Leading Pharma Lorazepam Reviews (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I am really confused about everyone's posts concerning the leading brand Lorazepam. I have been taking the generic form of Lorazepam 2mg for 25 years. I've used every kind, from Watson to the current leading one. It appears that the sugary taste is the primary issue for everyone here.

The amount of negative reviews about this company is absurd. They are no different than any other generic Lorazepam; they work the same. The only difference in this pill is the inactive ingredient, which contains potassium, and that's why the pill tastes like sugar.

However, my point is, if you are a long-term user of benzos, you would have all ended up withdrawing and possibly seizing if the pill really didn't contain the main ingredient. The ER doctor would have been the first to report this pharmacy if your illness had anything to do with it. A negative review does nothing to persuade a discontinued manufacturer to bring back the generic form that any of us got comfortable with.

A Lorazepam is a Lorazepam, and the Leading Pharma Lorazepam is the same as any Lorazepam. It functions just like the rest.

111 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Cody (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

Leading pharma is trash. And I have no choice

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Re: Gnomemac28 (# 89) Expand Referenced Message

I was on Valium (10 mg 4x day) from 1967-1983... for me - it was one of the more effective anti-anxiety drugs....but keep in mind you have to give it a chance. It's slower acting but remains in your system longer, unlike Lorazepam. Only reason I went off it was that my psychiatrist didn't want his anxiety patients on addictive meds...so he showed me this pamphlet put out by Wyeth advertising their faster acting "non-addicting drug" for anxiety: Ativan. Well...we know how that turned out. Good luck....Valium is an older but excellent anti-anxiety med.

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Re: Joe (# 99) Expand Referenced Message

Since you understand the “night and day” of manufacturers products could you please share who makes an effective Lorazepam? Thank you.

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Actavis, Watson are all GARBAGE!! I been on Benzos long term for 22 years. I have tried all generic lorazepams. They do not all work the same not in the least! Leading is the best one out since the loss of Mylan ( which was amazing by the way)

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Ehh can’t agree. I’ve been using for 23 years. I have been on every generic. Mylan was by far the best ever. Second is leading. The rest are garbage

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Re: Cleverwabbit (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Hi! Yep, I’ve had problems with the generics as well- leading pharma, Watson etc. Mylan was the best. It came down to me having to get a script made by compounding pharmacy due to allergies in the fillers from the lorazepam pills depending on the company- then I just started asking if they had it in a liquid oral suspension and they did! This isn’t as convenient as it must stay refrigerated and you use an eye dropper to count the “drops”. I finally figured out that 7 drops equals.5mg. I put it in 2-4oz of water or juice. Hope this helps.

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Re: Jmb70 (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

As an update to April post, Because the insurance company is making me try all other anxiety meds in the class (there are 5) I tried klonopin for a month— did not seem to touch the anxiety, took hours after I took the pills to fall asleep and then got 4 hours ever night, almost like clockwork. The pro was I did not feel super exhausted in the morning. Now I am trying Valium which is way worse. I take 2 pills and It does help me sleep on some days but other days I am up all night. It doesn’t ask to touch the anxiety and makes me exhausted all day long I even found myself nodding off at my desk. I see my doctor again next week and I guess I will see which one we are trying next all in the name of going back to the original lorazepam (not generic) that worked the best to begin with until they started with all the different generic manufacturers. I have also met with holistic doctors which are not covered by insurance and he did not have decent alternatives either. Please continue to post if you find things that work. There are so many of us who struggle with such significant anxiety.

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Re: Briards (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I was lucky enough to get the brand name through my insurance. Ativan, not Lorazepam. I thought, it would be amazing, and much better, but it wasn't. I was SO disappointed, because I started out on the name brand years ago before they raised the prices to be insane. It wasn't worth taking the brand for the amount of money it costs now. I was surprised...

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Re: Jmb70 (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

I finally made it back to brand name lorazepam (Ativan) and have been sleeping great. Sorry but for me the genetics were obviously the issue and I encourage anyone whose meds aren’t working anymore to consult with their doctor. My doctor worked with me and my insurance company to get me back to the one that had worked the best for so many years I could not be happier. Best of luck to everyone.

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Re: Judi Weislo (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

Have you checked what your manufacturing options are for generic lorazepam? I would think brand name would work great but everything works different for everyone. I stick to the circle white Watson ones and haven’t had problems. Leading brand didn’t help me at all. I took more than normal to no effect.

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Re: Jmb70 (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I used to work in pharmacy and believe patients when they tell me their meds didn’t work. I was given Leading brand by my personal pharmacy. They were completely ineffective, even after taking more. Most places will order a different generic if you tell them your current one is giving you bad side effects. Hope you can figure it out, I’ve been there.

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Re: Optimistic (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

i can understand the generic being weaker but see no reason to make it stronger, it just cost more, if you go back about 8 years, sandoz bought the medication i was taking from activus, the 1st pill said it all, absolutely no effect, there was no way that this could have met the standard of 80% either way, i know because they later changed the formula, which didnt work then they shut down the process all together, my understanding from others is no one is buying this garbage, my issue is that i am sure these drug companies are not any where close to meeting any standard and they believe people will double up

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Re: jmb70 (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

What ended up working for you? I just discovered Watson was bought by Teva and I have taken Watson with no problem for years. I called Teva & they said all inactive/active ingredients were the same as Watson. Only appearance changes. What has been your experience recently?

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Leading is the closest to Mylan at this point. I never tried teva. Watson was pure garbage as is actavis.

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Re: FM39 (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

For what it's worth - Watson was bought by Actavis back in 2014 and Activis bought the molds too...that's why it still said "watson" on the pills. Last year Teva bought out Actavis but uses new molds, new design but claim the ingredients are the same...just as Actavis did.

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Re: Enrique (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

Watson hasn't been 'Watson' since about 2013 when it was bought lock, stock and molds by Actavis....Actavis continued to use the molds-thats why Activis read "Watson" on the 2mg tablets (which I take, I cannot speak for other dosages). Then last year, Teva bought the ''Watson"/Actavis lorazepam, used hew molds that has their own markings.

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Yes, my brand was Watson for years. And the others generic do not work!!! And now on clonazpine . And hate all the side effects!!

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No they are not the same geneics out there Watson 2ng never had withdrawal or side effects. Now on clonopin and it's the worst ?? I'm getting off it.

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Re: FM39 (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

Nothing, I tried klonopin and it sucks. Bad side effects getting off asap. I will pray my generic prestige works by itself!!

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Re: FM39 (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

I’m in Minnesota. After struggling with these new “Watson” white pucks, I called a different pharmacy that carries Actavis and switched. I’d say they’re much better than Leading or Watson/Teva, whoever is making these worthless white pucks. Maybe half as good as the ones I used to get from Watson years ago. Still, better than Leading.

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