Is Prestiq Similar To Effexor?


I was taking Effexor 150 mg since March 08, and just yesterday my doctor switched me to Prestiq 50 mg. I haven't been reading too many great reviews about it? Is it very similar to Effexor? I got many side effects with Effexor. Cold sweat, tiredness, no sex drive etc.

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I just started Pretiq today. Suppose to have less side effects then Effexor or Cymbalta. I need to take it for my Fibromyalga and CFS - suppose to lower the PH (what ever that is) and that is suppose to help with the pain. Good Luck!

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This is a SSNRI antidepressant, so its side effects will be similar to other drugs in this class. In addition, there is no way to know how many side effects you may experience, until you actually use it, since they can vary from person to person.

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I started pristiq last about 4 days ago. apparently it is a fast acting drug. i have had no major side effects other than i feel worn down by the end o the day. that is normal for me. I al so take klonopin 1 mg at bedtime when i take the pristiq. i have major anxiety disorder and it has truly helped me. i was not able to ride in a vehicle with my husband or child for fear of crashing. i take my meds when i get ready for bed and i crash and wake up ready for the day the next morning. i have had NO major side effects. as a matter of fact i have not had to take migraine management meds in 2 days. i also concentrate more at work and im not as hungry.

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I've been on pristiq for about a month now. so far not too bad. no side effects really. other than i feel tired most of the day. i gained 14 lbs with effexor so hopefully this new med won't add anymore extra baggage!

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All SSRI and SSNRI antidepressants, unfortunately, can cause weight gain!

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I started Prestiq about 3 weeks ago and one unnerving side effect is violent nightmares. They've lessened the past week. I suffer from terrible depressive episodes and am hopeful

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I started taking Prestiq 5 days ago. I haven't had an anxiety attack but I'm exhausted! I used to get up and go for my walk every morning. I've exercised daily for about 8 or 9 years. Now I am barely rolling myself out of bed in time to go to work. I don't have the energy for anything.

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I started taking Prestiq about a month ago. For the first 2 weeks, I was tired all of the time and started clenching my jaw a bit. I have anxiety and it has helped a lot. I've a lso been losing weight and stopped obsessing about food. I take 5mg Klonopin at night for sleep, and it seems to be a good combo. I'm feeling better and my friends have all noticed a positive difference.

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I've been taking 50mg of prestiq since august of this year, the first time I took it, it got lodged in my throat and sat there for 48 hours before finally going down. And no, it was not a phantom pill, by inducing my gag reflex I could actually move it up and down several inches, but have never been able to bring it back up or push it through. It took about a month of daily torture before I got a system down. I have NEVER had anything get stuck in my throat before and bc the plastic shell does not dissolve in your system (it will eventually pass through bowels) it can remain stuck for some time. I also has severe insomnia almost immediately after I started taking it. Now I average about five hours of sleep a night, so I try to nap when I can. Recently I was upped to 100mg a day and the only difference it's made are these headaches that never go away. Short of myself on percoset/vicodin, nothing seems to completely kick them, though the percoset does make it bearable. As far as actually improving my mood (as I am taking them for severe depression and anxiety) I can't call it a wonder drug, although I do think they make a difference. I have always combined the prestiq with 450mg of wellbutrin XL, the results leave me a little tired, thinner (all wellbutrin there), and much more capable of functioning out in the real world. Sorry to write such a book, I just remember my own frustration at not being able to find any info as it was so new at the time. So, as much as is possible, you have the experience of a seasoned prestiqer.

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I have been on efexor for about 6 months. Coming off them recently was an absolute nightmare, although I do do it in 5 days, not long enough. May blood pressure soared to 160/110 and I have been a little hyper (normal for me - Type A)
I am going to give all these drugs a miss, and sop being a guinea pig. I am drug free now for about three weeks, and guess what, almost back to normal. I think the only cure for depression is inflation, so ween yourself off the meds (slowly) AND GO OUT AND BUY SOMETHING. Bernie

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Prestiq is great! After just one day I was doing super!

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Dr. prescribed Prestiq as a PAIN MED - and apparently this is the case with one other person here. However, I have never suffered from any type of depression. In fact, I am quite the opposite - I'm happy, active - but in pain from a car accident injury - wondering if taking this medication could HURT ME?!

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Ive been on several different medications for depression over 6 years. I started with lexipro then to effexor then to cymbalta. I feel completely numb on it. It's been a nightmare. My doctor changed me to prestiq. I've heard different reports. good and bad, tonight is my first night taking it and I'm scared to death...

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Started with prestiq Monday. So far no side effects but no relief either. I was hoping for a one day wonder.

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Same as before. My depression worrsens and I cant see how much longer this can go on.

