Is The Gabapentin Affecting My Eyes? (Top voted first)


I am now taking 7 x 300 gabapentin per day and am getting terrible eye problems: double and blurred vision, I am also sufering unnerving confusion, could it be a side effect of the gabapentin?

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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If you google Gabapentin 300mg, you'll see that double vision is a side-effect. I have double vision when I am tired without the drug. I have just been prescribed it for nerve pain and am very concerned about taking it. Has anyone had difficulties coming off this drug?

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I get blurred vision with only 2 300 Mg's

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I was on gabapentin and I believe it has permanently damaged my eyes, at my last eye test 2 years ago (i am 44) I had 20/20 vision then after being on gabapentin for a few months (they gradually increased the dose to 2400mg/day) i went for an eye test and needed glasses all of a sudden. Then in a matter of a few days I began to get double vision only in my right eye (could see double text etc when my left eye was closed), apparently my lens is damaged, I discontinued taking gabapentin straight away. It has been 3 months now and there has been no improvement. If you get double vision in one eye (not when both eyes are open as that is usually muscle related I am told and thus quite common with gabapentin) I would seek advice immediately.

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I have been on 2 300mg. a day for 3 days and can not read -have blurred vision- will call the Dr. today-was prescribed Gabapentine for a ras caused by my nerves and had shingles-

Can one get permanent eye damage from 2 300mg. of Gabapentin a day?

I very worried-

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Gabapentin MOST DEFINITELY causes me blurred vision, dry eyes, and a general feeling of my eyes being fatigued. I do have to admit, I'm surprised that people here discuss the eyes but not the negative impact on libido.

My only hope is that it's not permanent.

Pain in general makes me more tired.

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I also had 20/20 vision for distance and needed 1.0 magnification for reading only. Then after taking Gabapentin at 2400mg daily for 6 months, I have double vision, blurry vision, require 3.0 magnification readers and am now reducing the dosage I take to try to save my eye sight. I have severe spinal damage in cervical and lumbar areas and am taking Gabapentin with strong pain meds in an effort to tolerate the server nerve damage in my arms and legs. The Gabapentin was working quite well in reducing nerve pain, the problem is I don't want to loose my eye site since I can not walk. I am reducing the Gabapentin to see if my eyes return to normal.

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I took gabapentin for nerve damage. I quit because of double vision. It really did nothing for my nerve damage. In fact I changed my diet to whole organic foods, vegetables, quinoa, millet, amaranth, green drinks and I was able to eliminate the need for all medications except one asthma inhaler which I only use 1/2 dose. Pharmaceutical drugs are dangerous and do not cure nor do they heal a sick body, but in the long run creates even more problems.

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300 mg taken twice a day made my vision very blurred!

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I have been on 900mg for a year for a damaged nerve. I am seeing a new doctor who increased the dosage to 1800mg/day. My vision in my right eye is so blurry, I can't even drive some days. This is the first I am learning that it could be from the gabapentin. Jay, has your vision improved since stopping the medication?

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Hi, Afraid not, but it has stopped getting worse, though if it is just blurred i think this is it partly doing its job helping things relax as is double vision when both eyes are used, the muscles relax and the eyes no longer converge as well.
But if you have double vision in one eye for example you cover one eye and you still see double from the little knowledge I have this is damage to the lens. I cant 100% say it was the gabbapentin but I had 20/20 vision then when I went up to the high dose my vision suddenly got poor.

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My daughter has been taking gabapentin for almost a year now. She is currently taking 300mg in the morning and 600mg in the evening. A couple of months after taking the gabapentin she started to loose the vision in her left eye when she gets a migraine. Has anyone else experienced this

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I have double vision also....take 1200 to 1800 mg. Gabapentin daily. double vision getting worse...

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i have only one eye and its not so great will gabapentin affect my eye i am concerned and does it contain any hint of prednesone i have foune for the past three days been on 900 mg a day to help with the nerve damage in my foot since my surgery three months ago all i do is cry i cant stnd it is this is a side side affect frome it my great concern is the eyes and it is seisure meds could i have a seizure fro it?

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What about eye headaches as I call them. When your eyes just start hurting and the eyes ad surrounding area feel hot, not to the touch. When trying to read or look at something small even with reading glasses on. On Gabapentin and get the double vision as well

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Keep the post alive guys. This is the only place on the web where I found people actually suffering from the same side effects as me, Blurry vision, light flashes, depressing thoughts etc.

I really hope that people who recover keep posting so that the ones still struggling with the recovery don't lose faith.

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Hi i was on gabipentin last year for six weeks just before christmas for restless leg syndrome. My insurance stopped paying for it and i had withdrawals. No sleep 24/7 for three weeks. I had 32 seizures in one day not knowing what was going on. In the ER the doctors didn't connect the dots. Now im back on gabipentin for nerve pain at a higher dose. Have been on it three weeks and having all kinds of problems.

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I am no longer taking gabapentin .It was prescribed to me as a painkiller and it worked for about a month .I ended up taking 4 capsules 3 times a day and got terrible blurred vision and confusion which was embarrassing to say the least .I spoke to my doc and he said I should come off it as it wasn't helping with the pain and over a period of two weeks I weaned myself off it .No more blurred vision No more confusion .So you have to ask yourself is the gabapentin doing what it's meant to do ? If not stop taking it as the side effects are just not worth it .Im back to taking morphine for the pain and am trying to limit my intake .It's severe back pain which Ive had for two years now . I dont think there is a cure for it .So good luck with your ailment , hope things get a bit easier for you

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Yes, blurred vision and the total airheadedness were my side effects too. But Lyrica was worse, my lungs filled with fluid on first use and using cymbalta did nothing so Gaba and Tremadol are the only reasons I am moving right now. :( Going to go back to changing my diet again ( anti-inflammatory and taking curcumin and some other supplements), hoping then I can taper off everything.

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I was on a low dose of gabapentin and within in a few days I had blurry vision and confusion. My doctor titrated me off this medicine by lowering the dose every few days until I was done. Once done my symptoms stopped and re erased within
1-2 days. This is a common side effects t for this medicine.

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I have been taking 2400 mg (eight 300-mg tablets) a day of gabapentin for more than a year. I have a lot of double vision, though only when I'm tired (which is most of the time). Of course, I take a few other sedating medications as well. I've gotten used to the double vision, except when it happens when I'm driving!

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