Is The Gabapentin Affecting My Eyes? (Page 4)
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I am now taking 7 x 300 gabapentin per day and am getting terrible eye problems: double and blurred vision, I am also sufering unnerving confusion, could it be a side effect of the gabapentin?

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I looking up Medical journal articles studies on long time use side effects There are no articles. I would warn anyone prescribed this drug not to take it. The benefit should outweigh the risk. It doesn't. Except for the drug Companie$$$$$$$$$$.

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I was also taking 2700 milligrams of Neurontin and had eye problems so I discontinued it after I don't know eight months or 9 months and I continue to have blurred vision and muscle problems with my eyes along with severe light sensitivity which is permanent. I have not had any relief. Could it have been caused by the Neurontin? If anyone has any answers to this I'd like to know. I've experienced exorbitant expenses trying to go through therapy and special glasses and still have difficulty on a computer or any light whatsoever. If you can please get back to me I'd appreciate it. Thank you.

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Absolutely you have to withdrawal slowly. I've went almost 2 weeks without out it and could barely make it out of bed because my joints hurt so much and I was dizzy. Waaay worse than Hydrocodone I believe.

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Hi i was on gabipentin last year for six weeks just before christmas for restless leg syndrome. My insurance stopped paying for it and i had withdrawals. No sleep 24/7 for three weeks. I had 32 seizures in one day not knowing what was going on. In the ER the doctors didn't connect the dots. Now im back on gabipentin for nerve pain at a higher dose. Have been on it three weeks and having all kinds of problems.

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I get blurred vision from only one 100mg capsule a day which is why I was looking to see if others had this side effect. I am worried that if I continue with this medication that the blurred vision will become permanent.

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Yes lam now on 3000mg was on 3600mgDr decrease a month ago I have trouble with my vison also.Its so hard coming off this med ,I just want to stop it all NOW!!!

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I take 6x 300mg per day and I too have had vision changes. Drs. have said they aren't aware of connection, but have read several other share same concern. I'm checking with eye Dr. again to see if it's age or meds.

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I was on a low dose of gabapentin and within in a few days I had blurry vision and confusion. My doctor titrated me off this medicine by lowering the dose every few days until I was done. Once done my symptoms stopped and re erased within
1-2 days. This is a common side effects t for this medicine.

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I'm taking gabapentin. I had an accident and the cop gave me a ticket because of my pupils, he said I was impaired. That is not true! I have to go to Court. My doctor doesn't know much. Do you know how it affects eyes? I don't drink or smoke. Do you know where I can get info about the pupils?

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Did it go away when you went off of it?

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That is is because we need our eyes for everything, and our libido for only ONE thing.

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I have been taking gabentin for at least 8 yrs and it has not damaged my visions. I have fibromyalgia and spinal stenosis and I take 800 mg 4 times in the evening. Once I take it I don't drive at all. Since reading this I am thinking of talking to my doctor about lowering my dose

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Yes, blurred vision and the total airheadedness were my side effects too. But Lyrica was worse, my lungs filled with fluid on first use and using cymbalta did nothing so Gaba and Tremadol are the only reasons I am moving right now. :( Going to go back to changing my diet again ( anti-inflammatory and taking curcumin and some other supplements), hoping then I can taper off everything.

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I just started taking 300 mg 1X per day (supposed to "taper"?) up to 900mg per day, however, on this small dose, I am really experiencing blurred vision...??

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I didn't. But then I decided to go back on it for RLS and nerve pain. But I'm going off again bc I can't stand the blurred vision.

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Just wondering if you also have used any nasal steriods for allergies along or during the time before or after the Gaba?
I do notice blurred vision but, sometimes even without being on the Gaba at night it happens.
I also know that my nasal meds (flonase, nasonex.. ) can speed up cataract growth. But I either use them right now or puke from my awful migraines. ( Various triggers, I have Fibro).

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I took gabapentin before spinal fusion. I noticed within weeks, that my vision was getting blurry. I needed stronger off the shelf reading glasses. After surgery I was on this drug a few more times. 5 years later Iam now wearing multifocal glasses and have premature cataracts forming. I am 52 years old. I believe this drug ruined my vision. I also felt like my brain was getting fried with every dose I took. I will never take this med again.

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I know this message is two years old but your double vision in specifically one eye, makes me wonder if you have MS and this was an episode or flare up?

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Lilly, how is your nerve damage since changing your diet?

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So very sorry, it was my right eye that was the worst but now the flashing has gotten bad in both eyes, I too didn't want to take the stuff and it took a month for everyone to convince me to take it, going to new doctor for answers. Has been a year since I have driven and still not back to work. If I find out anything from new doctor I will post it.

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