Inactive Ingredients Of Qualitest Or Leading Pharma Lorazepam (Page 6) (Top voted first)


What are the inactive ingredients of Qualitest lorazepam or Leading Pharma lorazepam? Does anybody know?

It seems that its formula might have been changed because I feel 1mg is less effect than before or does not work. I used to take Ativan 1mg before abroad and one month from Kaiser in the U.S. but they gave me refill as generic lorazepam (Qualitest). I felt 50-60% effectiveness compared to Ativan(brand lorazepam). I can't take Watson lorazepam as it does not work for me causing side effects (rapid heart beats, sweating, anxiety, dehydration). Qualitest has less side effect (less dehydrated than Ativan) I did not have physical dependence on Ativan for long time and quit too. But this generic lorazepam is getting less effective over a few months.

Also my pharmacy had changed Qualitest to Leading Pharma without notice so I had to get new transcript for new pharmacy for qualitest (I transferred once).

I did not take it for mental problem (anxiety or panic attach) but for side effect of levothyroxine (I should take it as I got my thyroid gland removed). Ativan has calming effect and reduces heart beats, sweating, and stiffness and helps sleeping a little as I suffer from some pains. It does not fix my problem but reduces temporarily. Zanax does not work. Cymbalta does not work. All depression medicine does not work. With Cymbalta, I became unconscious and was hospitalized. I almost died taking Prozac due to side effects and worsened my symptoms. Ativan only helps a little.

I called most pharmacies in LA but many of them sell Leading Pharma lorazepam and some sell Watson. Most pharmacies do not receive return once it is opened (only one pill is taken) while Rite Aid does and during the period of medication, patients can't buy another lorazepam even with new prescription so if the medicine cause side effects or does not work, customer have to wait until refill period comes.

I found only one pharmacy selling Qualitest lorazepam but most others sell Leading Pharma, I don't know why but maybe because of their marketing. So I may change to Leading Pharma but am worried that it does not work like Watson.

I wonder if anybody tried Leading lorazepam and if it works, though effects are different according to each individual. Ativan in the U.S. is very expensive ($2600 for 1mg 30 tablet) and most doctors do not prescribe it and insurance is mostly not covered or do not want to pay for it. That's why Kaiser gave me brand Ativan only once and changed it to generic.

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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Mylan was the best generic!!! After that I tried them all except Teva. Leading is the best one out for anxiety. The others are placebos

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Re: Abomb (# 101) Expand Referenced Message

It seems various Indian generics work differently for different people......for me, Leading was about 75% as good as the old Watson yet other had issues with the old Watson......the current Watson is Actavis using an old Watson mold...Watson hasn't made lorazepam since 2012. For some, Leading is excellent...for many its a bulky placebo.....but much of a psychotropic med success comes from believing that it works......try different pharmacies but if you are like i am in NJ (where many of the India produced meds are marketed from), there is little choice - its Actavis or Leading (literally around the corner from where i live).

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Re: Judy (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I also do not think that Leading Pharma Lorazepam is working. How do you send it to be tested? To a chemical lab?

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Re: Sheri (# 103) Expand Referenced Message

I don't mean to sound sarcastic because i tried it myself...(and no, Leading is not as good as older manufactures-just my opinion)...anyway....i tried this with leading....don't take it...just skip it.......for me it took about 7 hours before i would have given anything for ANY lorazepam.....i took about an hour my anxiety went down a bit.....not a scientific test....but it showed me Leading did SOMETHING but its (and all the other India-made generics) are no where near the old Ativan when made by Wyeth...I hope someday some gives a sh*t to help us but probably won't.

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Re: Judy (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

can you tell how you had the medication tested, i have been looking for a labratory to do just that

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Re: Richard (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

Oh oh...there are TWO "Richard"s here now...I'll switch to Richard H.....

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Re: joe (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

Teva bought Actavis from Sandoz in July of 2017.........who really knows who watered things down.....what i find amusing is that they Sandoz and Teva still use the old Watson molds when they make it still says "Watson on it....

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I get subutex, adderall, and xanax. I’ve tried every manufacturer and I never care cause they all work on me the exact same. It’s FDA approved.

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Re: Omar (# 109) Expand Referenced Message

sorry Omar, today fda approved means nothing, its almost impossible to go after big pharma and thats no accident, big pharma dumps millions on millions into our elections and its not because they like us, there are some people like yourself that can take anything on the market with out any problem but your not speaking for me or the hundreds who take the time to write in their issues on a regular basis, if you think fda approved means anything, ask yourself when a product is approved by the fda, guess who approved it in the first place

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I called the company. (Qualitest) and they said they stopped making them. So, have Mylan too (wrote them a letter) So, have been stuck with the lousy Leading Pharma. Liked them for a year or so, but now...NO.

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Re: Judy (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

What did you find out from the testing?

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Judi (# 14) --

Actually Leading (listed as ‘Major Pharma” on the bottle but mfg: Leading on the insert) literally <1000 feet from my house. I contacted them several times but they just give me generic answers like “our product is approved by the FDA”. I get 3 months supply at a time....if Leading is worthless i’m In trouble...i’ve Been taking 2mg 3x day for over 30 years....

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Re: Deedee (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

I just wrote the FDA..has anyone gotten a response or has no one written?

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Re: Judi (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, Sandoz seems to work for me and when I got the Leading it was twice the thickness...must be fillers. I think I will ask for Mylan. I think Safeway Pharmacy has it. I've been calling all the pharmacies around where i live to see if they carry Sandoz..most carry Activas which used to be Watson and if I remember correctly it gave me heartburn. I used to take Rambaxzy. But don't know if they still make it. I was sad when I couldn't get it anymore..thats when I went to Sandoz.

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