Is It Okay To Chew A Fentanyl 50mg Pain Patch? (Page 24)
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I've been prescribed fentanyl 50mg pain patches and i was just wondering if it's okay to cut one in half an chew on it?

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Kevin.......I think you are out of line. Punky is telling people not to use Fentanyl any way other than recommended.

What he does....right or wrong is his own business.

I use Fentanyl patches and do not and would not recommend using them any other way than directed.

We can not judge anyone's pain Dr would. The Dr's would not approve but they would not judge a patients pain level. To call someone an addict when you have no idea is so wrong.

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Punky - It's blatantly obvious to anyone who reads any one if your rambling ranting posts that you are HIGH AS A KITE while you're writing. You have so much displaced anger and you're ABUSING not using fentanyl. Whether or not you want to face it, your conduct reveals that you have a severe drug addiction.

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Hydrocodone, as of today 5/27/13 is a Schedule III controlled substance. In January, a subcommittee in the FDA recommended that hydrocodone be rescheduled into a Schedule II drug. So far it has NOT been rescheduled. Hydrocodone is only available in the USA as a combination product - mixed with Tylenol, aspirin or ibuprofen. IF there were a hydrocodone only product it would be Schedule II. But there is no such product yet. FDA is in process of reviewing a couple of products that contain hydrocodone alone. Nothing has been approved yet.

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The buying opiates from the street was addressed to someone who said that's what they're doing. Are you so egocentric that you think EVERYTHING is about you? News flash: The world doesn't revolve around you. And wow are you defensive or what?

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Telling ppl to chew ALL their patches In one Day. Are you ok or what ????? Because you Work in ER and you save lives so you should Now tell ppl to OD so you can save our lives.

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NO it's NOT Ok to cut & chew. You should & Must wear it as it was prescribed To You. What I do Doesn't make it Right ! I strongly Suggest you wear your patch And Do NOT Cut and Chew .it !!!!

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Not a drug addict !! I have a dr. I know what I am doing do NOT need approval from no One here ! Been to pain clinics many times. Nothing they can Do to HELP Me !! I do NOT Cause ppl here to Not get Meds. That's your problem between You & Your Dr's Nothing to do with Me ( PERIOD )

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This IS A SCRIPT I GET! Who said I go to the streets. Read more And you WILL SEE I have A Dr. I have spoke With Many Times. There is NOTHING stronger than what I get now. There is NOTHING MORE MY Dr can Do then what He Is doing Now! Pain management specialist. THEY Can't Do anything either. Been to them more times Then I can count. Same answers. Live with It !! So I AM LIVING & DEALING WITH IT MY Way & My way IS WORKING. !!!!! I am NOT Hurting NO One !! I KNOW What I am Doing! That's ALL that matters ! I am NOT A DRUG ADDICT. I SUFFER PAIN Likr the rest of you ppl here. I just deal with It differently. So What !!!! Been doing this for Yrs now & as I said I Know what I am doing. I will NOT Die !!! I am NOT Causing No one To Not get prescribed Meds by how I do mine That's BS Talk here. The End !

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Who is talking about buying drugs off the street?

Myself.....I use Fentanyl a 100 and a 50 patch. I get them by prescription for an illness I have had for 23 years. I have been on the same dose for 7 years. I use them as directed.

Of course, I would like to see everyone get full relief from their pain. Reading these posts some people can not.

Punky said other countries have fentanyl that is taken by a lollipop or an oral patch. This is great if they help people. I hope they come to this country to help people cope.

Chronic pain is unbearable, you really can't understand unless you live the life and even then our pain is all different. I would hate to see anyone die or overdose from patches but I certainly understand the frustration people have.

I do not agree with using patches other than directed but who am I to judge anyone...... NOBODY can understand what someone else is feeling and if someone can say they do, they are doing nothing but insulting anyone with chronic pain.

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Here's what you do: Either find another way to manage your pain or go to a Pain Management Specialist. Buying opiates on the street to treat legitimate pain makes you sound like someone who's not into treating the pain but rather someone who is seeking the drugs.

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That is crazy!!!!!!! DO NOT EVER TRY THAT!!!! If you are in that much pain I think it would be best to go to the ER and then talk to your pain dr. About other options to help manage your pain. But that is just my opinion.

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At peace
No it does not go into your stomach. Not that I am aware of. I have never had An upset stomach I guess you would have to try a small piece First to see. You do NOT want anything Such as that to happen.

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At Peace: it doesn't go to stomach = does Not cause Upset !! Lollipops = google them Fentanyl lollipops and you will see what I Am talking about . As well as the patches That ARE already cut for using inside Mouth. You haven't heard cause its not Been a big news article. But you should Also google those as well that's WHY I made A point to let ppl know. So Maybe won't be So hard on pp who do put into mouth. !! It really truly does work better this way for Pain !! Quicker & lasts about 3 to 4 huts per Piece I usually cut either 20's OR 25's ! 100 would be like 4 or 5 pieces and last ALL Day. And believe me your pain will be Better then wearing. It really does stop the Pain more This being WHY ppl do this ! Ok I do realize drug addicts do this to get High. BUT If your truly taking for pain you Will NOT GET HIGH !!!! I don't cause it goes To my pain !! Sucking / chewing goes into your saliva and I guess would be like sucking on a candy However that works. I do think it would eventually Go into the blood stream - to answer your Question.

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.I live in Canada. I have not heard of these lolipops. If they work great. Question maybe you could answer. Would the drug go through your stomach or directly into your blood stream like the patches do? One of the reasons I use the patches was to eliminate the drugvin my stomach. All these years of taking pain killers by mouth has really disrupted my stomach. If I take advil now my stomach bleeds.

