Is Gabapentin A Narcotic (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Please i need to know for sure if gabapentin is a narcotic? I take them every day. I was prescribed them. I was told that they are and i wanna know for certain as im not wanting to take them no more.

72 Replies (4 Pages)

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No you should not take suboxone and Gabapentin together unless your Doctor scripts it and monitors closely. It's a CNS depressant and has its own respiratory depression indication so that cause cause additional breathing problems if taken together.

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There is no way possible to nod on any of that, Both are non narcotics. He must be on other drugs. That's like saying ibuprofen gets you high if you take 3 at a time. This is a serious forum, not for jokes please.

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Gabapentin is not a narcotic. It effects the nervous system and is given to control a variety of conditions which cause nerve pain. Gabapentin is often used for neuropathy, degenerative back pain and quite simply, diseases and syndromes where the nerves stop functioning correctly and give us pain instead. I went off of Fentanyl a year ago following 5 years of prescribed use. I would gladly go off of it again than give up my Gabapentin after 8 years of use. It is often more effective than narcotics at controlling nerve pain and stopping it should be discussed with your Dr first.

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The big chain stores are not allowed to give you any sort of drug to hold you over, only small mom and pop pharmacies are allowed to. I refuse to ever go to CVS or Walgreens , they lie and will call you names. My grandma
that is dieing of cancer went to fill a simple low dose pain medication and they refused to fill her medication because the pharmacist said "well you don't look sick", she has no hair from the chemo therapy and lost her leg. So she took off her wig and unstrapped her leg and putting them on the pharmacy counter and told the pharmacist do i look sick now? The pharmacist got all mad and embarrassed and still refused to fill her medication, it's a sad thing is it's totally unfair, but it's legal for the pharmacist to say no.

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Re: joe (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

No Joe, it is proving not effective for all kinds of pain that it is scripted for. Recent medical journals are calling for a reevaluation of the types of pain it should be working for.

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Re: Psl772 (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

Gabapentin is a central nervous depresent. It can cause some people to nod and even have respiratory adverse events. Everyone is not the same. Some people do ok.. others it can effect them adversely and nodding being one of them. It happened to me and I have researched it.

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No it is not. It is not even a "controlled" medication. I had no idea that it was addictive because it is not labeled, like others that are. I was in Jamaica for a month, and I realized I had to start taking it twice a day, rather than the prescribed TID. By the time we were flying home, I was "out", so I called CVS and told them to refill it. They said I needed authorization and they said "your neurosurgeons office has NOT responded to 2 faxes. We will give you (2) days supply, until you can call him yourself." I HAD called him myself from Jamaica, and nobody picked up (on a FRIDAY) and I got no voicemail. We got to CVS at 12:15AM, and the pharmacist, said "I have no idea what you are talking about. There is no message here about you." I was sweating, shaking and when we got in the door, I was in a rage. I used my INDICA vape pen, to get me to fall asleep. When I woke up, the NEUROSURGEON still had not responded to my "portal" message to his office, so, I woke my primary care doctor on the 4th of JULY. He called in a month supply. THERE IS NO "C" before the RX # or an "N" for narcotic. If you read the side effects, it says "do not go off this medication without notifying your doctor." I hope this helps you. My neurosurgeon is kicked out of CVS.

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Re: Kristyne (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

I know right! I'm not a woman and I can tell it would totally be wrong to prescribe that for menopause. I'm glad to see people responding that are educated and intelligent. Have a good day.

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Re: Vickki1000 (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

Responded to Vickis comment. Lyrica is a class 2. It has been for years.

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I am taking pregator daily 2times a day.It is PRESCRIBED for lumber stenosis and sciatica.Is it alright.? Will it help to cure.?

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Re: Amc (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

It's not a narcotic, look up the definition of a narcotic. Google it.

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Re: missy (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Kentucky is making gabapentin a controlled substance since people are abusing it.

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Re: RN in virginia (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

The generic name for Lyrica is pregabalin but it is not available at this time

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Neurontin is the brand name for gabapentin, the generic name for Lyrica is pregabalin

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Re: Donna (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Causes, hair loss blurred vision and STUPIDITY Rebound headaches not recommended to take everyday the same dose on a day off a day DO NOT DRIVE, OR USE ANY THING THAT REQUIRES CONCENTRATION. Extreme memory loss !! I started in 1999 to present do not take Prozac or you willl become very stupid almost child like talk to your doctor ASAP DO NOT DRIVE ever while taking gabstupid trust me take at night if you drive during the day

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Then dont take them they should be called the gabastupid pill

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Re: Awakened36 (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I only take quarter of a 600mg. Gabapentin and I nod out, think I’m speaking and I’m not! I’m super sensitive to meds. Oh, and I also take 7.50/300mg of lortab, but this is only at bedtime for restless legs!

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Re: joe (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Yes its used in patients with RSD/CRPS. I have taken this drug for 14yrs. I am cutting it bck to get off of it. It causes memory issues,weight gain. Plus other side effects. I was taking 2400mg. I am now taking 400mg in AM and 400mg in pm. I have noticed a big change since cutting it bck. Ideally. I want off this med altogether.

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Re: lis (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I am in severe pain and I take gabapentin, doesn't work for severe pain

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Re: FireBlasterdz (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Lyrica is very much like gabapentin but it is not a generic of gabapentin. It is a totally different drug. For many people lyrica works better for pain and others prefer gabapentin. I take 800 mg of gabapentin 3x a day with hydromorphone every 3 hours and is "ok" but Lyrica made me very high and unable to function. Good luck to you with the Lyrica.

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