Insomnia While Taking Gabapentin (Page 3)
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Have been taking gabapentin for a week and am having trouble sleeping anyone having the same problem.

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You are not alone. It's 210, I'm wide awake, but exhausted. Haven't slept well, since I started taking Gabapentin for a neck injury.

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Yes, I've been up 48 hours now :( Wide AWAKE! UGH! 100mg a day. The doctor is going to say insomnia is not a side effect of gabapentin. ..but it IS with me and all of you as well. Thank you for sharing your gabapentin insomnia stories. Since I'm wide AWAKE guess I'll play Words With Friends- that'll be better been tossing and turning and getting agitated. Ugh again!

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I recently started 100mg of gabapentin. I cannot fall asleep. I'm WIDE awake and it's 330 AM. I have to be up at 7 AM. I have been awake 48 hours now. It's like I drank massive amounts of coffee. Ugh! I'm going off of it. This is insane!!! Unfortunately I'm not the only one experiencing insomnia on this RX.
Thank you for all your interesting posts...

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Same problem. Was on it for problems with sciatica. I'm a night owl, so it took me almost a week to realize this was a problem. During the second week, I was wide awake until 3 and 4 am every night even after taking an OTC sleep aid. Went to my doctor than and stopped taking it.

The good news, though, was it TOTALLY got rid of my hot flashes and night sweats. So when I did fall asleep, I wasn't dealing with that for a change.

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I just started 300mg at night. I'm taking it for periodic limb movement disorder (which is related to restless legs) to GET a deeper, better sleep. Yesterday I slept about 8 hours and woke to horrid anxiety and felt like someone beat me up. Took it last night about 10:30 and now I'm fully awake at 5:30, but now I'm getting sleepy again as I took a Clonopin.

This thread is interesting as you are all speaking of insomnia. This med is supposed to make you sleepy. I seem to have opposite effects from meds and have to stop them. Maybe I just need to give it more time.

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I just started taking Ganapentin 100 mg a day. Insomnia. Will this pass? I can't go on without sleep forever:/

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I can get to sleep because I'm so tired from waking up at 4or 5am and can't go back to sleep so I Star Coffee which burns me out later anybody else have that problem I'm so tired all the time I take 400 milligrams at night

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That is an unacceptable side effect which could lead to hallucinations and paranoia due to restlessness. Sleep is healthy. They need to try others. But it costs money every time you go back in, pay for another prescription and throw it away. Try Soma or Flexeril or klonopin. You'll see why. They are cheap, doc's are pretty good about giving them and if one works stick with it.

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I take 400mg 3 times a day, I will sleep one day and then up for the next two nights and then sleep one night and so on. I also get vivid dreams and have become depressed while taking Gabapentin.

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I am taking 100 MG 3x's a day and have noticed (on about day 5 of this drug) strange dreams when I CAN sleep and trouble getting to sleep in the first place. Anyone else?

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Yes me too I have been on 100MG for a week.....BUT that is too higher dose so will be coming down to 50MG today......i am not impressed with this drug and as I need my sleep, if i am not happy with 50MG i will stop it..I prefer to have the MS problems than not been able to sleep!! xx

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can't get a good nights sleep two days in a row. surgury pain from lung absess dosen't seem to get any better.

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