Increased Dose Of Sertraline (Top voted first)


Been on 50mg of sertraline for 4years. Four days ago after suffering server anxiety I took 100mg one day and 75mg the next.Due to feeling very spaced out and sick I have gone back to 50mg but still feel dizzy and sick. Why has this happened and when will it subside.

2 Replies

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Hello, Karen! How are you?

For this medication to help with anxiety, it must be taken at a consistent dose for 4 to 6 weeks, so jumping up only for a day, or two won't do much more than cause more side effects, as you experienced.

It may take another week, or so for things to settle back down and for you to start to feel better. If not, you should consult your doctor.

Other typical side effects, as listed by the U.S. FDA, may possibly include nausea, headache, dry mouth and weight gain.

How are you feeling, now?

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Thank you for your reply, I didn't know that about treating anxiety so your info has helped a lot. I am just taking my 50mg dose and I am going to see my GP if my anxiety carry's on, The last few days have been ok so I will see how it goes. Many thanks.

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