Klonopin Brand Name (Page 4)
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I've been unable to find Klonopin (brand name) at any pharmacy. Although I've taken this medication for several years, this is the first time I've been unable to find it. I've been told the manufacturer (Roche) has it on backorder. Some say it's no longer available. I cannot take the generic as I get a serious migraine. Does anyone have any suggestions where I might get a Rx filled?

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You may notice a difference in Brand name because apparently it is now made at a different plant. If you check the following site you will see that the 0.5 mg was made in Switzerland as of Dec. 2013: medlibrary.org/lib/rx/meds/klonopin

Now, the new brand name 0.5 mg is made in Mexico. It says so on the new bottles.

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I agree with sound4heaven. Like I mentioned before, the rx (formulary) sheet is available on Gentecs web page now. It wasn't when production was halted. It was revised over a year ago.

Even though Roche is not a American company, they have like 6-8 companies in the US that have to operate under federal law. I would be surprised if Roche would take a chance on losing the US market because they didn't update there formulary sheet for Klonopin if they did change anything.

If I remember correctly from July when I contacted Gen, they had to run a few more tests on a inactive ingredient for the FDA. Typical red tape from the government.

I noticed when I was on teva that it was a stronger sedative. Maybe people who take Klonopin to sleep would have better luck with teva. I'm don't take it for sleep and that's one of the reasons I didn't like teva. Plus it seemed to not last the whole 16-19 hour range like name brand Roche.

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My pharmacy included a copy of the latest ingredients in my named brand Klonopin, they are not allowed to give youn information that has changed.It would definitely have to be revised before they could include it in your rx. I remember back in 2011 my pharmacy couldn't get it after a fill in January. I waited until July before I finally got it and the formula was exactly the same. I've gotten mine filled and just ran out of old stock so I'll let you know if I can tell any difference. They've done this before, just because they stop production doesn't mean it's not the same. It's not NEW Klonopin, it's just accessible now whereas it was on backorder.

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Genetech pharmaceutical assured me the formula has not been changed and that it is exactly the same.

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After getting NEW Brand name "Klonopin" I will be switching on next scrip.
Mylan, was the worst.
Qualitest not so hot either tho Most people Do like it.
Family member gave me Teva and it was most satisfying in relief, though Not Old Klonopin in feel/sensation.
Tried a tiny amount of an Actavis a few weeks ago and it will be my next prescription try. It Had some feel, tho I didn't take enough to get full effect. (half of a half mg)

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Thats my point Bonita if its not the same why bother getting the brand name ? It cost more and does nothing so I have read.

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Mark in Pa...

I wasn't taking generics although I tried initially. After arguments with my doctor and insurance, did get a prescription for Ambien, but I could only get 10 as the insurance company controls it. Stopping the Ambien could be the issue. I'll continue with patience to see if I react to Klonopin as I did in the past.


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Hi Bonita. I picked up my name brand yesterday and took my dosage last night but I split it with generic.

I've been on Teva since July. Even though Teva is not as good as name brand I have been on it for going on five months. So I'm not stopping Teva cold.

I would think once your body cleaned Roche´s formula from itself you would need to ease back into Roche as you ease off of generic.

One drawback I had from Teva is that it was too much of a fast acting sedative and not a long lasting antidepressant like Roche.

Hopefully your symptoms will go away.

Good luck Bonita.

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That's my experience to Bonita.
New 'K' Doesn't come on as pleasingly/encompassingly as Old/Real Klonopin and doesn't last as long.
I too wake up after 3 hours.

May loo into a few more generics next month,

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Thanks Mark in Pa. Perhaps it's unique to me but I have trouble sleeping now. Hope this doesn't last too long.

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Want to thank each and everyone of you for posting, calling and etc.. I found out today that I will be able to get Klonopin at CVS in upstate NY. Thanks again.

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I guess it doesnt make a difference so why bother if its not the same glad I am just about off the genric I wont take anything like that again Generics made me sick so the brand name would do the same Pointless

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Gentechs formulary pdf for Klonopin has not been revised in over a year. So, let's hope they didn't change.

I don't think they can post a old rx pdf if they changed the formula.

When Klonopin wasn't in production I couldn't even find the rx sheet for Klonopin on their site. Now it's posted and it hasn't been revised since October 2013.

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Klon -- I agree the brand Klonopin that's on the market now isn't the same as the prior version. I only take it at night and I've been waking up about every 2-3 hours. Very disappointed. Maybe I'll adjust.

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Good News: I got Brand Name Klonopin last week.
Bad News: they are NOT the same as old ones.
It's like a New Generic.

I took my last 'Old Stock' Klonopin the night before the I got the new ones. (after 20 yrs of taking it)
NOT the same.
It's a New formulation IMO despite same look.

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2 questions:

Do any of you have insurance that covers brand Klonopin?

Do any of you buy it at Costco?

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At the pharmacy picking up my name brand Klonopin. :-) Good luck to anyone who hasn't got them yet.

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Hi Mark, I am not taking any clonazapam at all. I do not have Name brand as well still. Am I going bat s*** crazy? Yes I am. but it feels just like I did while taking the generic.

I do want to warn others about Welbutrin. All my stomach issues and my eye problems are from Welbutrin. not sure if I spelled that right. So I am thinking of starting a board about anti depressants. did the brand name Klonopin work the way it did before? The reason I ask is because if something was changed it may not be as good

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So happy for you Carrie. Hoping for the best.

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Update from NJ: My local CVS put in an order for it today!! But since their computer showed Klonopin in a yellow status (not sure what that means), my pharmacist ordered 4 vials in an attempt to get it shipped quickly. I'll update tomorrow on the status.

Thanks Bonita for your good wishes!!! Best wishes for everyone still waiting :)

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