Itching Withdrawal From Cetirizine Or Zyrtec (Page 35)
UpdatedI want to know how many are suffering from withdrawal from this drug that causes itching all over the body. At the people's pharmacy there is an article about this very problem, yet Zyrtec doesn't list the information on their web site. This is my third attempt to get off of this med and I'm going crazy from the itching.
Re: EC (# 678)
Despite the Cetirizine I had been on for a few years, the nostrils had begun to be sore and bloody again. Then I heard my Doc say people have to take these antihistamine meds for the rest of their life! Red rag to a bull. I did not like the way I felt at night when I woke. Mouth more and more dry, and a feeling of dehydration, difficult to scribe. Having scoliosis with global pinching, there is a lot of pain with aging, and other meds I need to take because of that. Diclofenac gel, paracetamol. The fewer meds I took on top of that the better. I stopped there and then. Had a few very bad night's sleep. I used my home made face cream that is all natural ingredients and has 5 essential oils. I put a tiny amount rubbed right round each nostril. Within two days the blood and soreness was gone. I do this at least twice a day. I found an online recipe from an ENT consultant for a nasal douche. Simply cooled boiled water, salt & bicarb. I use a pipette to apply one dose in each nostril with my head well back over the end of the bed so it runs well up in the sinuses. Spit the crap out as it comes down. Lovely clear feeling, and all with natural ingredients. Lasts a good time. No need for steroid sprays. I have some itching issues, but I have had that for years before taking the Cetirizine. We are all different, but hopefully this will help someone else.
Re: Joey (# 460)
I've considered contacting someone through here:
Zyrtec Withdrawal Lawyers
I'm currently experiencing the same symptoms of withdrawal while cutting cold turkey five days ago. I'm not giving up!
Re: Brenda (# 664)
Hi Brenda. That sounds like my situation too. When i found this thread i quit cold turkey which was just horrible horrible cos i could hardly sleep for almost a week from the crazy itching (esp those mosquito like prickly stings that pop up all over your body and you can't scratch and you don't know where they're going to appear next). When it was over though, i felt like I'd been given a new lease of life - no antihistamines, after 10 years of taking them! Unfortunately the hives did return, though the itch is much more controllable than was the zyrtec withdrawal.
I manage with natural remedies - turmeric, vitamin c, ginger, green tea (not too late, as it has some caffeine) and some people here have suggested hot water over the itch (as hot as you can stand, but don't scald yourself). Also in my case at least i figure it might be some gut imbalance so i take a good dose of yogurt to strengthen the gut bacteria...
Hope this is helpful for you!
Feeling grateful to have found this site and others like it. Reading about other people’s experiences has helped me when I’m having a bad night due to hives. Comforting somehow.
I started taking Reactine (citrizine) last November, due to a bout with hives. I’ve been getting hives every 5 years or so much of my life, usually triggered by a stressful event, like this time. I’d take Reactine for awhile, they’d go away and I’d stop taking it. No withdrawal.
This time, the Reactine stopped helping with the hives after a few months, so I decided to get off it. May have been causing heart palpitations, too. Hives got a lot worse, I realize I’m having withdrawal. I found this site and decided to taper off, based on the advice here. I’ve been cutting the dose in half every 2 weeks and am down to 1.25 mg per day. Going to go 1.25 every other day next, then off completely. Some days I barely have any hives, some days I’m covered. Prickly, hot lumpy hives, including angioedema on my face at times. Stomach pains here and there and anxiety in the evenings, too. Heart palpitations are getting better, though. (My heart is normal, I had it checked and wore a 24 hr holter monitor to confirm.)
To help get through this, again much thanks to advice here, I’m on a low histamine diet, taking Quercetin, omega 3s, vit C, vit B complex and histamine reducing probiotics (you need to research this, not all probiotic strains do this and some actually increase histamine). Mindfulness meditation helps me get to sleep and exercise outdoors helps, too.
Had a pretty bad night last night, but the day before I was nearly hive-free, so trying to remind myself that this will pass. I plan on remaining on my regime until after I am fully off the Reactine and feel like I’ve settled down again...really looking forward to that! I may take the probiotics longer term, there was some good research on how they help modulate the immune system.
This hasn’t been fun but I’m done with being on these meds. Good luck to all!
I thought I’d post an update. I’ve been totally off Reactine for 11 days, after 4.5 weeks of tapering off. I was down to 1.25 every other day, then worked up the courage to just quit.
After stopping totally, I had 5 days where my hives were 6-7 on a scale of 10 in the evenings and mornings, clear midday. But after that, they dropped to 3 or 4. Now maybe 2. Not very itchy and not so many of them. Sleeping well again. I’ve slowly stopped dreading nighttime. Still not myself yet, but getting there.
There are a lot of autoimmune problems in my family, I suspect that I am, like many here predisposed to inflammation. I’ve made a lot of changes to my life in the last 4 months and have accepted that I may need to keep many of them. I need to support my gut health, the more research I do, the more I realize that may be at the root of my problems. That means very little alcohol, no gluten, lots of fibre, lots of healthy food including fruit and veg, thinking seriously before I take pain meds or any other OTC again. It’s a commitment, one that means I have to forgo white wine and chocolate, two of my favs, probably most of the rest of my life. I’ve lost 7 pounds and a bloated looking tummy at the end of the day as well, so there’s that at least. Plus, I’m comfortable again and not filled with anxiety and pessimism.
