just like the old days! Never killed any of us!!
Re: KrazeeG (# 14)
We did the same with it.
Re: Leslie G (# 5)
I just saw your comment. When my children were small (well over 40:years ago) SAVE THE BABY in the bottle was a main stay in our house. The “Vick’s type of reformulation was less than adequate. The Museum of American History has one bottle and box and under PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION states: alcohol 8%,Canada Balsam, Camphor, Lard, Oil Origanum, Oil Rosemary. There aforementioned are listed as “active” ingredients.
Re: Leslie G (# 5)
My children all used it too. Plus a couple of my grandchildren. I would love to have it again.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I remember my mother buying it for my niece around 1982 (she was about 6 months old) for horrible chest congestion. We had to ask the pharmacist for it and she was given one drop (maybe 2) in a spoonful of sugar. I’m pretty sure she only took one dose and her congestion completely cleared! Since then I’ve always wondered if Mary Poppins was singing about Save The Baby. Lol Someone posted on another site saying they were from Massachusetts and thought this might be a regional treatment so I’ll add that I’m in East Tennessee.
Re: Dave (# 20)
Yes mom used to rub on our chest. She would wash clothes keep them separated from other clothes. For if we came sick again wear them clothes the smell stayed with them. Worked great....
Re: Verwon (# 1)
My mother used this for years on her babies. And as one of her daughters I also had used this for all of my Six children and my grandchildren. It came in a bottle with a mother holding her baby. This was the best medicine that you could buy over the counter. You could take it internally too. It had Vicks in it an other medicines. And believe me it worked. I just wish they would bring this back on the shelves of the drug stores. There are babies out there that needs this medicine. I believe this would help anybody that has the viruses that are going around the world. So would you please put this back on the shelves. So we can fight this viruses. Thank You And Keep Safe
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