Klonopin With Suboxone For Hydrocodone Dependence
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Hello I just found this forum, and first I want to say I have taken Klonopin 1 mg a day for 20 years for my anxiety disorder. 9 years ago after a c-section I became dependent on Hydrocodone. Recently I have tapered down to only 1 to 2 a day and have been trying so hard to quit. Anyways, I was rx'ed some 5mg Suboxone pills. For a few days I have taken just a little of the pill, maybe 1mg of it gets me through the day, but after researching it I am worried.

I was going to go back to the doctor to see if they would give me those to stop the Hydrocodone dependence. But there is no way I could ever stop the Klonopin. I would rather be dependent on it than go through my monstrous panic attacks. Would these small doses be safe together? 1mg Klonopin and 1 (maybe 1.5) mg Suboxone? There is no way I could handle more of the Suboxone, as it makes me feel way too strange.

I don't take anything recreationally, just to feel normal. Any help is greatly appreciated. Maybe just stick with lowering my hydrocodone but I no longer have a prescription for them so I'm not sure. I've tried many times to stop and did it successfully one time - When I found out I was pregnant with twins! I tapered off and felt great! I was so proud ! Then another c-section delivery... I told them I didn't want any Lortab but I finally gave in became dependent again. That was five years ago but I'm done with all of this. But I'm also afraid of things I have read about hurting my brain with the dependence. Will it ever be right again??

21 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: Allison (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Lol 2,4,8,12. Not 6 not 5 lol. 2,4,8,12mg respectively

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Hun..stop reading that’s my #1 advice for you..do what you need to and have to do to keep yourself off the painkillers, the good old days of getting as many pain pills as u want and every doc prescribing them for everything are LONG over. Docs are scared to even write pain scripts..good luck getting that Norco but I’d suggest subutex - it’s a godsend, and I was addicted to Vicodin for about 4-5 yrs and my brain has been through hell, multiple overdoses, being put on ventilators more than once. Literally dying twice. And I’m doing good! Don’t scare yourself out of being sober off those stupid pills and living your life not being held back by being dope sick and pill seeking... you will love life again

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Re: Allison (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Same here. I’m on both and never ever have noticed any side effects that were bad or anything that happened that was dangerous or scary etc etc..it’s only if you take actual opioids in excess and a ton of benzos, then maybe this combo would hurt you. But at normal therapeutic doses from .25-4mg a day ( target max dose for adult humans is 20mg for seizure disorders etc..Klonopin is actually very weak. If just lasts a long as* time so idk I’ve been on all the benzos. Obvi like Xanax the best. But only recently have I started thinking this as usually my Klonopin dose is perfect for me but idk if I’ve been receiving it. Thinking the pharmacy or the fam are taking my stuff

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The film's come in 12mg 8mg 4mg and 2mg. Zubsolv mint flavored version of bupe comes in 11.2 and 8.6 or some weird numbers and promise theirs are stronger. Now there are many pill versions but most follow 2mg, 4mg, and 8mg. I wouldn't be surprised other companies having other mg. They just released a monthly shot that last all month called sublocade. I know it comes in 300mg and 100mg shots. I have yet but am looking to try it as the trial had great success.

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Re: Neil 7 (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

The film's come in 12mg 8mg 4mg and 2mg. Zubsolv mint flavored version of bupe comes in 11.2 and 8.6 or some weird numbers and promise theirs are stronger. Now there are many pill versions but most follow 2mg, 4mg, and 8mg. I wouldn't be surprised other companies having other mg. They just released a monthly shot that last all month called sublocade. I know it comes in 300mg and 100mg shots. I have yet but am looking to try it as the trial had great success.

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Re: Allison (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

No, I live on the East coast. My sub/primary care is making me see someone in the Psych field. My primary care never feels comfortable writing out those meds, saying I am too complicated, but the psych doctors just give me too many drugs, that if I would take them as prescribed, I would be asleep 24/7.

