Klonotin? You Mean Klonopin??
UpdatedYou mean KlonoPin. Klonopin is a benzodiazapine used for seizure control and panic attaks. It is frquently prescibed for severe anxiety due to a very long half life as opposed to Xanax and Valium. It is also the strongest benzodiazapine mg for mg. Hope this helps!!
2 Replies
Klonopin is the brand name, the active ingredient is actually Clonazepam.
Learn more Klonopin details here.
It's most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders, it isn't as good at treating seizures, though it may be used if someone is resistant to other medications.
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I really liked the Teva generic of Klonopin but hard to find now. Wish I could get off it. Works but don't want to take it. Takes months th taper off. I am also trying to find what all the ingredients are in the generic I am taking. Who knows what these generic drugs have in them. There have been recalls from generics from India in the past. Maybe I will see if I can get the brand name Clonazepam next time I refill my prescription. Just don't trust generis. Bactraban worked but muciropin does not and Bactraban and Bactraban Nasal are not being manufactured at this time. I called the manufacture and was told this. What are we supposed to put in our noses if we get a bacterial infection. Our choices are getting more and more limited. Not good! Bactraban needs to be available again. Not generic but the real thing and the original. And Bactraban nasal is so important since ie ointment can burn the inside of your nose and has all kind of bad stuff in it and it clearly says for external use only but anytime a person gets staph or mrsa they get Muciparin ointment. Just not right. In my opinion not good stuff to put in your nose.
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