Is Gabapentin A Narcotic (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Please i need to know for sure if gabapentin is a narcotic? I take them every day. I was prescribed them. I was told that they are and i wanna know for certain as im not wanting to take them no more.

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Re: Psl772 (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

FYI - I have been taking gabapentin for more than 10 years as a anticonvulsant and pain. Take it from someone who knows, gabapentin can and will make you very high and possibly to the point of nodding off.

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This is from website:

"Schedule V drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with lower potential for abuse than Schedule IV and consist of preparations containing limited quantities of certain narcotics. Schedule V drugs are generally used for antidiarrheal, antitussive, and analgesic purposes."

They are finding that gabapentin/neurontin has potential for misuse or abuse as it can increase the high felt with opioids, benzos and psychoactive meds.

Gabapentin is not currently considered a narcotic or controlled substance by the federal government, but certain states have enacted legislation that it is treated as one or monitored by the state’s prescription drug monitoring program.

I am just assuming KY is one of those states.

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Yes, as I'm on 300mg Gabapentin and 10mg 2 times a day of the Amlodipine and I've not had any problems. I hope this has helped answer your question.

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Gabapentin/Neurontin is a different drug than Lyrica/Pregablin. They work much the same ways but their is notable differences in bio availability and strength. They both can have a significant withdrawal syndrome associated with it by patient accounts. The severity and duration of the withdrawal and need to taper slowly is typically denied by the medical profession at this time until further data is available. Gabapentin or Lyrica neither one is a narcotic they are that are anti-seizure medication classed as gabapentinoids. However, their may be an absorption issue depending on when the medication together. are taken that may or may not be a issue. Both are respiratory depresents and should be monitored when used with a opiate.

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My doctor says they are. I'd suggest googling it!! It causes constipation in me and made me very depressed and overwhelmed although it helped the neuropathy and other pain, I will have to take as needed only!! Good luck and Blessings to you!!

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They say gabapentin is not a narcotic but I can't take it at work because it makes me to loopy. Why is that?

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No it is helps with nerve damage only, its not a pain med or anything like that. Some people feel a little groggy when they take it and others don't. But it's not considered a narcotic. Just be careful when takin until you know how your body reacts to it.

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Re: Kelly (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

Schedule 5 narcotic to be exact...your of July 1st it became one... Do your research b4 speaking on a subject. misleading advice like yours can kill someone or get them arrested......ignorance is no excuse for not taking time to make sure what you're saying is a fact... too many ppl like you speak in matters u know nothing of... LOOK IT UP. GOOGLE DEA AND GABBAPENTIN.

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Have you checked the side effects of this drug? Try I had all the side effects, though the medication worked, I couldn't handle the medication. I was taking 100 mgs 8x day. Also known as Neurontin, look this up as well.

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Taking it for menopause symptoms

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I just went to the Dr to get my prescription of Gabapentin, which I had 800 mg 3x a day and my Dr dropped it to 300 mg 3 x a day. She told me that it is s Narcotic. I live in Ky.

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Is gabentin used for severe chronic pain

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