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I've been on Fentanyl patches going on for 5 1/2 yrs. All my injuries are due to an automobile accident. I have always, used the same hospital and drs. @ UAB. To me, my opinion, by always using the same hospital & drs. f/my care, pain medication has never been an issue. I stated once before on this same topic of an unfortunate mistake I made w/the patch one a.m. Haven't done that again and all is well. I spoke out about the danger it did to me, therefore, that's all I can say on the matter and not judge. Getting the back injections every 3 mths and having Fentanyl along w/other strong medications prescribed has never ever been an issue. I choose to use a family owned pharmacy (THEY GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO HELP ME) and make a point to keep Fentanyl in stock whether I'm in the order.
count or others are prescribed it too. Being that my home state take some shots at "our backwards way"...this just isn't an issue for me.

It doesn't bother me in the least that I'll be prescribed this medication the rest of my life. I have yet to experience the high that so many talk of though. Too me it was like, Pain Be Gone !!! Though I would be telling a story if I said RARELY when it gets close to time to apply another patch I do feel some anxiety. Though I'm prescribed Oxycodone for break.through pain.

Please know for those of y'all w/whatever ailment you have for your source of pain, I hope it never comes down to US not being able to obtain the medications. I have been told time and time again by my doctor, and AS ONE POSTER SAID,"It's quality of life"......

One more thing, I really enjoy coming here and reading y'all's comments. Though pain is -0- fun; it is nice to know you aren't the only one out there going through the same things y'all are. ...

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WRONG ! The way I take mine DOES In Fact take away ALL The Pain. Which is Why If you read my comment up Above as I stated They already have the Fentanyl lolipop out and the patch to insert Into your mouth. Just NOT in Canada !! If we had here I would be on o e of them As they in FACT DO REMOVE ALL Pain When taken this way. I KNOW !!! 1 piece will last up to 4 hours with NO PAIN Providing I keep putting in a new piece After the 4 hours or so. I take 100 and 50 A day. BUT IF By some chance it is not To bad in some days I will take a little less Cause I take for COMPLETE PAIN RELIEF Is what I expect. And NOT just enough relief So I can tolerate what pain is still there. Which is Why I am sure they also now have Lolipop and suck able patch( you stick it To the side if your cheek inside mouth. Many many ppl ARE TAKING these. With No problems. Because they ARE PRESCRIBED TO THEM THAT WAY !!!! Mine isn't. I have to cut myself and I insert Into My mouth the same way so e ppl ARE having Prescribed with the newest mouth patch Fentanyl !

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I thank you for replying and being Polite. If I were in the Countries that carry the Fentanyl lolipop then I WOULD be on that. They also now have a fentanyl patch that Is already cut into pieces and you are to INSERT INTO YOUR MOUTH. having Said this its the exact same as what I am Doing except I have to cut my own. Since Canada does NOT yet carry those types Of Fentanyl here. If and when they do. I will Be getting that and would No longer have To cut my patch and do it the way some Countries already have. For ppl who have That are Lucky. As they are NOT been Spoke to like an Addict because theirs Already comes packaged that way. That's all I had to say

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247 you I have all the illnesses you have, a few others plus cancer.

I am not judgeing you , or at least trying not to as much as we humans are not perfect.
I am only questioning as to why the need for anyone to have to take the drug differently to suggested by the manufacturer.
Is this not the idea of this site to question and learn.
I cannot try to say I know how much pain you suffer, nobody can. I can only relate to having severe chronic pain.
I can understand the frustration and agony of medication not working not being enough to deaden the pain. I am only concerned about people risking their lives.
You are right, it is nobody's. Business how you take the drug. You are your own person.
I am sorry if you thought I suggested you being an addict looking for a fix. I only go by info given to me from my Dr and pharmacist as to what type of person uses the drug in this way. They say that the illegal use of narcotics is why it is getting harder in some countries to get narcotics for legitimate pain.
My pharmacist also informed me yesterday that many "legitimate chronic pain patients" are chewing fentanyl. He runs a program to help them stop the practice by using other medications in various dosages. The amount of overdosing has become quite an issue.
I hope that you find some level of comfort as I know some things have no cure and we will live a painfully long life.
As I said before... I am only concerned about people overdosing by chewing fentanyl

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I live in chronic pain also. But i believe you should take the pain medication the way it's prescribed. Not chewed or snoring a pill or smoking it. No Pain medication will make all the pain disappear. It will at best make the pain tolerable. In my experience people that are taking the pain medication this way ( chewing, snorting, smoking ext.) Is so They can Fell High. And It very dangerous. And if their doctor knew it was being used like that the Doctor Would Cut Them Of

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Ppl like Who ??? I have Chronic Pain. From : Fibromyalgia. Chronic Back Pain. To Arthritis in My Whole Body To osteoarthritis To bone Spurs To DDG Shall I go on. Me being ppl like ME ????? How I do Meds To RELIEVE MY PAIN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU !!!!! I am NOT An Addict. I - as you and you And you And you AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU HERE I AM DEPENDENT ON MY MEDS TO GET PAIN RELIEVE. WE ALL ARE DEPENDENT ON OUR MEDS ! If anyone of you did Not have YOUR Meds Tomorrow when you woke up You WOULD CRY. & cry like A friggin Baby So do NOTNOT Be My Judge & Jury here. Not one of you have that Right !!! I have worked my entire Life till I could No Longer. Now I Am On Disability & I HATE It. I hate the pain. I hate the life. I hate having To ((((((. DEPEND ))))))) on DRUGS AS EVERYONE OF YOU ALSO DO TO TAKE AWAY MY PAIN !!!

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