Klonopin With Suboxone For Hydrocodone Dependence (Page 2)
UpdatedHello I just found this forum, and first I want to say I have taken Klonopin 1 mg a day for 20 years for my anxiety disorder. 9 years ago after a c-section I became dependent on Hydrocodone. Recently I have tapered down to only 1 to 2 a day and have been trying so hard to quit. Anyways, I was rx'ed some 5mg Suboxone pills. For a few days I have taken just a little of the pill, maybe 1mg of it gets me through the day, but after researching it I am worried.
I was going to go back to the doctor to see if they would give me those to stop the Hydrocodone dependence. But there is no way I could ever stop the Klonopin. I would rather be dependent on it than go through my monstrous panic attacks. Would these small doses be safe together? 1mg Klonopin and 1 (maybe 1.5) mg Suboxone? There is no way I could handle more of the Suboxone, as it makes me feel way too strange.
I don't take anything recreationally, just to feel normal. Any help is greatly appreciated. Maybe just stick with lowering my hydrocodone but I no longer have a prescription for them so I'm not sure. I've tried many times to stop and did it successfully one time - When I found out I was pregnant with twins! I tapered off and felt great! I was so proud ! Then another c-section delivery... I told them I didn't want any Lortab but I finally gave in became dependent again. That was five years ago but I'm done with all of this. But I'm also afraid of things I have read about hurting my brain with the dependence. Will it ever be right again??
Re: Allison (# 12)
Lol 2,4,8,12. Not 6 not 5 lol. 2,4,8,12mg respectively
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