Leading Pharma Lorazepam Reviews (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I am really confused about everyone's posts concerning the leading brand Lorazepam. I have been taking the generic form of Lorazepam 2mg for 25 years. I've used every kind, from Watson to the current leading one. It appears that the sugary taste is the primary issue for everyone here.

The amount of negative reviews about this company is absurd. They are no different than any other generic Lorazepam; they work the same. The only difference in this pill is the inactive ingredient, which contains potassium, and that's why the pill tastes like sugar.

However, my point is, if you are a long-term user of benzos, you would have all ended up withdrawing and possibly seizing if the pill really didn't contain the main ingredient. The ER doctor would have been the first to report this pharmacy if your illness had anything to do with it. A negative review does nothing to persuade a discontinued manufacturer to bring back the generic form that any of us got comfortable with.

A Lorazepam is a Lorazepam, and the Leading Pharma Lorazepam is the same as any Lorazepam. It functions just like the rest.

112 Replies (6 Pages)

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No way, I took one today from Leading Pharma and am having some serious issues. Never have I felt like this on any other lorazepam. Never again!!!!! Total garbage

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Re: william (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

The FDA? REALLY? you think they care that much. It’s 80-120% match to brand name Ativan. Take it from someone who used this medication for 20+ years. I had my wife give me my pills in the morning and choose the leading brand or the left over Watson. Every day I say I feel like it’s not working it was always the Watson brand. So no placebo effect at all. I tried this for 3 weeks straight.

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Re: A1 (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Hi just wondering is the lorazepam 1 mg by leading have the the number 905/EP on front and then 1 on back? My pharmacist at Walmart told me they can't get Watson anymore.I agree Mylan was best.Why are all these companies stopping making the lorazepam.Never took this one before hope it is ok.

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For those who are taking a generic lorazepam like leading Pharma and it is working for you that is great but that does not seem to be the case for all of us. My recent generic lorazepam did not work— it was not any psycho somatic issue it was my body’s real reaction to that medicine. Perhaps some of the generics for whatever reason don’t work as well. I am not in research or have an MD but I do know my body and can tell when my medicine is or isn’t working and so can my family. My insurance company denied brand name until I try all other meds in the same class so now I have been on klonopin for a little over a week and get about 4 hours of sleep and my anxiety is greater. I have a follow up with my primary in a month so I will be following up on this.

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Re: Enrique (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

Amen you hit it on the nose. I am mad these drug companies get away with this .

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Re: Mozie (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

I just started new bottle and they seem to disolve before swallowed, others did not. Worries me.

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I do not agree. I took Qualitest for 5 years & it was great. No side effects & even my holistic doctor tested it on her diagnostic machine & was amazed that it balanced me out more than her natural products. Well, of course, they discontinued them (heartbroken) and was put on the Leading Pharma. They tested badly on her machine & she told me NOT to take them & threw the bottle across the room. I already was dependent on taking them & still do to this day, 7 years later. They do have side effects now, because they aren't working as well, but I did feel the difference in the quality next to the Qualitest, and they are not all created equal...sorry...

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Re: William (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

You can say whatever you want but I have personal experience with having SEVERE reactions to different generics. I was given the HI-Tech brand of Subutex and literally, instantly started sweating profusely, had heart palpitations, chest tightening, skin turning red and it turned into a panic attack. I had to call the emergency nurse who advised me to go to the ER. Thankfully it wore off and somehow I was able to exchange it for the Hikma generic and it was a completely different experience. I take the same dose, never take more then I’m supposed to. I was put on Fentanyl at a very young age then asked to switch and they put me on oxycontin. One of the companies switched ownership and their oxycontin literally put me into instant withdrawals. I got a different generic and totally fine. I got off the oxycontin voluntarily but experienced wild differences in generics. Same with lorazepam I couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t helping my panic attacks and I had to take more until I realized they had given me a different generic. There are too many people who have experienced this without even knowing they were given a different generic and experienced severe side effects or different effects for it to be made up. So keep repeating your same bs. There is absolutely a difference between some generics and it is extremely disruptive to patients and you should stop dismissing people.

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Sorry your not speaking for all benzo
Patients. Been on lorazepam 31 years and the difference between lorazepam makers is night and day. Tried leading once and they found their way into my garbage can. Just where they belong.
Just because they work for you doest mean they work for all

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I don't think there are any choices left. I was getting the Activis/Watson at Rite Aid, then it got switched to Leading. I asked if they could get the Activis/Watson instead and they said no. I called CVS and only Leading. Walgreens wouldn't tell me what generic they had without sending in my prescription. But since it is a controlled substance if you can' transfer it. Other pharmacies were like that too, unable to tell me what brand they carried without me sending the script in. They make it so hard. I need this for panic and anxiety, not recreation. Has anyone been able to get any other brand other than Leading in the last month?

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Re: Abomb (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

You are 100% totally correct these pharmacist and Pharmaceutical factories don't sample the drugs themselves so they don't know the effects on individual human beings. A generic is not a generic, is not a generic... they are all different!

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Re: Abomb (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I started out on Qualitest Lorazepams for about 7 or 8 years & felt no side effects. Loved them. Then of course, they went out of business/cried for 3 weeks. Took Mylan, liked it, they went out of business or the pharmacy couldn't get them. Then CVS who were giving me the Qualitest replaced them with Leading Pharma, I felt the difference right away. It took me months to sort of like them. I do feel side effects in my body from them though. (ruined my teeth) The Qualitest was manufactured in Alabama/U.S. and the Leading Pharma out of the country...Sigh...

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Oh honey, no.
Generic medication can vary in strength up to 20% from the name brand, stronger or weaker, batch to batch, and they’re still approved.
So one generic could be 20% stronger than name brand, and one 20% weaker than name brand, which would make a huge difference between the two.
I hope this helps!

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Re: FM39 (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

My lorazepam were switched to Watson from Leading last year. Recently they’ve changed and don’t work (again). They’re a lot more puck shaped and don’t dissolve like they used to. Still have Watson imprint but I’m back to square one.

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Re: Joe11 (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

Aurobindo may be the worst of them all.

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Which manufacturer of Lorazepam is the best? Is Teva better than Leading?

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Re: Bjn (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

My Ativan disinigrated to sand and the pharmacy said it was ok to use. I ended up so sick, vomiting and nosebleeds

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Re: Elizabeth (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

We know our bodies better than anyone. Lorazepam worked for me until they switched to Leading. Tell your pharmacist you are having a bad reaction and request a different generic if possible. Next, ask around at different pharmacies for generics they carry. I’ve had to jump through hoops to stay away from Leading. Hope you can figure it out. Anxiety used to destroy my life.

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Re: Bn85 (# 64) Expand Referenced Message

I tried telling my pharmacist that the leading pharma was lousy, and he said "I was the only customer who complained about them." Which I know is not true. He was not cooperative. Most pharmacies only carry them, because most of the good companies don't anymore. I think that is, because Leading Pharma is cheaper & uses less active ingredients than the others. They make me feel lousy.

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Re: Bn85 (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

Yea I've just started taking leading pharma lorazepam and I don't believe it works

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