Itching Withdrawal From Cetirizine Or Zyrtec (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I want to know how many are suffering from withdrawal from this drug that causes itching all over the body. At the people's pharmacy there is an article about this very problem, yet Zyrtec doesn't list the information on their web site. This is my third attempt to get off of this med and I'm going crazy from the itching.

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I have been taking zyrtec and now the generic for over 10 years. I was just so glad I had found something that relieved me of the initial itching symptoms. My doctor prescribed this in the first place because I had moved to a dry climate and he said my histamines were out of whack. So after a year of itching - expensive lotions - oatmeal baths I was thankful that I had a discovery and resolution. I started out taking it once a week, now 10 years later I MUST take it everyday. I realize this is not going to sustain me for the rest of my life and that I will need to find a real solution. Once common thing I have noticed here is that everyone wants to wean off of it. I believe I need to also. However, I am not certain why everyone is trying to get off of it, if it helps control the first itchhing part. I do understand that you don't want to develop a dependency, but I am really afraid to wean off of it, because I have been so grateful for so many years. Someone tell me why I NEED/SHOULD stop taking it. I honestly don't think I can go a single day. I remember driving home over 10 years ago and I was itching so badly my foot slipped of the clutch and I almost had an accident. Another thing is why isn't there a class action lawsuit and can we start one. I had no idea I was putting myself in a worse postion by the continued use. My doctor even used to give my allegra by the bags. Wonder if allegra has is all the same like zyrtec. If not maybe I should go back to allegra???? I am so painfully confused and I don't know if I trust the doc's anymore. HELP PLEASE!!!

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Just a heads up to everybody still dealing with this - the previous comments are correct, it does get better.

My timeline was the following - the first 2 days the itchiness starts to ramp up; on days 3-9, it's quite unbearably itchy; on days 10-18, I was still very itchy, but there were signs that my symptoms were starting to abate. I would say by day 21, my symptoms are 85% gone. The key is surviving the 2 week period where you're constantly itchy and wondering if it gets better - it does in fact get better, so just hang on!

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I am Mark from the Philippines and I just wanna share how I beat my 2 years of chronic urticaria and my body's addiction to Zyrtec Cetirizine. I've suffered from this madness starting February of 2015 and literally felt that it was the worst 2 years of my life. I was always, itchy, dizzy, weak, had vision problems, gained a lot of weight, low libido level and very low focus on my task, It was weakest point in my life and I was literally desperate to gain back my life and my health. I tried everything from doctor visits, allergist, antibiotics, Probiotics, MultiVitamins, Vitamin D, herbs, change my diet, juicing, herbal medicines etc. and nothing really worked. I was about to surrender and succumb to taking the pill everyday and accept that I will be like this - living an almost lifeless life with wrecked health.

I accidentally ran into this website discussion about 2 months ago and it finally made sense to me that it could be the the pill that's doing this all to me. Upon this realization, I took action and totally stopped taking the pill no matter what. The first few days were hell and I was itchy all the time. I almost quit on day 3 and 4 but I never gave up. Until each day I realized that I kept on improving and the itching was less. In about 2 weeks time, I was totally itch free and I felt the surge of energy in my body coming back from being able to finish workouts to having my focus back.

It's been more than a month now and I am very happy to have my life back on track, I feel happier than ever, I am losing weight and I have my professional and social life back without any boundaries.

I am sharing with you guys what I took and did while totally quitting the cetirizine.

1. I was on a high quality organic bovine colostrum - for immune system and allergies twice a day for about the first 2 weeks.

2. Stopped all my refined sugar intake

3. Three liters of water a day

4. When I felt the unbearable itchiness, I take Apis Mellifica (Bee's stings) It's a natural quick relief for hives.

Basically that's it and never really changed my not so good diet.

I hope everyone gets well from this madness. We don't deserve to suffer like that especially from a pill that's being regulated by the government.

