Is The Gabapentin Affecting My Eyes? (Page 2)
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I am now taking 7 x 300 gabapentin per day and am getting terrible eye problems: double and blurred vision, I am also sufering unnerving confusion, could it be a side effect of the gabapentin?
Keep the post alive guys. This is the only place on the web where I found people actually suffering from the same side effects as me, Blurry vision, light flashes, depressing thoughts etc.
I really hope that people who recover keep posting so that the ones still struggling with the recovery don't lose faith.
Yes it very well could be the gabapentin. I had the same visual problems as well as memory problems, light headedness, forgetfullness etc. I was switched to Gralise, a form of gabapentin, and my symptoms cleared up immediately.
Has the condition improved now. I still see light falshes after being off gabapentin for almost 7-8 weeks now.
It is definitely the Gabapentin. I had ankle surgery and was sent home with that drug. I was up to 8 X 300mg per day before the light bulb came on. I couldn't focus on anything, including the chore board on a wall 10 feet away. My doctor insisted that I keep taking the designated dosages until I was up to 2700mg a day. When the prescription renewed, he only filled with 100mg capsules. So I went from 2700mg to 900mg without realizing the difference immediately. I was confined to the bed, couldn't watch tv, read or focus on anything. After reducing the meds drastically, (unknowingly because the mg's changed), I spent an entire Friday wanting to commit suicide. I got to the point of holding a bottle of pills in one hand and a gun in the other! I made it through, but fear drove me to remove everything from my immediate area. That was 3 weeks ago and I have never taken another gabapentin. Spending a day worried for my life, unable to see, I realized the devastating consequences of taking gabapentin. It is used to fight nerve pain. It was conceived to assist with epileptic seizures, yet causes them. I am dealing with my nerve pain naturally and not pushing the limits of my healing, but continuing to build my strength. My doctor insisted that I wouldn't be able to handle the pain once the cast came off if I wasn't taking Gabapentin. This is untrue. I took my cast off a week early and other than not of course being able to put a lot of weight on it I have been slowly exercising. The nerves tingle but it's nothing that can't be reasonably handled on my own. Gabapentin is BAD DRUG.
Yes it did cause blurry vision and eye problems avoid this drug I was on this for 10 months and now have dry eyes
I am facing the same issue. Hope you have recovered by now.
I am off gabapentin 300 mg thrice a day for 4 weeks now. Eye doc says eyes are fine but I still see flashing lights. Please let me know in case you get any info on this.
I took gabapentin for 2 months for slip disk. 300 mg thrice a day.
I started to see lights on the sides of my eyes. It usually happens when I enter a dark room from a sunshine /well lit room.
I stopped the medicine 4 weeks back. Seeing lights problem is still there. I got eye examined from eye doc he says eyes are fine. Anyone facing similar issue please advise.
Hi, in regards to Gabapentin, I had been on that as well & if it helps at all I suffered visual problems, I felt very "spacey", forgetfullness. Finally one day at work I got up to go use the fax machine & I could not remember where it was. I was switched to Gabapentin which they say is pretty much the same med, but I had no symptoms at all, much better.
Double and blurred vision is a noted side effect of Gabapentin. I started looking up side effects after two weeks on this medication. As someone who rarely took Advil it shook me to the Core and am weaning off of it slowly due to fairly dramatic withdrawal symptoms.
