Insomnia And Anxiety
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I had a burning skin sensation that turned into a sore throat. I was prescribed the 4mg pack and antibiotic. After day 1 I had excess energy bordering on anxiety and insomnia. I suffer from anxiety and take Lexapro.
I called the hospital center where I got the med and the doctor said the symptoms should lessen each day and if they got worse that it would be ok since this is a fairly low dose.
Now I am confused as I hear horrible things about stopping.
3 Replies
Unfortunately, a doctor can only prescribe according to whether, or not, they feel any possible benefits to a patient outweigh the possible risks, and since there's no way of knowing what side effects, if any, any given person may experience, it is, sometimes, a crap shoot.
Anxiety, can be a side effect of Methylprednisolone, along with nervousness, elevated heart rate, nausea, and dizziness.
Stopping abruptly is usually only a concern if a medication in this class is taken in high doses for long periods of time, so just make sure to follow the instructions provided by your doctor, or pharmacist.
How are you doing, now?
I stopped after the first dose. I had intense anxiety so I stopped. My primary was upset that Patient First gave that to me!
How are you doing? Did you quit the pack early? I am surprised that the Dr prescribed this to you, since one of the side effects is anxiety. I went to the ER, on my fifth day, with a severe anxiety attack, and I have no history with anxiety. I stopped taking them with two pills left. I am now two weeks past my last dose, and I am still dealing with anxiety issues, although it's finally getting better. Good luck. Keep us updated.
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