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You're doing great. Don't worry so much about the Klonopin dose, it's very light. This is what I do all day, this works. Try to get clear of what your ultimate goal is and focus on that. All this takes time. Tapering too fast is a set up for failure. You will do this. Reach out to me anytime. {edited for privacy}. Much peace to you.

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Suboxone works well. It's still addictive and becomes a crutch for opiates. Suboxone is the number 1 abused drug used and sold in US prison systems. That tells you a little bit about suboxone.

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Re: Neil 7 (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Correction they only come in 2, 4 and 8 in Louisiana

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Re: Neil 7 (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

No they come in 2, 6 and 8. I heard they are supposed to be making a 12 also but could be a rumor.

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Re: Allison (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

The orange films only come in 8mg strips.

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Re: Don (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Wow! What a testimony. I give you great credit for detoxing and STAYING off those meds. Congratulations!

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Have been on both Meds for some time without any problems. I would calm down around it. Your on such a low dose of both, your fine. You only get in some respiratory problems if you mix them together at much higher levels
Much Peace, and live your life. Dont make this the whole focus.

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Nite and 10 mac is what I take. I go to a pain clinic. I was presently on hydrocodone 10mg 6 x daily and this is what she put me on: Nite and 10 mac. She's an anesthesiologist and all she wants to do is poke me but she won't increase this.

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I was on hydrocodone, oxycontin, ms morphine, xanax & ritalin for 25 years. After the US. Medical group did the opiate crackdown in 2016 I had to detox like everyone else. It took only 45 days for the taper off of all medicines i was on. It took 14 months for my body to readjust to normal thinking and pain receptors. I was on 280mg of opiates per day. You're on a small dose of hydrocodone at just 2 pills a day. Do yourself a favor and just taper off the hydrocodone over 3 weeks.

Take a 3/4 dose for a week
Then 1/2 dose for a week
Then 1/4 dose for a week

4th week - try not to think about it... It's tough and minor pain may be felt, but it's worth it.

The suboxone is an addictive medicine used as a substitute for opiates. If you take that you will become dependant on that. I never thought all my pain was caused by a serious injury i had. Until i detoxed and realized much pain was caused by opiate dependency. If i never detoxed i would've never believed a day without a pill could be possible. Now i am on the honour roll using opiates with my doctor. I just take a random opiate 2 or 3 xs a week if needed. A tiny mg is all i need. Remember, painkillers are not to stop pain, just make life liveable at times.

Don't be dependant on suboxone or hydrocodone. Or any opiate. You will experience pain once off perhaps for a short time. I had minor tolerable pain. I'm just not looking for the opiate bottle anymore. Good luck.

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Re: Curious guy (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

No she’s taking the Suboxone tab. it’s not the film. I’m not too familiar with those with milligrams and all.

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Re: Me (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Are you in the New Orleans area? Because I have a psychiatrist that prescribes my Klonopin and my Suboxone doctor that prescribes the Suboxone and they both know about each other.

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Hi, I was taking pain meds for years and I needed to stop. I started taking Methadone and it worked amazingly. No withdrawals from not taking pain meds. I couldn’t believe the withdrawals were gone after taking one dose. Methadone doesn’t give you euphoria either. I know the feeling we all feel after taking pain meds. Methadone does not give you that feeling at all.

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I also take Suboxone 3mg every day or so, and 1mg klonopin x3. It is all up to the pain management doctor you see. Mine, who I made my primary, wants me to see a Psychiatrist or Pschologist who will from now on write my Rx.

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I have been taking klonopin and Suboxone for over year now. I’m on 8 mg of Suboxone the strips and 1 mg of klonopin twice a day. I have had no problems with the combination at all. Some Suboxone doctors will not prescribe benzos with Suboxone but I was already on Klonopin before I got on Suboxone and my Suboxone doctor has no problem with it.

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