Is Suboxone Harmful Before Surgery?


I'm having surgery on my wrist tomorrow morning, but I took 2 mgs of Suboxone at 10 am this morning. Will I be ok with anesthesia and pain meds during surgery?

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It will prevent the pain medications from working, in most cases. That's why you are usually told to stop it several days, before surgery.

The FDA warns that it also carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, and headache.

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What did they use for your surgery? I had a forearm injury on a Friday and was lifeflighted last year (September) and surgery was the following Monday. I was in too much pain to ask and wanted to know what the sergeants used which lasted for 10 days afterwards. Hopefully your surgery went well.

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What did they use for your surgery? I had a wrist injury on a Friday and was lifeflighted last year (September) and surgery was the following Monday. I was in too much pain to ask and wanted to know what the sergeants used which lasted for 10 days afterwards. Hopefully your surgery went well.

(I tried to edit above post but had no luck).

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