Ingredients In Metanx
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Re: Amber L (# 1)
What is the name of this generic
Can I buy Metanx over the counter? I suffer from nerve pain and nothing has worked for me.
I'm so disappointed to read Metanx is prescription. My podiatrist told me it wasn't. And mixed feelings about a substitute. I feel helpless.
Israeli pharmacies have a product called B Card which they say is the closest equivalent to Metanx and is sold for 30.00 - 30 tablets.
Ran out of my metanex. Take it for b12 and frolic acid. cannot afford 70 something a month is there a substitute for this? I saw a difference while taking it for the good. Please respond
will metanx interfer with blood pressure med.? I am not diabetic, should I take metanx ? or just vit B complex? I also take a great deal of vitamins, all kinds.I have neuropathy in my feet, no pain feel like I am walking on lunps of sand.
Been reading your accounts of METANX and the so called generic Neropath. Today my Dr gave me a pamplet with a new generic called ZERXIS manufactured by the same company that makes METANX for Pamlab, in fact it says made on the same machines as METANX, with the same ingredients. Product # is 18011-0806-90. Ordered it from the pharmacy but haven't picked it up yet. Here is the tel for : Zerxis Pharma, LLC 1-877-622-1989. Also got a generic from Greece when I was there this year and it was called Neurobion. Made by Merck. Hope this info helps!!!
If you go to the metanx website up at the top there is a discount pharmacy, when you click on it, it will take you to brand direct health. You can get the Metanx for $144 for 3 months or $48 for one month. According to the pharmacy, all of the generics have been discontinued and this was the cheapest I could find it for.
There are no true generics for metanx as it is legally not rated an AB subtatute, that is bioavalable equivelant. The true difference is he active forms of L-methylfolate, B12, and B6. They are already active in metanx so they do not need to be matabalized and that is where the problem can occure with otc or imposter none AB rated products. They can not be converted by the body (metabolized) in great enough amounts to make a difference and can cause more problems by blocking or occupying receptor sites and not allowing other necesary matabalizing to occure. As far as cost, contact PamLab and ask for any suggetions on cost savings. hope this is useful and good luck.
yes, there was a generic, but it was taken off the market. I have heard there is a lawsuit involved, so back to the expensive Metanx. The generic worked for me, so it's hard to pay for the more expensive name brand, but I will pay it to reduce the pain in my toes at night.
Yesssss, Audrey. Your short statement says it all.
Hal, Glad to hear you bit the proverbial med bullet and are trying the metanx generic .Give it 30 days w/o forming an opinion. If it works for you (three cheers). My post#17 was of value. Why all the posts trash the govt approved generic(neuropath-B) before even giving it a try is beyond me. Regards try-me
List the ingredients side by side, then explain how they could be equivalent? They may both work for some people - which is not the definition of generic equivalency.
I see the debate and concern continues. Neuropath-B is a legit generic . Those of you who continue to belabor the issue need to try the generic form and stop complaining.. If it does not work for you,well.......duh .
Just came home tonight from CVS with Neuro-B, for $4.62. Metanx had been costing me $28 with a fair amount of help from my insurance. The pharmacist says both are available without problem. I do not think they are exactly the same, but willing to try the Neuro-B. Interesting to me that Neuro-B publishes the contents ad Metanx seemingly does not.
You're lucky if your health insurance pays for Neurpath or Metanx. Cigna will not pay for mine, so it's about $60. They say they do not pay for vitamin supplements, which is a pile. Where can I get a rundown on the ingredients in these two drugs? Has anyone tried combining OTC vitamins in the amounts contained in these products? Any luck?
On 7/19/11 CVS told me that Folast, Neurpath AND Metanx were all backordered and none were available. They didn't know when any would become available. I have used all three.
my pharmacist told me the same thing. I am very interested in any replies to this question. I was offered folast as a substitute, which is the same co-pay as neurpath-b, so please add remarks about this drug.
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