Klonopin Brand Name (Page 5)
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I've been unable to find Klonopin (brand name) at any pharmacy. Although I've taken this medication for several years, this is the first time I've been unable to find it. I've been told the manufacturer (Roche) has it on backorder. Some say it's no longer available. I cannot take the generic as I get a serious migraine. Does anyone have any suggestions where I might get a Rx filled?

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Peg, I'm sorry things are so rough for you. You can get name brand Klonopin in NH.

It's also good if you can ween yourself off of them.That's if you can without letting your disease take over. Just make sure you do it safely.

There's no way I'll take my symptoms over meds. I used to hate being on any drugs to begin with but eventually I've learned that my quality of life was worth much more than my pride.

Hope everything gets better for you peg.

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Hi Mark they can keep all the meds I am weening myself off oc clonazapam.. As you may have noticed my typing is horrible .. I was taking Wellbutrin for 4 years and I kept complaining about my vision being blurred now I have to wear glasses and I also have dry eye syndrome and allergies I never had before so good luck with meds I rather have depression and panic then this bs

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Picked mine up today. Northwest suburbs of Chicago.

If the pharmacies say it's not available, get more aggressive with them and walk in there and tell them to call the wholesaler while you stand there. Find some official info on the internet to print out that proves klonopin is back in pharmacies to hand to them. They aren't going to get any in if they don't believe it's available.

Call every pharmacy in your area.. Or even out if area and if they have it in stick, request them to call your local pharmacy and send them the pills (ie cvs out of area to cvs local, not cvs to walgreens). Or just tell them to call and explain how they are able to get klonopin from wherever they get it.

Do whatever it takes! It's your right to get the drug you are prescribed to and need!

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Suppose to have it Tuesday. My pharmacist was able to order it. :-)

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I'm in Central PA. I got a call into my pharmacy just waiting on them now.

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I am in southeast as well. Hope everyone is able to get theirs this week.

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Carrie in NJ.. .it could be that not all suppliers have received it yet.. Did you contact other pharmacies in your area? You might be able to transfer the prescription if another one has it. Good luck!

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I just ordered mine yesterday from Costco... in No. VA

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This is interesting because I just called my CVS in New Jersey and I'm being told it's still on backorder. Then I called my mail order prescription carrier and they told me it's still out of production :(

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CVS just ordered brand for me in PA yesterday. should have today !!!!!!

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Mark in PA.. I'm in Ohio, just northeast of Cinti. Not that far from PA, actually.

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I'm in the Southeast. At least it's on the east coast. Hope you get yours soon.

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So I just talked to walgreens and they said they ordered klonopin it but it didn't come in their shipment, so they think that the wholesalers have a short supply of it and got it out to other pharmacies first who I guess were first in line for orders. Now I'm really irritated that the pharmacy tech forgot to order it last Thursday!

This might be what's happening to some of you who can't seem to get klonopin yet. Other pharmacies might have had long standing orders for it so they got shipped there first.

I'm really struggling today with neither brand nor generic so I just wanted to update in case any of you are struggling too.

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Hi Bonita and Usta. I'm glad to read that you both got name brand. Without going into any personal details are either one of you in a state close to me in Pa? Like, East Coast or Mid Atlantic?

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Vernon, Xanax would be too short acting for someone use to taking klonopin. Valium or Ativan would be a better choice, IMHO. Just thought I would let you know this if you didn't know the difference between them already. I believe the OP would have to take Xanax way too often to get the effect of klonopin or even a stronger mg. Anyone else know?

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I'm happy to hear everybody is getting their klonopin filled! The pharmacy tech forgot to order mine after all I went through with him and the pharmacist regarding this!! So irritated with him. At least I know it really was his fault and klonopin is actually available!

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I still cant get mine in Nh I am happy for you now that repubs have control hang on folks generics will be all you get especially for people like me with state health insurance I am screwed

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Pickup up my named brand this evening also. Thank the good Lord.

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Got Brand name Klonopin today at Krogers. Thank the Lord.

One thing different is that the 0.5 mg is now made in Mexico. The package insert dated Dec. 2013 stated the 0.5 mg was made in Switzerland, and the 1 and 2 mg were made in Mexico.

Hope everyone gets it soon.

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Picked up brand Klonopin tonight at my local CVS. Couldn't quite believe it. Finally! :-)

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