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Day 10 of my second attempt at cetrizine withdrawal, cold turkey. Took it daily for the last eight years for year round allergies. It just stopped working. Prior to that, was losing feeling in my limbs and experiencing constant brain fog which accentuated low grade, diagnosed, depression.

Things that have helped over the last few days: Sarna anti-itch lotion (fragrance free, not greasy, fast absorbing), quercitin and stinging nettle supplement, vitamin C, lots of water with lemon juice (to cleanse the liver), copious amounts of swearing interspersed with short bouts of feeling sorry for myself, reading this board for support and awareness, and peppermint tea.

Today, I decided to tackle it from a nerve damage / nerve repair angle. After doing some research on neuropathy, antihistamine effects on nerve receptors, etc., discovered that numbness, then tingling, and then burning pain are signs that the nerve is healing and returning normal sensations. Vitamin B12 was a recommended supplement so I tried it and felt immediate relief, hives were less painful and hot and the 'itching' sensation of nerves trying to regenerate was reduced by 85% in pain and duration - it's been seven hours since I took the vitamin. Wasn't worried about taking too much vitamin B12 because it is water soluble so any excess is excreted in urine.

For those of you going through withdrawal, don't give up - look how far you've come. This stuff is pure poison, your body deserves better. Wishing you all the very best and hopes for a full, not speedy, recovery.

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Thank God for this post! Like others, I thought something was really wrong with me. I never thought Zyrtec was the cause of my itching and red hives until now. This is crazy!! I'm going to follow the advice about taking half a pill to try weaning myself off this drug!

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Also, I plan to make a central blog site regarding this issue and post on all the other sites to direct their posts to mine.

That way we will have a central site to tackle this issue.

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ive come to belive that they put the iching in zyrtec to keep you on it so ypu can't just stop taking it its a big money making pill

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This is my theory on why it happens- typical H2 antihistamines do not prevent the release of histamine in our body, it simply prevents the receptors from causing a reaction to the histamine and prevents absorption of the histamine. But the histamine is still there flowing in our body, building up since the receptors did not absorb them and react. Once the medicine wears off, there is a massive influx of histamine that we react to all at once.

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I found this thread because I'm planning to quit my generic cetirizine as soon as allergy season is over where I am. I've tried to do it before but the horrible itching has always stopped me. Unfortunately, it's a function of how this type of drug (a competitive antagonist) works. Antihistamines bind to the histamine receptors on your cells and keep the histamines in your blood from binding to the receptors and starting an inflammatory response. This works great at first, but over time your body compensates by increasing the number of histamine receptors. That's why the drug may not be as good at controlling your allergy symptoms as it was at first (I suspect that it wasn't really meant to be taken long-term). When you quit cold turkey, you're letting the histamines your body produces flood the increased numbers of receptors and produce one heck of an inflammatory response, which causes all that hellacious itching.

The best thing you can do if you want to stop taking Zyrtec is to slowly wean yourself off over a period of weeks or months, depending on how long you've been using it. Supplement with topical anti-inflammatories and/or cold baths and compresses as needed, and avoid your allergens if possible. Taking other antihistamines may only prolong the process.

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An interesting observation now that I have hit the 6 month mark after slowly weaning myself off Zyrtec. While I was taking the medication, I would sometimes wheeze during exercise or at night, needing to use an albuterol inhaler at least twice a week. I simply thought I had developed asthma as an adult. However, a month after stopping Zyrtec, the wheezing simply disappeared. I have not used an inhaler in months. I think the medication was making my body super – sensitive to all allergens, and -- as the previous poster said-- it did not work as well after while. In any case, it is good to be free of the medication. The final symptoms of withdrawal, which were mild itching of my legs after showering and after taking off my clothes at night (relieved with a heating pad), have now completely gone away, and I can honestly say that I have not felt better in a long time.

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Wow! So happy I found this forum. Been on cetirizine (Reactine brand )10 mg for about 3-4 years. Stopped cold turkey 5 days ago approximately cause I became concerned it might be causing my weight gain, regardless of exercise cutting out desserts it was slowly creeping up.

