I've Had 9 Hip Surgeries So My Leg Is So Weak. Doing Pt But Not Helping Much. Md Gave Me Oxandrolone 2.5 Mg, 2 Twice A Day. Expect What? (Top voted first)


I've had 9 hip surgeries so leg very weak. Doing physical therapy but little improvement. M.D. gave me oxandroline, 2.5 mg, 2 twice a day. I plan to heavy weight train. What can I expect and can I be fairly sure it's safe (I really like my liver as it is). Comments? Thanks

3 Replies

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Oxandrolone is used with a diet and exercise program to cause weight gain in patients who have lost too much weight due to surgery, injury, or long lasting infections, or who are very underweight for unknown reasons.

As far as the safety of this medication goes, I'll go ahead and list the potential side effects below:

difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
nervousness or unusual excitement
changes in sex drive or ability

Some side effects can be serious. The following symptoms are uncommon, but if you experience any of them or those listed in the IMPORTANT WARNING section, call your doctor immediately. Some of these side effects may never go away if they are not treated immediately:

swelling of the arms, hands, feet, ankles or lower legs
new or worsening acne
deepening of voice, increase in facial hair, baldness, and changes in genital structures in women
abnormal menstrual periods
enlarged penis or erections that come too often or do not go away
pain, swelling, or decreased size of testes
enlarged breasts
frequent, difficult, or painful urination
bone pain
slowed heartbeat
pain on your side (between your stomach and back)
extreme thirst
muscle twitches or weakness
tingling in arms or legs
weakness or heaviness in legs
changes in skin color

Oxandrolone may decrease fertility in men.

Oxandrolone may cause other side effects. Call your doctor if you have any unusual problems while taking this medication.

Based on this information and the fact that it is a "prescription drug", I honestly wouldn't tell anyone that this medication could be considered safe, as these drugs can effect everyone differently. From the looks of these potential side effects It is clear to me that it can effect a lot more than just your liver.

Have you discussed with your doctor the underlying reason(s) as to why it is difficult for you to gain weight with the foods you are currently eating? In my opinion it would be wise to see a registered dietician for this purpose as opposed to an MD. I think that approach would be a lot more natural and side effect free.

I hope this helps!

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I think you will like the effects of Oxandrolone. It is very easy on the liver and considered an anabolic steroid. Stick to the recommended dose and you will be in the clear. You should see an increase in strength and muscle density hardness after 3-4 weeks. You may actually never want to go off it once you see how great it is.

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