Is Greenstone Alprazolam 2.5 Better Than Caraco?


I have been taking Greenstone Alprazolam .25 for a long time. Once they gave me Dava and that was awful. Now they gave me Caraco, and I am afraid to start it. I know Greenstone is Classified as A. How is Caraco classified?

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I'm not sure what you're referring to as the classifications. When they are manufactured to the standards as set by the FDA, all generics are considered equal and to be of top quality, so there is no rating system that's used for them.

There can be some slight fluctuations in the amount of the active ingredient, so a little change could be what's causing your problem, but your body will usually adjust in a week or so, since the different isn't significant.

Or you could have a problem with some of the inactive ingredients, because they do cause issues for some people.

The only thing you can do, with any new generic, is try it and see how well it works for you.

Has anyone actually taken this one?

This medication is a benzodiazepine, so it may be habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

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Caraco is not great. The best brand is Teva.

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Teva sux. Mylan sucks. Dava sucks.

Tried them all including brand and I could not notice a difference between the brand and Greenstone 2 milligram Xanax. I took one of each and could not tell the difference. Greenstone are by far the longest working and the best generic made by upjohn who makes the brand name.

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I've been on Xanax for 15 years after my husband died then my doctor decided to stop me cold turkey I took 3 day and I'm starting to have panic attacks again please help me

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Re: Buster (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Pfizer makes the original Xanax and the first generic by greenstone. I have called the co three times and been assured that Greenstone the generic of Xanax, contains the identical ingredients. No difference at all in Xanax Brznd snd Greenstone generic. I am switching today from generic Par. Hoping it works on anxiety than this one. Panchita

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Re: Susie (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

new doctor time one who is understanding and able to help remeber you are paying them for their services if they do not provide take your money and time else where and I'm so so sorry to hear of your loss. much love and God bless

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Re: Panchita (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

the generic par is the old qualitest now solco generics correct with the check mark or v on one side? how do you like those I take greenstone and tried almost every generic but qualitest can u give feedback the the 2mg par qualitest ones? always stay with greenstone and always have but curious?

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