Is This A Fluoxetine Pill? (Page 2)
UpdatedA109 20 mg dark blue oval capsule
GOD I was going crazy with this heartburn! I will be switching back to the TEVA brand as soon as possible. Stupid blue pills.
I was always on brand name prozac through jr high and high school...then about 2001 my dr referred me to a counseling center and my dr there put me back on brand name prozac and it worked wonders. After couple years I decided to go off my meds and was doing great for a few years. When I fell back into a slump in 07 I asked my dr to go back on was made by Teva but it gave me awful migraines so I decided not to take it. I tried it again last Nov and the same thing happened, it was head feel like it was going to explode and it was like not being able to function and thought I was in a bubble, I even called the er to speak with a nurse and was told if my tongue or throat goes numb to then come in but it just wore off.. I again stop taking it and told my dr. I went to my dr last week and said I really need something for my depression, anxiety/panic but can't take generic so he gave me a prescription for brand name but they want $250 for 30 caps that I can't afford with no insurance. I still had refills for generic so I decided to try again. This time I got some from Northstar and have never tried this kind...I just took them and not knowing what to expect scares me. I signed back up for my counseling dr again but its gonna be another month before I can get in...I hope when I go back there he can help me get brand name prozac cause I never had any problems on it and it made me feel great. I have been researching as much as I can about the different manufacturers and don't like the fact where these drugs are made. Also my dr thinks I'm allergic to gluten and gluten is used in a lot of things including vitamins and medications. I found a list of gluten free manufacturers online that include Barr(bought by Teva), Parr and Sandoz. I asked the Pharmacist at Walmart about gluten free prozac and she said she didn't have time to look into it and gave me the product label to read....that did not make me very happy, their suppose to be able to help us. So I went to Rite Aid and a Pharmacist there was very helpful and found what ingredients where in the different manufacturers fluoxetine and she gave me contact numbers for them. I wish this wasn't so complicated...I hope this Northstar fluoxetine doesn't give me any problems until I can see my counselor.
I've been taking Northstar brand (generic) prozac for almost two weeks, and every time I take a pill I have horrific acid reflux. It feels like my throat's on fire! I finally called the pharmacy and they're switching out the pills for another brand.
I couldn't take the Northstar brand, yes it causes awful heartburn and reflux. It seems any fluoxetine I take makes me feel weird whether I start on 10mg or 20mg...I'm dizzy, have headaches, short of breath, palpitations, tired with in a couple hours, can't stop yawning and just feel spaced out. I did get back in to see my counselor and he thinks that since it's been so long since I been on it that what I'm having is a problem getting use to it and wants to start me on a lower he recommended liquid fluoxetine 5mg a day and see how that goes and he gave me a prescription but costs more so I decided to go back to Teva brand blue tablets 10 mg, used the refills I still had and cut them in half. Been on it for almost two weeks, no headaches but still yawn, get tired so I take them at night but feel groggy when I wake and the past 3-4 mornings I woke up with abdominal cramping and bloating. I do have a history of digestive problems and that's why my counselor decided on liquid for me and I hope to try it once I can afford it. $4 tablets is cheaper than $30 liquid but it's hard to afford unemployed and no insurance. I have called my counselor and waiting for a call back on what to do, hoping I can get help with my prescription.
I was switched to Northstar and after 5 years of feeling good on the other manufacturer. Pharmacist was clueless (Walmart) so this site guided me to call the MFG. They logged the FDA forms but could only offer a refund not a replacement. Still fighting to get another mfg of these :(
TEVA used to manufacture the "good" fluoxetine. They were bought out by PLIVA and still make a good product. Northstar is horrible. There's a link to the FDA to report this. (further down in the thread) Northstar isn't going to do anything to fix this. That's pretty clear by the people who are still showing up here with issues!!!
Since I last wrote I have been doing really good and still taking Teva brand fluoxetine 5mg a day (10mg blue tabs cut in half). My anxiety/panic has improved and I feel less anxious. My stress from all my physical health issues really through me back into mental health problems..I got really sick again before my gallbladder was removed last Oct. I kept going through episodes since I was a kid after eating and after many drs finally found one to remove my gallbladder. It took awhile to get use to and learning to eat all over again but I feel great and no more attacks when I eat! I was feeling really bad from the stress and kept feeling was a pre-syncope feeling and I feel that the stress triggered a vagus nerve imbalance and I had all the symptoms that's why I really wanted to get back on fluoxetine. My counselor said the vagus nerve has a lot to do with anxiety and an imbalance can cause many symptoms and using fluoxetine helps treat it. I have noticed I don't feel faint, dizzy, nervous and do better in public because I was always worried of passing out. I still tend to feel strange around blood and hospitals because its a fear but hopefully can work through that. I plan on staying on my fluoxetine now that I'm getting use to it and if I need to up my dose I have my counselor for help. I'm so glad I went back to see him because my family dr isn't any help with this kind of stuff. I hope anyone else who is having problems to listen to their body and do whats best for you. It takes time by trial and error but you know how you feel and if something isn't helping don't take it...find something that works! Good luck!
