Is Teva 833 Like Xanax (Page 2)
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Are 2 Teva 833 pills equal to a Xanax bar?
Re: Tina (# 13)
That is not a lot of methadone. I have been on 130mgs for two years, and my husband is on 100. We are in sav, ga. The highest dose is 280mg at our clinic and all three clinics that are here in sav. Myself and my husband do choose to not go any higher because the higher you go, the harder and longer it takes to come off. The ones who choose to go as high as possible are abusing the treatment given to them and look at it as just a high. We just wanted help from being sick from pain pills that we were addicted to for our chronic pain we both have. Anyways, its your choice how you use the methadone clinic. The counseling at our clinic are wonderful and wants us to do good with the program, and stays in our business like they should do, so if we do slip up, they will help and try everything to get us back on track.
Re: Tina (# 13)
Lol, I'm on 220 PHX and Milwaukee, sounds like your clinic's one of those clinics where 100 mgs is the highest they'd ever go, but, if you reach 70 mgs your one of the very few.
Re: Eddy (# 1)
Xanax is way more potent than Klonopin people. Xanax half-life is about 3 hours. Klonopin half-life is about 24-30 hours. They are both benzodaizapines yes.
Re: Tina (# 13)
I live in Florida and I get 185 mg a day of methadone for drug dependency you can go pretty high here somewhere around 250 I'm not exactly sure how high but it's up there.
Re: niece (# 3)
Yeah you can die from the mix. I can take them together but if most people do they’re on the moon and don’t remember what happened if they wake up... I had a friend mix Xanax and methadone and died and it wasn’t the first time but it could be. Everyone is different but I wouldn’t suggest it. But if you going to mix it, please only take half of the CLONAZEPAM and see how you feel and don’t do it alone!! I’m not preaching about anything. I am about to take both right now and I have been for 10 years. I’m prescribed both and it was 4 years and I switched to Walgreens and they have a flag in the computer and papers waiting for me saying that it’s so dangerous. I have a genetic disposition that allows me to take a higher amount of narcotics and I am still here. I wouldn’t suggest you try it because if you don’t die you will like it and if you don’t regularly take methadone you WILL DIE!! I AM TALKING FOR F***IN SURE! I mean if you don’t take methadone every day don’t even think about it!! I really really can’t stress that enough. I don’t know if you go to a methadone clinic but you can get narcan nasal mist Anti-Narcotic, Naloxone. Or the needle exchange will give it out for saves lives, mine being one. I can’t stress enough, be safe, get naloxone, narcan...Same thing! It’s free. Watch a 5 minute video and just incase you’re always going to have it.
Re: niece (# 3)
No I'm on a 50mg,n I take clonazepam 1mg 3 times a day!! Prescribe, just drink it at home bcuz u will fell it , 1st GBU I hope I gave u the answer
Klonopin is my favorite benzo They last much longer. They destroy my anxiety and attacks, but dont take to many of them. I made that mistake once a few years ago, and rolled my truck on the 1-10
Re: niece (# 3)
Yes.. It can cause respitory issues combined you may not wake up.
Re: Shots (# 5)
I take 130 mg methadone and 1 mg klonopin 3x a day. It doesn't make me nauseous, the reaction to worry about and why doctors are skeptical to have someone oon both pills at once unless absolutely necessary is they both are downers which could cause you to die due to not breathing or your heart stopping. Unless methadone makes you nauseous by itself, the klonopin isn't going to suddenly add nausea, and. Nausea is a very uncommon side effect with benzos
Re: Auhand (# 11)
The question was are 2 k-pins the same as 1 xanax bar. And yes
Re: Shots (# 5)
No it will not I'm on methadone and klonopin and I've never got an upset stomach. Btw I'm on a way stronger dose of methadone for pain. 135mg
Re: Eddy (# 1)
When you go an look up benzo charts it gives you equivalents. Ok so basically klonopin and xanax are equal like 1mg of xanax is equal to 1mg of klonopin, but 1 mg of ativan is only equal to 0.5 mg of xanax, as 10mg of valium is equal to 1mg of xanax, you have your 4 basic benzos that dr's prescribe. They are xanax, ativan, klonopin & valium right. Sure there are alot more benzo's out there. I have been on temazepam which comes only in a capsule and only 30mg and is a benzo you take once a day at bedtime. In ny I was prescribed the temazepam with xanax 3x daily. But back to what I was trying to say - the 4 basic benzos. Ok xanax and ativan take effect quickly but leave you quickly. Both are water soluble benzos & that is why the half-life is shorter and it's leaving you quicker and more addictive. Now the klonopin and valium take effect slower but stay with you steady and long and they are fat soluble so they stick to the fat cells. So like if you are on valium and you get off and you need to have a clean drug panel, this benzo will and can stay in your body for up to 45 days. Personally, the longest it ever stayed in my body was 28 days, but I prefer xanax for quick relief and klonopin I prefer to stay steady, even, anxiety free and just normal. I sleep ok and I feel fine. It does take like (for me) starting on the new script about 2-3 days to set in but after that I have been fine.
