Is It Ok To Take Vicodin With Suboxone? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Hi. I am having a procedure done and am being prescribed vicodin. I am currently on suboxone. I WILL NOT take the vicodin unless I am in excruciating pain. Would suboxone help with the pain? And if I do have to take the vicodin how long should I wait to take it after taking suboxone? THANKS!

99 Replies (5 Pages)

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Hi Kelly, thank you so much for replying to my post. My Dr told me to wait 48 hours from my last 8mg Subutex dose this morning and then start taking my Morphine er and my Norco. Do you or anyone else on here have any experience with this? What type of wd's will I have at 48 hours? And, how soon after starting the Morphine er and Norco will my wd's go away? My Dr says my wd's will stop as soon as I start taking my Morphine and Norcos. What do you think? Anxiously waiting for your Reply, Thanks Kelly!!

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I replied to your message TerrifiedBlondie, but it told me my message needed to be reviewed before posting for some reason.. If it doesn't post soon, I will re-write you. I know how it feels to be scared like you are.

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TerrifiedBlondie~ my response finally posted right below the post you made before your last... I hope YOU are doing ok with the whole switching thing. I'm curious as to how it's working for you?

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No has given me a response. Please.. anyone...?!???

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Jay, I'm sorry I don't have any advice for you. I'd def wait until you start feeling wd's from the sub to start the roxys. I'm confused as to why anyone is coming off subs with roxys or morphine. They are the whole reason I take subs

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I started suboxone today I took a 4mg stip still felt like crap took another 4mg still felt like crap had a score of 26 on COWS took another 4mg now I am at home and sweating jittery and can't sleep would too much make you feel like this because the symptoms feel just like withdrawal so I am confused?!

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Number your withdrawal between 1 thru 5, 5 being the worst youever felt. You can take a low dose or split the pill first. If you feel okay and not feel worse, then take more until you feel better. Tell me if I'm wrong but you're not trying to feel high, right? I've heard that if you've been off of opiet for awhile, your tolerance level also goes back down as well. So don't think you have to take as much as what you were used to prior to quitting before. You might get hurt. Although this is what it written in medical journals, I've seen patients that still have high tolerance after being off of opiet for over almost 2 years. I've also read that Sub's makes keep the tolerance level high.

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It could be that you didn't wait lonv enough before taking the Suboxone. Also if you were on really high dose of whatever opiet you were taking, it takes getting used to. I too went through couple of days before Subutex started working. I was vomiting for 2 straight days, fever and shakes... if you can get some type of Benzodiazepines, such as Valium or Xanax, it wil help you. But don't take too much or too long. That too is habit forming. However, it will help you get over the hump. Let me know how you are doing.

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Hi two4tyler, I just read your post and I hope you're feeling much better today. What were you taking and how much before you started on Suboxone? If you're a 26 on COWS, the Sub should definitely be working by now, unless you're not taking a high enough dose of Suboxone to match and BEAT what you used to be on. Have you spoken to your Dr about this? You shouldn't suffer this long while making the switch to Subs and your Dr mos likely will increase your dose and then you'll feel NORMAL. Not HIGH, but you'll feel HAPPILY NORMAL when you're on the right dose. Whatever you do, DON'T TAKE ANY OPIATES NOW THAT YOU HAVE SUBOXONE IN YOUR SYSTEM, it will cause Precipitated Withdrawals, (aka, "hell on earth")! You've come too far to go back to your old ways. Please call your Dr right now and be honest about how you're suffering wd's...your dr can fix your symptoms by adjusting your Suboxone and you'll feel like a new person. The whole point in being put on Subs is to NOT SUFFER WITHDRAWALS, so let's get you on the right dosing right now. I was put on 24mg for the first week and I didn't have any withdrawals, your dose is too low. Hang in there and please reply to my post as soon as you read this. We're all here for you. I'll be waiting for your with you soon

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My husband just accidently took a norco witha vicodin. We know that hhe's not suppose to do that. Hes on 2norco every 4hrs and one bottle had one left. I just came in from the pharmacy with the new script and he thought I put it with the other. Does he need to wait now before taking the norco again?

