Keppra Drug Information
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Can anyone tell me how to get off of Keppra? I am only on 250mg 2x daily and I want off.
7 Replies
I am taking 3 Levetiracetam (Keppra), before bedtime for nocturnal seizures. We are planning a trip to Italy & due to time zone changes, which is 6 hours, I would like to know the best time for me to take my meds? I live in Ohio.
Hi. I am taking oxycodone and got a seizure. Now I'm taking keppra 500 twice a day. My question is, would it be ok to have keppra while taking my pain medication without any seizures?
I don't believe the slow reduction in Keppra is a problem but the topomax is. I have used a number of antiseizure drugs in my years. I am presently on Keppra and have it down to 750 mg a day which works for me. just for the record many people on high dosages of keppra using 2000 plus mg per day experience many emotional problems.
Topomax causes anxiety which is directly related to adrenaline causing heart palpitations. It also causes you to perspire for no apparent reason but it is disrupting your body chemistry. These symptoms throw your entire body into disorder. I used topomax for three weeks and by the third week was up to the desired treatment level when the anxiety and other issues became impossible to live with.
I took the pills, threw them in the garbage and began using my old meds, depakote which was a problem drug. Depakote affects the endocrine system causing a problem with hormonal balance, one in particular that controls weight . Many people have reported very large weight gains from this drug. After using the drug for a few years it suddenly began to have negative effects, weight gain and depressed moods or as i was told loss of personality. The term living dead was fitting for what I represented.
There was no issue when I went cold turkey from topomax, just relief from a horrible drug. I had some heated argtuments with my doctor about depakote and weight gain but finally got him to write a script for keppra which was the least problematic of all these meds. These drugs were originally developed to control psychological problems but have doubled as antiiseizure drugs so we have to expect problems dealing with disruption of body chemistry.
I started off at 500 mg 2 times a day, then down to 500 mg a day, and now down to 250 mg..I seem to have some panic atacks. My heart beats fast, i get nauseaus and I have to lie down. Is this a side effect of tapering down?
I agree, I stopped cold turkey after only two days and thought my topamax would be enough I paid the price and was lucky to be alive....
Your best bet is to talk to your doctor so you can stop under medical supervision.
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