Inderal Propranolol 10mg- Hair Loss (Page 3)
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please reply if your hair has fallen out and or you have had weight gain. if your hair has not fallen out please also reply. Thank you..........

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I am losing hair so rapidly that it is devastating. I'm feel that I will be totally bald. And I have gained a lot of weight. But I'm so stressed. I eat when I'm stressed. So don't know if I can say that is from the medication. I take 80 mg a day. But I have been taking it for some years.

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Yes my hair has started to really thin:( and low libido I take 20 mgs of propranolol

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How long does it take the propranolol to get out of my system? I got off of propranolol 160mg after 14 months (November 24th, 2016) when the entire crown of my head thinned out with a couple of bald spots. Every time I refilled in the 5 months the pills would be different colors. I was devastated and withdrew from all social commitments. I have been through an emotional roller coaster because my hair was so thick and healthy. Most people thought it was a wig. Well since November I have been wearing a wig and my crown is just now showing signs of recovery. I just stop taking them which I don't recommend but the danger is over now and I feel great. I have been on a long journey and don't want any medications. I pray that God continues to help me find the spirit of infirmity, life and gifts of healing. Bless you all and I hear you in regards to talking your chances.

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Hi did you wean yourself of this I am weaning myself of now did your hair grow back

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I have been on 40 mg for around two years I am on a six week programme to ween of I am virtually bald I regret ever taking this stuff. I was wondering if my hair will return after I stop it. I had full head of hair before I am a male aged 48 . I have stopped taking amloddopine as this is bad also. It's worse on the back and crown. I have been told to drop to 30 then 20 then 10 and stop. Please can anyone advise me

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Hi, I lost 16 inches of my hair 180mg of medication took 3 months to come off. Slight palpitations, bow down to 30mg no more migraines.

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Regina, they say the hair loss is reversible after you stop taking Propranolol.

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I've got the same problem! I'm 49 and started taking propranolol for migraines 8 months ago. Finally something that actually works- Then I notice my hair is falling out! This sucks!

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Just wondering will propranolol cause my hair to fall out

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Hi, been on propanalol -3 years, 40mg twice a day. Have been reducing dose with a view to stopping altogether in discussions with doctor,was taking for migraines. Starting by halving one dose ,now I am only on one tablet cut in half a day, going to cut into a quarter for a couple of weeks. Have felt awful for over a week, lightheaded,dizzy,heavy feeling in head, headache, cant walk far because of unsteadiness . Can coming off propanalol cause these symptoms??

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A beta blocker medication is a medication that blocks your adronergic receptors, which are your adrenaline, and noradrenaline. Which in turn slows down heart rate and lowers BP. I've never heard about a beta blocker blocking VItamin B. But good look. Beta blocker hair loss is reversible, and weight loss is achievable much easier after stopping this medication.

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My hair started falling out about a month on propanol. At the same time my HRT was changed to something with testosterone so I got a double whammy. In the week since the hair fall has increased (it was always there, just not so bad) I can build my own wig. I used to have really thick full wavy hair, not any more. Diagnosed with Lupus at 21 and endometriosis at 37 I had a hysterectomy last year and have been dealing with hair loss for years but nothing like this. I cry when I brush my hair and I am scared to wash it. Will this ever end?

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Hi, my hair is actually breaking off I had beautiful long thick hair past my shoulder now it is above my shoulders I am devasted. I am going this week to my primary to figure this out, it's seems that when my neurologist prescribed this for my migraines and placed me 3times a day is when I started to see the end result.

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Hair has been falling out over a year. I am to the point I can't cover all the bald spots. Didn't know infernal could cause this until reading last night. I have been taking infernal for a tremor for at least 20-25 years. Will hair grow back of that is what the cause is?

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I was prescribed 20mg Propanalol once a day, or as needed for anxiety related flushing, racing heart, and trembling. When I realized how much it worked to reduce these symptoms, I started taking it every morning (with drs approval). It wasn't until 4 years later when I couldn't figure out what happened to my beautiful thick hair and eyebrows and inability to lose weight despite a rigorous regimen, that I started researching the side effects of beta blockers. Two of the major effects are inability to lose weight (your heart rate stays low despite increased activity) and hair loss. I immediately called my dr and we worked out a plan to ween me back down to an "as needed" dosage.

It's been about a month and a half and I no longer have wads of hair in my shower drain, and my brows are starting to grow thicker. So far no weight loss, but I can feel myself having a harder workout. I also sleep like a rock now. I plan on keeping my prescription but using it only as needed.

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Hi there i am experiencing the same ive been taking propranolol for about a year now my fringe and on top has gone really thin ive started taking vitamins to see if that will help because i dont know what else to try as i need to take it for my anxiety itx a no win situation

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I've been on propranolol for about 5 years. I started on 40mg twice a day. I had thick hair and weighed 105 lbs. about 3 years ago I was switched to 80 mg ER once a day. A year and a half ago clumps of hair started falling out. Now I have visible thinning at the top front of my head and I am 119 lbs. I am only 4' 9" short. I thought the hair loss was lipitor. I stopped that months ago but my hair is still thin at the top. Now I think the culprit is propranolol. Is the hair loss reversible?

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So much of my hair is falling out. I asked this nurse, of whom works at a teaching hospital, and she said her teacher told her that the medication is blocking my B12 receptor intake. So, as of 2 weeks ago I started taking sublingual B12 tablets to combat this problem. Idea is that it will absorb straight into my bloodstream bypassing my metabolism where it's being blocked. All I can say is that I haven't noticed much difference YET. It does seem to be decreasing the amount of hair loss, as I notice after showers in the morning. The nurse said the doctor told her it depletes my niacin as well. UGH! This medicine has done what YEARS of therapy has FAILED to do for me. IT IS GOD SENT, but at the same time it's a nightmare too. Which is worse...horrible, drenching night-sweats and racing heart, or my hair falling out? ANSWER: night-sweats & racing heart.
P.S) Has anyone else heard about certain receptors being blocked? If so, which ones?

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My hair is falling out at an alarming rate. Two weeks into medication. No weight gain. Extreme fatigue. This medicine is hurting me more then helping. I quit taking it. I'd rather stroke out then be bald, I'm a hairstylist! I can't be bald.

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Ask your doctor for a calcium channel blocker instead of a beta blocker which is what Inderal (propranolol) is.

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