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Ok, i've read a lot here and find some good and bad info. I've been on suboxone and subutex for over 5 years. Not at the same time of course. 20 mg a day. I finally gave up and threw in the towel. I couldn't afford it any longer and didn't want to keep fighting with my wife. I stopped taking the meds 7 days ago weeping myself from 20 to 4mg in 3 days and then to a shaving. I have felt very little withdraw and able to sleep with the help of xanax. Suboxone is a short term med that should be used no more then 5 days starting 24 hours after your last pain med. Subs help with pain dramatically. But don't get caught in the long term trap. I'm not sure taking an opiate while subs works I never tried. But I will say I wouldnt.

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hi I have to have surgery and currently on 20 mg of suboxone they want me to go down to 4 mg and 2 days before surgery and continue to take this with pain meds. what where the mg of sub they had you on and pain meds ? Im really nervous about feeling pain and going though withdrawal being on both.

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thank you so much
yes you heard me right they want me to take 4 mg of sub and pain meds they told me that 4 mg of suboxone doesn't block pain receptors which I have never heard of what is the best way to tapper before surgery I have this in a week from today and don't know how or what to do. They said if I stopped my sub I would have to do be in withdrawal before starting my sub again I called the suboxone hotline and they said 4 mg do block pain receptors and I should call my clinic again im so confused . I think ill stop sub take pain med and go back on sub only if I really need to hopefully I can be off everything after the surgery

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Jennifer, find a new dr. He has so miss informed you. Your gonna end up hurt and sick. The littlest bit of subs can work. You CANT mix the 2. I would ask for a second opinion. And no pharmacy will fill both meds together I promise.

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Hi Jennifer, just checking in on you to make sure you're ok. Have you gotten a 2nd opinion from a different Dr? Keep in mind that most Pain mgmt Dr's will tell you that you NEED to stay on Subs...they are getting a fortune from the Pharmaceutical companies to keep their patients ADDICTED! Sick, but true. They are making a RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF MONEY by keeping patients addicted. I am so BLESSED AND GRATEFUL that my new Dr got me off of Subs without suffering any withdrawals. All physicians took an oath to, "FIRST DO NO HARM", and sadly, their GREED has turned them into legal drug dealers. Don't stop until you find a Dr who really has YOUR BEST INTEREST at heart. What area do you live in? I'm happy to help find you a pain mgmt Dr that will get you off of Subs by using the method that my Dr used. Would like to hear how you're doing, pls update us, GOD BLESS YOU

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Thank you so much for your reply I live in mn mpls area I have had a hard time with all this since the my suboxone doctor is out of the country until april 8th and they sent her a email a day before she left. so she decided to push my pain management on the doc who is doing my surgery which she has no idea abut suboxone .my primary care doctor is the one who has been saying lots of sorry's and trying to figure out what is best way to do this / she has talk to the pain doc at the hospital the pharmacy and another doctor and everyone has there one way of doing and saying no way is wrong way. my sub doctor didn't even tell me how to tapper down or anything. my doctor wanted me to do 4mg and dilaudid I said no I want to tapper off go in the dilaudid and go back on suboxone . I have been wanting to get off sub for a couple of months now but due to the pain I have to have this done first because they want me pain free .if you know of any other clincs in my area please feel free to let me know any help would be great who I am with right now are worthless thanks for writing to me

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Thats ridicilous. Never heard such a thing. Being on both will physically and mentally destroy u. Pls dont do it..

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Six days for some, depends on how long and at how high a dose. Could take a few months.

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I am on subs nd my next appt Is in 12 days. If I take Vicks for a day or two nd then take subs again so I don't run out of the subs nd go through wd symptoms will it come up in my next appt?

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What? Please explain the morphine thing to me again. Ive recently been prescribed suboxone and am still learning about it.i thought it was a good thing but the more i learn the more i think it might not be.....ive read about physical withdrawals n everything

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