Re: niece (# 3)
No, I am on the same 70mg and on 3 klonopin per day and I usually get the TEVA 833. You may feel euphoric if you are not use to it. It may also take a little while to relieve anxiety so don't go eating a bunch more thinking it isn't working. Give it at least 2 hours if you are taking it for real anxiety issues. Then in 2 hours you will feel relieved and calm. If you are taking it recreationally, IDK your tolerance and wouldn't want to give any advice to hurt anyone except BE SAFE AND CAREFUL.
Re: Ba (# 10)
2mg klonopin the white c15 on them n they are super minty tasting, I also had 1mg green c14 n they are good
Re: Josh (# 14)
What state are you in? Some states are different but most clinics have a benzo contract for people that may HAVE to take them for issues of health that other mediation is just not an option for. I know the clinic I go to you see a Dr or Psych and tell them I am on methadone and tell them about the paper and show them the paper and if that Dr says that you have to for say take Klonopin 3x day for seizures and no other seizure medication will do because you've been on it or whatever his reason he states that on the paper and even can talk with the Dr at the clinic cause the clinic is going to count that klonopin every day; so if your own Dr and the clinic Dr have the benzo agreement all straight you should be ok. It's a signed contract that you will take them as advised and they are to be counted each day by a dosing nurse and it's as easy as that. Idk what state you are in but usually that contract is in the intake paperwork or the book that shows the policies, so you can look up their benzo policy and each clinic has contact people and #s you can contact if you are having an issue.
Holli (# 16) - I have light green Teva 833 and they seem to work fine. It may take a few days sometimes with Klonopin but it has actually really helped me immensely. I am not eating handfuls of Xanax to keep getting the anxiety under control every time the Xanax wears off every 6-8 hrs. The klonopin stay with me many many hours and I am mellow, relaxed, no anxiety and not anxious. I think Xanax patients are use to that BAM it hits you and you feel all sleepy and messed up. I mean if you eat a lot of any benzo it will do that, just Xanax you don't have to take too many and it takes effect quickly, but it is also addictive, so I switched to klonopin and feel SOOOO much better. The light green teva work for me.
Pretty much I realized actually they do have that minty taste - if you chew them and swallow you will feel that minty sensation in your chest and I can feel it in my mouth, but after a few days I felt so much better and stable and even no anxiety no issues sleeping with the klonopin. It stays with you longer, it is mellow and I don't have to take a ton just to relieve my anxiety issues. And I am sleeping later and not waking up jittery. I still have access to the xanax each month but I figure I may just put those to the side until I need them or I save them. Since I am decreasing my methadone I want to have some comfort meds when I get to that 30mg and below phase. I don't want to stop and be stuck at a low mg that I can't get past. I want to go on down to like 5mg and just jump off and have those meds available for feeling crappy and they help with that anxiousness and edgy part and sleep and I will buy immodium and get some leg cramp meds; actually vitamin d works well for leg cramping, so I am just getting pre-ready, but the klonopin 1mg teva 833 is working great and if you take 2 it's equal to 2mg of xanax, it just takes a bit longer to feel it.
Re: Ba (# 10)
I have the same exact question. The green ones I just got from the pharmacy don't seem to work.
Re: Mars (# 7)
I am on 70mg liquid methadone n took 2mg yellow Xanax bars n 1mg blue footballs (Xanax) but they built up a tolerance so fast I was running out. Now I take three 1mg Klonopin a day. Sometimes my pharmacy has blue ones with a C1 on them now. They are light green with Teva one side n 833 on the other. Idk. I don't take it to feel high but Klonopin n valium take a while to feel, and the half-life is much longer n I mean maybe an hr or so, not days. Xanax n Ativan take effect quickly but also leave quickly. And 1mg of Ativan is only equal to 1mg of Xanax as 10mg of Valium is equal to 1mg of Xanax. The only 2 that are really equal are Xanax n Klonopin in mgs. One just takes effect faster n leaves faster. Personally, I switched because I need a longer acting benzo. As for methadone if I take a benzo within a 15-30 minutes window of dosing I get sleepy, but if I take my benzo hours before or after I'm ok. Just be really careful.
Re: Crystal (# 6)
Do you have to see a psychiatrist to get your nerve pills cause I take seizures and where I'm in the suboxone clinic they took mine and can't find a Dr that will right them even my neurologist won't give them back to me he after I quit the clinic for a while he'd SEE abt letting me have them back.. pls help if possible seizures is the worst thing I've ever had in my life I have 3 to 4 a month
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