This episode was like a tap on the shoulder, a reminder that if I don’t get my diet, lifestyle and stress management under control, something serious, like RA or lupus may be heading my way.
I would suggest that some of this is largely a lifestyle problem, something that many here may need to look at seriously in order to get past the withdrawal from antihistamines and to control allergy and immune problems in future. We can’t, as it turns out, eat whatever we want, and just medicate the results. At least not long term. Certainly not in my case, anyway.
I think there are answers out there for many of the people reading this, it’s a matter of taking the time to find them and the willingness to make changes.
To follow up my last post from a few months ago I discovered another aid in reducing the itching associated with the original condition that prompted people to take the antihistamine and/or the itching associated with trying to withdraw from antihistamines.
I will first mention something again from my last post so that people can be aware of it. The over the counter anti itch lotion called "Sarna" has been a life saver. Please try it. It may take up to 30 minutes to work but it has been perfectly effective.
Now on to the new discovery. I was having a situation where the Sarna was not reducing the horrible itching. I had the idea to apply a ziplock filled with ice to the itchy area for 10 to 20 minutes. It worked and I was itch free all night long. I couldn't believe it. So I am extremely happy to share that possible aid to you so you can try it. I had tried heat before which has been successful for some people but not for me. When using the ice I put a rag between the ziplock filled with ice and my shirt so the skin wouldn't get uncomfortably cold. So getting the skin somewhat cold was effective. I didn't need to get the skin super cold.
Take care.
Re: Jeff (# 686)
In addition to the other posts I have made I would like to share another itch reliever that works in extreme situations for me. The product is called, "Aspercreme with LIDOCAINE." This is available otc at many stores. You have to be sure to get the version that says, "with lidocaine" because that is the numbing agent. As you know Lidocaine is used most of the time in the medical community as an analgesic/numbing agent.
Be sure to read my post # 686 for other itch relief options, and also my post # 668. Post # 668 has some information on a potential original causes of itching problems and also information about potential supplements to help lower histamine levels to ease withdrawal from antihistamines.
You can also research the concept of "antihistamine rebound" to understand one possible reason why it may be difficult for people to withdraw from antihistamine use.
Thank you very much for considering this information. I am not a medical professional. Please always do your own research to determine the correct possible course for your specific physiology. Remember that what works for one person may not work for another. Also, it may take you some time to sort out the solution for your specific journey so hang in there and know that you are supported. Take care.
Just wanted to add my input and if there is anyone else out there that experienced this symptom I would love to know!!
Been taking Zyrtec every day for two years for seasonal allergies. Doctor told me to take year round I listened. Last fall I was away from home and had forgot to pack my Zyrtec. So I went one night without it. The next day I was itching like crazy and burning. It was horrible.
This summer, I decided to switch from Zyrtec to Claritin. I would like to stop all antihistamines all together. But I thought this was a good step as I remember what I went through last fall. I have had no itching switching from the Zyrtec to Claritin but I have had odd faintly numb and tingling in my legs feet and hands since switching. I have been so so worried as I can’t find anyone with that as a symptom. But I’m wondering if it actually is and the Claritin is preventing the horrible itch! I would so appreciate any input :)
EC (# 545) --
I'm thankful to have found this site. I read your story of weaning off Zyrtec. I've been weaning my 16yr old off loratadine for 5wks. He's down to 2ml of the liquid. He had no itching while weaning down to 2ml. But now he's been itching 30min to 1hr before his next scheduled dose. He's been on 2ml for 9 days. I'm scared to decrease his dose since he's itching on 2ml. He starts school mid August. My plan was to have him off the meds at the end of July so he'd have 2 weeks to withdrawal before school starts. But now I'm thinking he needs longer to wean off. As a parent, this is soooo hard to watch. I don't want him to be at school during the withdrawal period. But I also want him to be able to enjoy his summer & not endure ithing. If I don't wean him off this summer, my plan is to wean SUPER slowly & stop the meds right before Christmas break. That way he'll be home during the withdrawal. Based on all the testimonies you've read, do you think weaning him off over the next 6mo will make the withdrawal easier than if I weaned him this summer? I know everyone is different, I just wish I knew exactly what to do to make this as itch free as possible.
Re: LG (# 689)
You are doing everything right. Slow is the way to go. Consider going down to 1.9 ml for a week and adding 1,000 mg of vitamin c slow release (ester-C). Don’t worry about the timeline. The important thing is to slowly and successfully keep decreasing the dose.
Re: EC (# 690)
Thanks so much! Definitely helps having a support group!
LG (# 690) --
Wanted to give some encouragement to those trying to taper. Slow is definitely the way to go. Thanks EC for the advice!