I am experiencing the terrible itching for the 4th day all over even in my ears and on my head. I have to refrain from scratching too much as it leaves broken blood vessels under my skin.

I am so determined to stop that I don't care about the itching. I just want off this stuff.

Thank you to all who shared their experience online. Helps to know that you are not alone

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I followed the advice on post 577 - cold turkey. I'm 6 weeks Zyrtec-free and feeling so much better! I am a little itchy but so much better and it does not spread anymore.

The heat helped so much, which was a huge surprise! And when I had to work, the long sleeves helped too (I can keep my office a little cooler and wear long sleeves where I am). I took about 2g vitamin C powder (I used the one off of Amazon that that post referenced) every time the itching started to get bad and that really helped.

The itching was really really bad until 2.5 weeks were gone. Then it started to improve quickly. Hang in there! You can do it! Just try to remind yourself that you will make it, it all turns out okay in the end.

Added benefit of being Zyrtec-free - my mind no longer feels as foggy and I am sleeping so much better. I did not realize Zyrtec was causing this. So glad I am off this poison.

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This was very helpful. I figured it was withdrawals and am in day 4. They should put something on the medication that indicates you will have these symptoms when trying to get off Cetirizine (Zyrtec).

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Carol, try runing extremely hot water on the itchy places (if you can get to them) for about 5 minutes. The amino acid suppliment called L-Lysine. I take one 500 mg capsule per day for a few days and it really helped me. But I never had all this itching as bad as it looks like everyone else has had it. I only took Zyrtec for a week, which was a couple months ago. Now all I have are little pin prick itch spots. they are getting less and less by the day.

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Sorry, Ginger, but you sound like you are an employee or lawyer for McNeil, the makers of Zrytec!

If not, I'm sure someone from McNeil is monitoring these posts. It's a standard practice for big companies to do that and have employees and others supporter post comments.

I have not been able to find much about the generic brands causing the itching. 95% or more of the posts on the Internet are about Zrytec.

I contacted Williams Kherkher law firm and they sent me a nice letter stating, "I appreciate the confidence you have expressing in our firm but, for various reasons, the firm has decided o to represent you in a Pharmaceutical claim at this time".

They stated "The firm is not expressing any opinion on the merits of your potential claim." It went on to say, "You should not regain from seeking leg an assistance from another lawyer because of any interpretation you may place on the firm's decision not to go forward with this matter."

I'll keep pursuing it! Any help would be appreciated.


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@ Scotti
I am interested in filing a suit. Feel free to include me. I did take the store brand and I see no difference at all in the pain and suffering from coming off of this dangerous drug. I am now on Day 7 and hoping I am able to go to work tomorrow. I don't thing weaning down does much good. I only took half for months and still went through the same thing when I quit for good. Good luck to all of you.

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To answer your question as to why anyone would want to get off of it ... I have had to stop taking it twice now to prepare for allergy testing. Ironic, right? I figured out this Zyrtek withdrawal nightmare a few years ago, when my palms and fingers were so hot, red and swollen that I could barely bend my fingers. And the itching was UNBEARABLE! I'm in withdrawal again now, because I have allergy-testing again next week. I started the weaning a little earlier this time in the hopes it would help. I'm alternating Benadryl with Zyrtek for now. While the symptoms aren't as bad as when I went cold turkey, they are definitely still there. It's amazing how many people are talking about this now. When I researched this a few years ago, I couldn't find any postings about it!