Most definitely I was on gabapentin for 11 mo ths eyes have never been the same now I have dry eyes hoping now Ive stopped the meds things will improve in time
This is not for everyone But I was prescribed gabapentin on the 21st of Dec 2016 .It didn't take long before I was up to the maximum dose of 4 - 3 times a day . It started out like the wonder drug , I was able to do things like get into my garden and clean it up . Go for walks . My mobility was very much improved .But like most things it didn't last and two weeks ago I decided to come off the gabapentin and started cutting down . My own Doc agrees with this . no point in taking something that doesn't work .Lat night I watched the Hobbit an unexpected journey and got halfway thru the desolation of Smaug before I had to go to bed and I realised that my vision was good .No blurred vision .This is great because there were some mutterings about it being linked to diabetes and i am type 2 diabetic controlled by diet .I tell you what I feel better in myself as I was getting that bad I couldnt drive . Normally Id have a go at watching a movie and give up long before halfway .It feels pretty good to be free of the blurry vision .lomg my it last . Im still in a fair bit of pain but I would rather live with that than have to put up with not being able to see . A lot of the time Id just close me eyes and try to sleep .so If you have blurred vision because of the gabapentin and feel you live without gabapentin then spot using it Wean yourself off it .Im down to 2 - 3 times a day and by the weekend it will be one 3 times a day and finished after a week .I live in Scotland .I get the impression that American patients are treated differently especially if the query the Docs diagnosis So tread carefully .What would you rather have life without a lot of pain but blurred vision and confusion (I forgot to mention the confusion part like standing at the checkout in the supermarket and not being able to work out what to do next , very embarrassing ). So in jhust over a week I will be free of gabapentin and intend to stay that way
Yes it is side effects, you can find it on line, Gabepentin has several ocular side effects blurred vision is one, I got the Flashing but it is not one the side effects sheet so no one will help me. I would get off it now. Talk to your doctor but go in with as much information as possible because they don't believe you. I have been fighting this for 4 years, just got back from the University of Seattle and that Doctor had no help for me.
I was on gabapentin for 11 month and went through withdrawal over 3 weeks it was hell started to feel really tired and dizzy (was dizzy on gabapentin) started to feel nausea and loss of appetite headache this continued over 3 weeks been off the gabapentin 1 week still don't wanna eat but the side affects off feeling off balance and dizzyness has improved just the dry eyes to sort out as this caused from the drug will never go back on it
Yes that is why i went off of it! N the detox coming off is aweful. I was on pain meds which thsnkfully i no longer take but didnt even faise me! Neurontin on the other hand my advice beware! Just from my experience! Good luck and God bless!
Me too. I only take 1 300mg tab at bed and I'm experiencing double vision. I really don't like this drug
I am now taking 12 a day the highest dose .Ive been in bad sleeping and woke up at 12.30 , made a coffee and right now my eyes are ok .I reckon Im going to have to give it a month and then if the side effects are still as bad wean myself off it .Ivew had a look on line at alternatives to gabapentin and they all have the same side effects so no point in trying them .Hopefully in a months time the side effects will be gone . I'll keep you posted .
My mums eyes look very dark like old blood or something she is on four 300 gram gabapentin a day and four 30 mg of dihydracodeine could the tablets be vausing it
Yes definitely .I was sent to the optician for a check just to be sure but my Doctor did say that blurred vision is a side effect .The Confusion I can relate to although I havent talked to my doc about it . I just tell myself it's ok and I will manage to get thru whatever it is Im doing
My eyes are blurry since taking this med, also has effected my vision.
My doctor has said that blurry vision is a side effect of Gabapentin He also went onto say that I could experience "confusion" as he called it and irritability . He said that these side effects should pass but he wouldn't give a specific time . Over the years I have seen 2 to 3 doctors in the practice and they are good doctors . They have tried to explain the effects of Gabapentin and I do get the impression that they only know what their textbooks tell them , which is fair enough . It definitely beats having to take 100m mg of morphine per day which towards the end wasn't killing the pain but by that time I was addicted and needed to take the little blue pills regardless .I feel so much better off the morphine . Last night I got very bad blurred vision to the point where even watching a movie was difficult. I have woken this morning at 7 after a fairly good night's sleep with my stomach churning and feeling pretty crook . It's now 8 and the feeling has lessened but not completely gone . I Hate feeling like this but the pain is gone . It will return in the late afternoon . My doc has been told what is happening and the explanation given is that the normal moving about during the day aggravates my back to the point where the gabapentin is not able to suppress the pain . As I said in my last post I Hate what has happened to me , I used to be so fit and loved going for walks .Im able to go for a walk each day weather permitting but it is a very short walk .So now I can only wait and see if the side effects disappear over time .
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