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I am on Pristiq (formerly Effexor). I feel like lead during the day. Should I be taking this med at bedtime or in the morning?

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I have been on Prestiq for 6 mths now. I have absolutely no side effects. I am always in a good mood even when the stress is on overload. Things don't get to me like they use to and I basically take everything in stride. What does worry me & extremely scares me is what it does to me when I miss a dose or have run out of my prescription & it takes a few days to get refilled. About 3 mths ago, I ran out for about 1 1/2 wks before I could get a refill. I absolutely fell into a deep depression so much so that my work told me to stay home and get some rest. I did nothing but cry almost constantly. I have not been like that in almost 25 years. It was like I could not control my emotions or my feelings at all. After I had my prescription filled, I was back to my usual Happy-Go-Lucky self. A few time since then, I have missed 1 dose....when I do, everyone around me knows it. I am extremely moody, will snap @ anyone over nothing, completely stressed all day. This past Saturday, I noticed I only had 3 50mg left. Payday the upcoming Friday. I thought well I will space them out, 1 every other night til payday. I was just promoted to Manager at my job last week. Yesterday was the most Stressful Day @ work than I have ever had. I thought I was going to pull my hair out. I was in Panic Mode all day and felt like I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Absolutely Miserable & nightmares when I went to sleep last night. Early this morning I went straight to Walgreens, refilled my prescription and went ahead & took 1 pill even though I normally take them at night. Although today was twice as busy as yesterday and today I was handling things all on my own without additional help...I stayed in a great mood, actually worked 4 hours after my quiting time and have been in an absolutely AWESOME mood.
I Love how Prestiq makes me feel and how it relieves so much stress. But it has me scared to death of the effects it has on me that I can not control whatsoever when missed even in very small amounts. It would terrify me of what might happen if I was ever to try and be weened off the med. I have made a doctor's appt for this upcoming Monday to talk to my Doctor about this. Has anyone out there had any of these experiences that I have had with Prestiq? And if so, any advice @ all would be greatly welcomed!!

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My worst anxiety attacks happen in the morning and lessen over the day. Would it be better to take the prestiq at night or in the morning? My dr says either.

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I've been thinking of going on this for while. But after reading the posts, I'm beginning to think it is more like the Effexor class of meds that is hell to get off of.

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i've been on several different depression meds and just started taking prestiq about 8 months ago but don't seem to be helping anymore than the others. i still don't feel a bit better.i don't know what to do.

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Im taking Prestiq for 1 week now and have tinging in my lips and tongue. I also have pain in both my upper and lower jaws. Anyone experiencing these systoms?

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I started taking prestiq 4 days ago. I take it at night and I feel like I have restless body syndrome. Turn and toss and twitch not sure what that is all about. I have also noticed that my pupils are extremely dialated all the time and it's hard to focus on things at times. Out side of not really sleeping at night feeling really drained in the day, and stomach upset i seem to be able to tolerate things a little better and feel calm for the most part.

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I started taking Prestiq about a year ago. It's been working great but when I miss one pill, I feel the effects. When I miss 2 pills, I am very dizzy and talking crazy things and very mood. I've tried to wean myself off of Prestiq but no luck. Also, since I have been taking Prestiq, my eye vision changed dramatically! I would like Prestiq co. to really research this again and tell me that the eyesight problem is a side effect, especially changing vision that quick. I need answers.

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I have been on Prozac for the past four months. It has helped with my depression, but I'm still struggling with anxiety. My doctor wants me to begin taking Prestiq instead of the Prozac, but I have read some really scary stories on the Internet about side effects for Prestiq. I am frightened to take this medication. Is there anyone who has success with Prestiq without the awful side efffects? I have the prescription but haven't filled it yet so any input would be helpful.

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I take prestig. I have been put on geodon to sleep and before it was ambilify. In my sleep I twitch like a dog having a dream. is it something else or just the stress of the last four years of marriage and divorce. anybody else having a restless leg thing or twitching.

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I have been on prestiq 100mg per day. It has quieted my anxieties and lifted my depression to an appropriate level. If I take it at night I don't sleep well, so I take it in the morning and sleep fine. I am male, early fifties, and weigh about 230 lbs. I am 5'10 tall. It works for me.

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My Dr. has just prescribed Prestiq 50 mg. I have been on anti-depressants for many years and have tried many kinds. them seem to stop working after a while.
I am also on medication for high blood pressure and have been for quite some time. I read a blog where someone said they were told you should not take Presiq with high blood pressure? Is this true? does anyone here take BP meds and Prestiq and are you having any serious side effects or finding prestiq is now working?
Thank you in advance for your response.

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