Is Suboxone As Hard To Get Off As Methadone?
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Hi everyone! I was wondering if suboxone is as hard 2 get off as methadone? I was on 110 of methadone 4 almost 5 years, after many years of Oxy abuse. Got down 2 (24) and the withdrawals were so bad, and, the cravings came back. Dr put me on suboxone, which works great. I've been on 3 (8 mg) a day 4 almost 8 years now. I'm scared 2 death 2 get off. I suffer with a lot of pain, too. The suboxone helps some. What with it. I'm also afraid of the bad withdrawals, and returning back 2 pain pills. Any advise will b helpful.
4 Replies
I've been on Methadone for about a year 30/mg liquid walk in clinic. I have subs and its helping with the withdrawal symptoms. However after two weeks will I then have to withdraw from subs as well? Does the time without Methadone still count towards days of withdrawal if I'm using subs? I'm on day 5 since methadone and I know it takes two weeks because I've done it once before
Suboxone withdrawal is nothing like a methadone withdrawal. Suboxone contains a narcotic as well as a narcotic antagonist. They work together to lessen any withdrawal symptoms. The antagonist cancels out the narcotic effects, which are the ones that make withdrawal such a feared thing,
Hi Jolter! I'm doing pretty good. And u? I won't b going out 2 Arizona until next year, again. I'm going up 2 Maine in October 4 a few days. Hope all is well with u. I think I might try 2 start tapering down. ( VERY SLOWLY) wish me luck. Catch ya later.
Hi Cats, You definately can get off subs it just takes time. Why not cut down just a couple of mgs and see how it goes. Instead of 8 three times a day you could try 8 than 6 than 8.
If you feel allright after a week or so try dropping another 2.
Theres no secret to getting off subs. You just gotta taper slowly.
How you been doing otherwise?
Are you gonna take another trip out west sometime?
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