Klor-con 8 Meq Tablet
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I take 4 of these tablets per day as prescribed and my potassium level is still too far below normal. What could cause this. I have systemic diffuse scleroderma, complicated and quite serious so I can't eat a lot of the foods that might normally help. There must be some known mechanism that's stopping the absorption or conversion or whatever it is. Any feedback would be really helpful. Thanks.

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So if I am reading this correctly, I should not be taking Klor Con 8 meq tablet if I am also taking Spironolactone daily 50mgs?

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To add some more information, because I am sure there are others with similar issues….

If you aren't properly absorbing the potassium from these pills there are other solutions you can try, as long as it's okay with your doctor.

You can ingest more of certain foods that may help, since our bodies always do better with a natural source of nutrients than they do with artificial ones.

Along with the foods mentioned by Health Nut, some others include white beans, most dark leafy greens such as spinach, baked potatoes with skin, acorn squash, plain non-fat yogurt, fish, avocado, white mushrooms and bananas.

Some beverages that are high in potassium include dairy products, most fruit juices…especially natural orange juice and vegetable juices.

You could even blend your own from some of the items mentioned.

If that isn't working, then you may need to resort to medications that can help add potassium back, such as the potassium sparing diuretic Spironolactone, which your doctor can prescribe, if necessary.

You can learn more Spironolactone details here.

Are there any other questions or comments?

Is there anything I can help with?

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dried apricots, and sweet potatoes

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my body is not absorbing them. What else for replentishing potassium? Have already been hospitalized, for 1.9 pot.

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