Intuniv - Irritability/depression (Page 3) (Top voted first)


My 11 yr old daughter was diagnosed with ADHD 5 yrs ago. We have still not found the right combination of medicines for her. Impulsive behavior became a major issue for us. Our ped neurologist suggested intuniv. Since she was also battling anxiety, she started zoloft and intunive while stopping stimulants completely. After a few months, we saw behavioral changes and opted to stop the zoloft. The intuniv alone was not enough to control the inattentiveness, so she is now on a stimulant along with the intuniv. Now we are struggling in a major way with her being disrespectful to us, screaming at us and her sisters, and just being plain out rude ugly to everyone. She thinks everyone is against her. When we speak to her in a authoritative tone, she thinks we are screaming at her. She thinks her teachers do not like her....etc, etc, etc. Just tonight, I started wondering if the Intuniv could be causing this type of side effect. I read the side effects online and it does say that it can cause irritability....but it is doing such a great job of controlling the hyperactivity and impulsivity in a way that the stimulant does not (since the stimulant has the crash and burn effect after a certain period of time). I am really stumped!

62 Replies (4 Pages)

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My 7 year old was intuniv for about 6 weeks and the behavior changes we saw were shocking. He was so mean and would go into a complete rage over the smallest things. He has been off for two days and he is back to his happy but hyperactive self.

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Wow i am so sorry he had such a bad time w/ it but now i feel normal since my 7y/o got so bad that we had to put him in the hospital pdych ward bc the rage would not go away. It was horrendous for us all but we got him off intuniv/guanfacine/tenex and on luvod or something new like that so he immediately was happy off the g-facine. I am glad it works for most but wow do not feel alone if it makes your poor child worse!

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Intuniv made my 7y/o mad,irritable,mean and caused a rage that sent him to psych unit. Now we take latuda and thank GOD we see him happy again;trust your gut feelings bc i knew intuniv/tenex was bad on my son but psych ward refused to believe me--luckily his regular dr/psychayrist did!

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All too similar to our 12 year old son's experience. I am at a loss but am really considering pulling him off everything. Stimulants caused him to have tic he never had before taking any meds. Moved to Intuiv which stopped the tics, minimal help on grades and impulsive/dark behavior has increased. Just don't think it is worth putting him through this.

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My 5 year old son was also placed on Ritalin which caused havoc .. we went back to the neurologist and pleaded for something different.
So they started him on quillivant this is a liquid form of med and thank goodness ... It has been a dream of a child for us. One thing he has lost weight and his appetite changed but for the better

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My son was diagnosed with ADHD and Anxiety Disorder. Since 2nd grade we tried different kinds of med. Until the summer before 6th grade, we heard of a place called Neurocore that does braining training. Along side with the treatment and the recommendation of his pediatrician, he is turning 13 in a few months and is on the lowest dose of both medications. The combo does magic to him. When he was in elementary school, he was functioning but could not socialize with people around him. Funny enough when he started 6th grade, one day he came home smiling telling us his friends don't like him because they are not used to the outgoing person he has become. He is now eating, growing, has a personality and we even got a note from one of his teachers a while ago telling us how much she appreciates having him the the class. The patch is expensive. It costs $70 a month, but seeing our son has a life and have friends, and a comment from his teacher saying he is respectful. It is well worth it.

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Just realized I didn't mention the names of the combo med. He is now on 10mg. Daytrana Patch and 1 mg. Intunitive. Before using the combo, we could choose to take the patch off earlier on the weekend so he can still function at baseball and at church on Sunday. But once the med. wears off (approx. within 3hours). He would be back to the hyperactive boy again. Yes, we did try to take him off Intunitive and he has outbursts for no reason also. But, like I said, the combo turned out to be the perfect does and combination for him.

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My son is on intuniv 2 mg. He takes it at night and that helps with the sleepiness. He also is taking 10 mg of lexapro. He was diagnosed a few years back with ADHD and was put on stumulants..concerta then vyvance. The stimulants made him paranoid and he had outbursts. After finally finding a child psychiatrist he was diagnosed last year with DMDD. Look up the symptoms for this. It is a new diagnosis. It described my son to a t. We have had a much better school year. Still have bumps and now puberty is playing a role.

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Our daughter is 10 years old and I tried 5 different ADHD medication and the one that we like the most in Intuniv but it's only been one month. I agree with you, she is sometimes moody, very rude, we are also very upset. The meds worked well for the impulsiveness but I can tell she is irritable.

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do NOT ever split the tabs. that is dangerous!

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my son is having the exact same symptoms. he is even convinced that his 4 year old sister hates him as well. This is new. He has been on Intunive since July.

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You never mentioned exactly what meds he is on. We were thinking of trying Brain Balance, a brain training place as well.

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I decided to try Intuniv for my son to help with his ADHD because the doctor said that it would not have any side effects like the stimulant medications has. He has been on it for about a month and I have noticed increased aggression and anger, horrible meltdowns. The doctor is still saying that the medication isn't causing this but I definitely see a difference in his behavior since he has starting taking this medicine. I will be taking him off. Nothing seems to work for him, he has been on several different meds that have the same effect.

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Because the post is not about therapy whatsoever. The Post is just about the side effects Of intuniv

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It has been my experience that stimulants make my son (11) irritable and angry. Not all but most. I would stop the stimulant before stopping the intuniv.

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I had been having the same exact issue with my daughter. The attitude disrespectful behavior, rudeness. I have also think it has to do with the Intuniv.

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I am on Intuniv & I feel angry or irritated. It helps but it definitely puts me in a more negative head space. I think its Intuniv doing that to me.

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to 'S'. That's a lot of meds for young 6 year old that really hasn't been identified properly. Have the doctors considered him being an Asperger's child (under the Autism Spectrum)? Your last lines stated how bright and genius like Alex is. He likely is sensitive to light, sound, large crowds and you might not be aware. These issues could be part of why he's impulsive, responding to something that's annoying him. He might even hum under his breath alot, 'cause noises in the background are frustrating him so he drowns them out by humming (even florescent lights make a noise these kids pick up) their hearing talents are incredible. We tried Intunive by itself 1mg ONLY, 2 and 3 made our grandson lethargic and non productive. As he got older, I went to the Native Remedies site and purchased the Focus drops and Bright Spark tablets. We're all in a comfortable place now. Because he really wasn't ADHD, but maybe ADD or Aspies baby, Stimulants were not the answer, it only makes someone who doesn't need it, more agressive and uncontrollable. Just saying...

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My son is 4 and he is on only Intuniv and has been for about 3 months. He is taking 1 mg twice daily he was focused and doing great in the beginning but now he is lashing out at people, very aggressive, yelling, throwing things, and won't listen. I honestly believe that the Intuniv is not right for him.

I have a 6 year old who takes Concerta 27 mg once daily and Intuniv 1mg twice daily and has been taking it for around 8 months and I have had no problems with it. I think each individual child is different and their chemical compounds are different and the physician has to keep documenting moods and changing medications till you find the one that works. i do know with the Intuniv it is a drug you can stop. Good Luck.

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Have you ever thought that mixing all of those drugs might be her problem? I am 16 and I have had ADHD since I was in first grade. I have tried almost every pill out there. Ritalin really shouldn't be mixed with concerta. Also ritalin is a very bad drug my brother was on it for three weeks and lost 20 pounds and fainted when he stood up. For me, taking intuniv and concerta both together in the morning does the job.

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