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Hi C C C
I also took zyrtec for 3 to 4 years and stopped cold turkey 6.5 months ago. Like everyone else I would miss a few days here and there and the itching would start and I would quickly take a pill thinking it is my allergies getting worse. What is happening is the withdrawal from this horrible drug. Our bodies become so dependant and addicted that the allergy symptoms escalate. My experience since going off has been extreme itching, painful dry sinus pain, dry eyes, dry hair, also damaged hair and hair loss, ( hair loss is listed as a side effect) anxiety, joint and muscle pain. dizzy spells. I am still recovering. Please don't take any antihistamines unless you have no other choice. I went to the ER 5 days after going off and the Dr put me on steroids. I guess it helped. What I do now to feel better is Eat a very good Diet. I have learned that processed food, bad carbs, stuff like that caused inflammation and sets off the nerve endings and the itching increases to a great degree. I have read one post from a women saying it took her almost a year to fully recover. I wish all of you the best and stay strong. Your recovery will come. Good Luck

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I am 2 years out from ceasing my daily dose of this garbage. Virtually symptom-free, though I get hives when my skin is scraped or scratched sometimes. Take her advice folks, whatever you do DON'T SCRATCH. You will have iron-clad willpower after.

Ceterizine is clearly a drug that has withdrawal symptoms in some and it is not right that patients aren't told this.

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READ: ***HERE IS HELP for you to GET OFF ZYRTEC! my story....

I quit Zyrtec only a year ago after many unsuccessful attempts. I could skip a day of taking it, but like everyone else, at 48 hours without a Zyrtec the itching became unbearable, I never made it past 51 hours because the itching got so intense it made me feel like I was losing my mind. Zyrtec withdrawl ruled my life, and I was a slave to it for 5 years. I suffered from all of the nastiest withdrawl symptoms especially the scalp and hands feet itching were the worst. Last year I made it my new years resolution to get off it for good. I took two weeks off and this is what I learned which will help anyone, even those with the worst withdrawl side effects like mine were. I havent heard a story yet, after reading 100s online, trying to find out if anyone found a way to get off Zyrtec permanently. I also have multiple chemical sensitivities, and nearly every skin dermatological sensitivity possible. Sometimes I read other peoples stories to find answers, sometimes support, but many of the horrible stories made me cry, because I was suffering similarily and every withdrawl issue people have posted about, I had it too. First I purchased two bottles of ARNICA MONTANA a topical homeopathic for the skin. at 60 hours after quitting Zyrtec, I was already through both bottles, so I sent out for 7 more bottles, I applied it to all of my skin, I diluted it with several drops of water, to spread it over all of my skin to relieve the itching. IT WORKED. for the first 15 days i had flare ups, but it brought the intense itching down to a manageable level. I usually reapplied Arnica every two hours to all of my skin, but sometimes I would need a drop on my hands or feet or scalp. I did find that I could use a sauna or hot tub for about 20 minutes, but it parts of my skin became cool in a shower, it was instantaneous mega itch... and Im also saying I had to reapply Arnica to my entire body within 90 seconds or I would black out from the pain and intensity of the itching that followed. I have long blonde hair, and the scalp itch was tricky, I used my fingers to make rows in my wet hair, applied Arnica to my fingers and them massaged it into my scalp as fast as I could. Wet skin was much easier to apply to than dry, and dry can get sticky if you put too much, which, as you could imagine would cause...yes, more itching, however, easily rectified my a wet wash cloth, and the a thinner coat of Arnica. Sometimes I would have to apply it ever couple minutes to a specific itch, but that usually didnt go on for more than an hour. With using Arnica, the key is keeping all skin coated, but not thick, and with it, there was several minutes of warning that the itch was coming back, so there was plenty of time to thwart it before it got out of control. After a thin coating, i used it to spot treat any itch and after every time I washed my hands, I just reapplied it to my hands. I soaked in a hot salt bath every other day, and then followed my protocols. It was scary because for four days the itch got worse and stayed that way until day 11. Everything was resolved by day 16, and I haven't had to use Arnica/Zyrtec or any other antihistamine since then. Cold Turkey is the only way to go, and dont substitute with Benadryl, Sudafed, Tylenol PM or any other Antihistamine containing drug if you plan on getting off of it. Zyrtec withdrawl made quitting smoking look like a day on the beach and I quit smoking cigarettes three years before I was able to quit Zyrtec. My gift to the world is my story, please share with others the topical Arnica Montana gel to help relieve the itching so we can all get off this terrible drug.

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