Leading Pharma Lorazepam Reviews (Page 5)


I am really confused about everyone's posts concerning the leading brand Lorazepam. I have been taking the generic form of Lorazepam 2mg for 25 years. I've used every kind, from Watson to the current leading one. It appears that the sugary taste is the primary issue for everyone here.

The amount of negative reviews about this company is absurd. They are no different than any other generic Lorazepam; they work the same. The only difference in this pill is the inactive ingredient, which contains potassium, and that's why the pill tastes like sugar.

However, my point is, if you are a long-term user of benzos, you would have all ended up withdrawing and possibly seizing if the pill really didn't contain the main ingredient. The ER doctor would have been the first to report this pharmacy if your illness had anything to do with it. A negative review does nothing to persuade a discontinued manufacturer to bring back the generic form that any of us got comfortable with.

A Lorazepam is a Lorazepam, and the Leading Pharma Lorazepam is the same as any Lorazepam. It functions just like the rest.

107 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Krissy (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

Where I live (NJ) there appears to be only two options....Leading and Teva.... i prefer Teva if for no other reason, it takes up less space in a pill dispenser. I'd say their effectiveness is about the same for me...but everyone is different. My favorite was the pre-2013 Watson.

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Re: william (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Where do you get your info from???

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Re: william (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

That's a bunch of bulls***.

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Re: Donna (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Same here. IDK it's kinda weird and I don't think it works to it's supposed full potential

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Re: Bn85 (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

Yea I've just started taking leading pharma lorazepam and I don't believe it works

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Re: Cody (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

Leading pharma is trash. And I have no choice

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Re: Jennifer jenn (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

It's leading pharma. And THEY DO NOT WORK

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Re: Gnomemac28 (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

I guarantee you if you don't believe any anxiety meds won't work, they won't. The problem with some generics being more or less effective than others is the fillers and binders....the active ingredient is there but the fillers/bindrs prohibit it from being as effective in some generics than others....and everyone is different.....then throw into the mix generics are tweaked from time to time......when I first tried Leading I found it a bit less effective than Watson pre 2013. After Watson was bought out by Actavis the formula (not the molds (Actavis kept Watsons molds so it still read "Watson post 2013) was was altered in that the binders changed because 'fake' Watson was not as effective for me....and Leading surprisingly was. Then Teva bought the Actavis generic brand and changed the molds and my guess is the fillers because Teva was as good (for me) as Watson ever was....then Teva changed for the worse (for me)....I was told by a pharmacist and I believe someone here that Teva outsourced the lorazepam to the Czech Republic ....and (for me) it was no longer as effective......until Spring of 2023 when I couldn't get Leading and wound up with Teva...it was quite good again.....on par with the latest Leading. If available shop around and make sure whatever brand generic you can get is the latest.

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They have the opposite effect on me. Actually gave me energy and made me more agitated and all that... My doctor is gonna give me Valium now.

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Re: Moni (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Yessss, that's how I felt.

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Re: Richard H (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

Made my anxiety worse. They're not for everyone. I'm going on Valium next.

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Re: Gnomemac28 (# 89) Expand Referenced Message

I was on Valium (10 mg 4x day) from 1967-1983... for me - it was one of the more effective anti-anxiety drugs....but keep in mind you have to give it a chance. It's slower acting but remains in your system longer, unlike Lorazepam. Only reason I went off it was that my psychiatrist didn't want his anxiety patients on addictive meds...so he showed me this pamphlet put out by Wyeth advertising their faster acting "non-addicting drug" for anxiety: Ativan. Well...we know how that turned out. Good luck....Valium is an older but excellent anti-anxiety med.

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Re: William (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

You can say whatever you want but I have personal experience with having SEVERE reactions to different generics. I was given the HI-Tech brand of Subutex and literally, instantly started sweating profusely, had heart palpitations, chest tightening, skin turning red and it turned into a panic attack. I had to call the emergency nurse who advised me to go to the ER. Thankfully it wore off and somehow I was able to exchange it for the Hikma generic and it was a completely different experience. I take the same dose, never take more then I’m supposed to. I was put on Fentanyl at a very young age then asked to switch and they put me on oxycontin. One of the companies switched ownership and their oxycontin literally put me into instant withdrawals. I got a different generic and totally fine. I got off the oxycontin voluntarily but experienced wild differences in generics. Same with lorazepam I couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t helping my panic attacks and I had to take more until I realized they had given me a different generic. There are too many people who have experienced this without even knowing they were given a different generic and experienced severe side effects or different effects for it to be made up. So keep repeating your same bs. There is absolutely a difference between some generics and it is extremely disruptive to patients and you should stop dismissing people.

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Re: Richard H (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

How did you find giving up 40mg a day? And how?

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Re: Chinaman (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

My doc showed me a pamphlet put out by Wyeth about ativan. Doc was about to retire and didn't want his patients on 'addictive' medication.....in the pamphlet Wyeth was pushing Ativan as the better 'non-addictive' benzodiazepine.....yes, they lied. So I've been stuck on 6mg a day taking lorazepam ever since 1983. Even so, it was a little tough making the switch, it took about three months but granted my stress was elevated during that time as my Dad was dying.

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Re: Richard H (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

Everybody reacts to every single drug ever made differently. Not two people are the same one pill can work for me but may not another. Even generics we all know what their tryna do. And don't even deny it

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Re: No (# 96) Expand Referenced Message

Deny what? I've been saying the same thing for years!

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No way, I took one today from Leading Pharma and am having some serious issues. Never have I felt like this on any other lorazepam. Never again!!!!! Total garbage

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Sorry your not speaking for all benzo
Patients. Been on lorazepam 31 years and the difference between lorazepam makers is night and day. Tried leading once and they found their way into my garbage can. Just where they belong.
Just because they work for you doest mean they work for all

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Re: Joe (# 99) Expand Referenced Message

Since you understand the “night and day” of manufacturers products could you please share who makes an effective Lorazepam? Thank you.

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