Update- my 16yr old son has been on Claritin/Loratadine for 6yrs per doctor's instructions for asthma/allergies. He's been doing so great lately & hasn't had any asthma trouble for over a year or more. So I took him off Claritin. 5 days later he was itchy from scalp to toe & he broke out in the most severe, painful, itchy hives on his back (never had hives before in his life). I googled & found out ab antihistamine withdrawal/rebound. I read hundreds of stories of ppl going cold turkey & others using different tapering methods. I decided to start tapering & I also gave him vitamin C. I told him he may have some itching as he tapers & I gave him the option of staying on Claritin. He said he wanted to taper & get completely off this med!
At first the tapering was fast. He went from 10mg to 5mg. Then I switched to liquid & decreased his dose by 1ml per week. But then we got stuck on 2ml. He was having itching on this dose. I had been using one of those 10ml dosing spoons that looks like a test tube w a spoon at one end. But some of the meds were sticking to the sides & not coming out. So I switched to a syringe. That may have been why he was so itchy on 2ml bc every drop makes a difference.
EC suggested I start decreasing by 0.1ml per week. So far so good!! I googled the best way to taper off medication. One article said not to taper until you are symptom-free on your current dose. So I stopped giving him vitamin C. I wanted his body to adjust on its own & not need other supplements to remain itch-free. If he needs a vitamin C I'll definitely give it to him, but thankfully he hasn't needed one since we started tapering by 0.1ml.
He's down to 1.5ml & doing great. He's had an occasional itch every now & then, usually it's the day or 2 after I taper the dose. But the itch is soooo mild. He doesn't complain about it, I just noticed him scratching a couple times. The itch seems to only last 30min or so. One time I asked him if he wanted to put some Sarna cream or ice on it, but he said no that he was fine.
I'm sooooo ready for him to be off this med! But the slow taper is working for him. I'm praying that when he finally stops taking it, he won't break out in hives or have severe itching. But I know I can't worry about the future. We're just taking it one day at a time.
Here's the schedule we've used:
Week 1- 5mg (1/2 pill)
Week 2- 4ml (switched to liquid)
Week 3- 3ml
Week 4 & 5- 2ml (had some itching on this dose & I was afraid to taper too fast. Also switched to a syringe instead of the test tube-looking dosing spoon)
Week 6- 1.9ml
Week 7- 1.8ml
Week 8- 1.7ml
Week 9- 1.6ml
Week 10- 1.5ml
And that's where we're at today, using the slowest taper method in the world! Best wishes to everyone who is trying to get off of their meds. You CAN do it!! If you get too itchy, just slow down the taper. It takes some patience, but it'll be worth it!!
EC was my savior. In following his or her instructions regarding discontinuing Zyrtec, I was able to stop taking them and have finally, after many months of occasional itching battles, am virtually itch free!
Thank you so much EC, I'm forever indebted to you.
Re: Chet (# 693)
You are welcome!
A heads up on sporadic symptoms after successfully discontinuing Zyrtec. For about six to eight months after discontinuing the medication, I had itching only after hot showers or changing clothes after work. It was always short lived, but a reminder of the long term effect medications can have on the body. I thought it would be like that forever, and then gradually it just faded away. With it, my seasonal allergies almost disappeared also. For the occasional jog in the woods at the peak of pollen season I will use nasacort nasal spray and take a vitamin C prior, but that is about it.
Re: EC (# 694)
I agree from my experience, at this point. I use Nasacort also, occasionally due to nasal allergies, but that is it. Thanks so much for your helpful advice.
Re: EC (# 694)
So glad to hear your itching has finally faded away!!! This gives me hope that my son will be ok once he discontinues his antihistamine.
I am so happy to have found this forum! I have spent 2 months going from Dr. To Dr. Trying to determine the cause if my hives and itchiness. I was really starting to think I was going crazy!
I have been taking 1/2 a 10mg tablet every night for 5 years. I guess I will have to try a taper schedule and see if that helps reduce the itch. I stopped cold turkey in May and even now I am covered in hives and have intense itch so I think I can continue to fight through cold turkey.
My son has tapered down to 1ml per day of loratadine. Now his seasonal allergies have kicked in. His nose is always runny. Need something besides (or in addition to) Flonase to help seasonal allergies. He has asthma & the runny nose is making it worse. Over the past couple months, quercitin has helped his runny nose, but the next day he has some hives. Claritin/Loratadine has really messed up his body. Ready for him to be off this drug to see if his body can heal & not be on histamine overload.
Re: LG (# 698)
Try ester C vitamin C 1000 mg every morning plus Jarrow formulas NAC 600 mg daily. I get mine from Amazon.
Re: EC (# 699)
Thanks! Haven't heard of NAC. I started to research it & it looks like it can help lots of things.
So my son's down to 1.0mL daily. Most days he's itch free. But today at school he started itching. He said it lasted for over an hour. I had told him in the past to get an ice pack from the office. Ice helps the pain (he says the hives feel more like painful ant bites than an itch). But he didn't get the ice, he sat there & scratched til it went away. He couldn't concentrate in class & said it was a bad day.
I was so discouraged. Part of me wanted to stop tapering & put him back on a full dose so he wouldn't have to go through the withdrawal process anymore. It's torture for both of us. But I want to give him a chance to get off the meds & see what happens. I'm praying that he'll be itch free when this is over.
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