The pharmacy switched from a teva 93 43 93 43 imprint cap to pliva 648. Gut wrenching heartburn and reflux shortly after taking the first dose.
I feel your pain. I use Teva's gray and orange capsules and so far haven't had that problem. Just stay away from Northstar's version, which gave me instant reflux and heartburn.
Agree with you all - I'm doing soooo much better on the TEVA. I can even occasionally take it at night without worrying I'll be kept awake by the heartburn.
Thing is, mine are both manufactured by teva!
I was switched to northstar by walmart in June and I feel horrible. After reading these posts I called Walmart and they are going to order my old version. They had no explanation as to why they switched, other than their warehouse didn't ship the old brand. Another way for Walmart to save money? Now I have to wait for the shipment. If you get blue pills instead of your original - don't waste your time taking them. Insist on the old version. I wished I would have.
I've was taking the Sandoz manufacturer of fluoxetine 40 for years (white with two orange stripes) and then my pharmacy changed to Aurobindo (orange and green) and my symptoms got way worse. I'm trying to find a pharmacy that carries the Sandoz brand, but I'm having trouble doing so. A lot have changed to the Northstar mfg which from what I read is awful. One carries Teva and another carries Par. From what I've read, Teva sounds like the brand I should probably try, but I wanted to see if any of you have ever been on the Sandoz brand and if there were other mfgs that you felt were similar to it.
My experience has actually been the opposite....I'd been on the Northstar Fluoxetine 40mg for several years and it worked well. I did get heartburn if taken in the morning, but found that taking it later in the day and with food was OK. I recently switched pharmacies and got Aurobindo and within 3-4 weeks felt a sharp relapse of the depression. I'm wondering if maybe the problem is not the manufacturer but the composition of the capsules.....the active ingredient of a generic legally must be identical to the brand name, however fillers and inactive ingredients may vary, and I'm wondering if its just the change that upset my system. I'm switching back to the Northstar and will wait and see what happens.
I've never tried the Northstar Fluoxentine 40mg so I really don't know how it compares. Just keep on taking whatever is working for you. And yes, you're correct that the active ingredients of each generic manufacturer must be identical to the brand name equivalent. However, the scary bit is that the dosing doesn't have to be exactly the same in order to be approved by the FDA. I work in healthcare/pharmaceuticals (I was a pharmacy tech for a couple years), and in order for a generic manufacturer to be able to go on the market, it has to be somewhere in the range of 80 to 120% of the strength of the brand-name product. So for a '40mg' capsule, it could really be anywhere from 32 to 48mgs. And there's no list anywhere that tells you how many mgs are actually in each manufacturer. My psychiatrist doesn't even have access to that information which I think is ridiculous. That's why I was asking people if they knew how the Sandoz mfg compared to others, from their experiences. I ended up going with Teva from what I had read and so far, so good. I hope everything works out for you once you switch back.
OMG! I am so glad I found this site! I am an emotional mess, and just realized that it's been about two weeks since my script was refilled with NOR. The pharmacy said they have been having trouble getting the one I was used to in stock. And I had to pay the WalMart price for it since my med. assistance won't cover that I know why - so many problems! This happened once before and I was not sure if it was due to the different manufacturer or not, but now I'm convinced. This is horrible - the FDA should know about this and do something. I went from just getting by to barely functioning and a puddle of tears. At least I already called the doc's office and let them know, but whenever I get back to the old brand, I know it will take a couple of weeks to recover. What a waste! And I guess I will have to that one script filled somewhere else, even though I love the WalMart pharmacy I go to for everything else. Thank you all for sharing - it's reassuring to know it's not me, but the medication.
Celeste- the FDA does know about this- they're the ones who allow these manufacturers to produce and sell their generic versions that aren't equivalent to the brand-name dosage. It's true for all generic medications, regardless of what they're for. I wish they'd realize how much this can affect a person's treatment and do something about it. Let me know if you need any help in finding a particular manufacturer. I work for a health insurance company so I know what all of the major chains currently have in stock. I hope you have a smooth transition back to your original mfg
Guys, all generic brands of Prozac are chemically the same. Bad batches do occur but they are very rare. Most of what's described here is psychological. Heartburn can occur with any pill - drink more water when you take them.
I strongly object to your indicating that my descent into insanity after taking the northstar brand was psychological. Pun in somewhat intended. Objection and the reason for it is not a joke at all.
Yes, they are chemically the same. But the actually amount of the active ingredient varies. Don't believe me? Go to scroll down to 'The Approval Process' and read the third paragraph. And this is regarding EVERY generic medication out there. Would you call someone out who is taking a generic version of Zestril (blood pressure) and says that whatever mfg they're taking doesn't work as well and tell them that it's purely psychological? I'm sick of people not taking mental health illnesses as seriously as illnesses that affect physical health. So, to assure all the people out there who have tried different generic manufacturers of Prozac and say that some don't work as well, no it's not all 'in your head' as some others may claim.
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