Inactive Ingredients Of Qualitest Or Leading Pharma Lorazepam (Page 5)


What are the inactive ingredients of Qualitest lorazepam or Leading Pharma lorazepam? Does anybody know? It seems that its formula might have been changed because I feel 1mg is less effect than before or does not work. I used to take Ativan 1mg before abroad and one month from Kaiser in the U.S. but they gave me refill as generic lorazepam (Qualitest). I felt 50-60% effectiveness compared to Ativan(brand lorazepam). I can't take Watson lorazepam as it does not work for me causing side effects (rapid heart beats, sweating, anxiety, dehydration). Qualitest has less side effect (less dehydrated than Ativan) I did not have physical dependence on Ativan for long time and quit too. But this generic lorazepam is getting less effective over a few months. Also my pharmacy had changed Qualitest to Leading Pharma without notice so I had to get new transcript for new pharmacy for qualitest (I transferred once). I did not take it for mental problem (anxiety or panic attach) but for side effect of levothyroxine (I should take it as I got my thyroid gland removed). Ativan has calming effect and reduces heart beats, sweating, and stiffness and helps sleeping a little as I suffer from some pains. It does not fix my problem but reduces temporarily. Zanax does not work. Cymbalta does not work. All depression medicine does not work. With Cymbalta, I became unconscious and was hospitalized. I almost died taking Prozac due to side effects and worsened my symptoms. Ativan only helps a little. I called most pharmacies in LA but many of them sell Leading Pharma lorazepam and some sell Watson. Most pharmacies do not receive return once it is opened (only one pill is taken) while Rite Aid does and during the period of medication, patients can't buy another lorazepam even with new prescription so if the medicine cause side effects or does not work, customer have to wait until refill period comes. I found only one pharmacy selling Qualitest lorazepam but most others sell Leading Pharma, I don't know why but maybe because of their marketing. So I may change to Leading Pharma but am worried that it does not work like Watson. I wonder if anybody tried Leading lorazepam and if it works, though effects are different according to each individual. Ativan in the U.S. is very expensive ($2600 for 1mg 30 tablet) and most doctors do not prescribe it and insurance is mostly not covered or do not want to pay for it. That's why Kaiser gave me brand Ativan only once and changed it to generic.

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Charlii77 (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, I am happy to hear that it’s working for you . Many people have not been as fortunate as you are. I actually had a lot of issues when I was forced to change brands. No longer making brands that worked. I gave plenty of time and I was miserable. I ended up on brand name and take less of it then a generic. They are full of fillers, brand is not. So I think people were having major issues. They were wanting to know, and if they are having problems then it should be addressed.

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Re: Hnnypooh (# 81) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree I mean ive been on lorazepam 26 years and yes I'll be the first to agree some makers are better than others but these lorazepam made by LEADING PHARMA are not the best but they do work is what I'm getting at here

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Re: Charlii77 (# 82) Expand Referenced Message

When I first joined this discussion I disagreed with everything negative said against Leading and Actavis....well..after being on them for a year.....I have no problems admitting I was wrong...several months ago I started having tachycardia during the day with any slight exertions..up to 171 bpm...and at night waking me up 3-4 times a night with lower high heart rates until recently they went over 150.....not good. Literally just came back from docs .....I barely got the words Actavis’ “Watson” is not like the old’s not as effective and neither is Leading..out of my mouth ...when he interrupted me to say he has heard this from many many patients in the last 3 he wrote me a script of a light dose of a benzo w/ a longer half life to take at night...along with the Actavis Lorazepam. .05 mg of Klonopin. It’s a shame American manufacturers have sold out their patients so they can make higher profits.... ALL Lorazepam is now made in India ... Thus they do not, by law, have to adhere to the "no less than 5% variation" in the active ingredient FDA law... As an import they can vary 5-20%.

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Re: Richard (# 83) Expand Referenced Message

I have svt and I'm also on heart medication and the 2mg lorazepam from LEADING PHARMA been on them for over a month no problems I personally think Watson brand is the best also keep in mind I've noticed these comments are from last year has any one gotten an up date who knows maybe they are being made better as of now I hear so much about how these pills taste like sugar they do not taste like sugar they taste exactly like the inactive ingredient prcillin potassium

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Re: Charlii77 (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

No doubt different manufacturers work for different people. Watson hasn’t been made by Watson since bought out by Teva (Actavis is owned by Teva) in 2013. The tablets still say Watson but that’s because they are still using the same molds......i’ve Been on benzodiazepines for 51 years- lorazepam specifically for 7-8 years. Watson in 2012 was virtually identical to brand name Ativan ...I couldn’t tell them apart for effectiveness. Once the India-made Teva lorazepam withthe Watson imprint came to market there was definitely a difference in color (it is whiter and shiny compared to the old Watson) and more importantly-effectiveness. I thought it was just as good too....until about 6 months later I thought it was my anxiety increasing. Just yesterday I spoke with my medical manager who acknowledged that many of his lorazepam taking patients were saying the same’s not our imaginations.......I wish it was. If what you are currently taking works for you.....that’s great......

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Re: Charlii77 (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

I think that every pill should work the same. We should not be put through tests. They should all be required to use the same amount of active ingredients. It’s not fair that people such as myself should have to be sick and going through withdrawal symptoms because we are treated like guinea pigs. If you needed a heart pill and one didn’t work properly would you continue to take it?? People can have seizures etc not having the proper dose. I was able to be put on the brand name Ativan and have my insurance cover it. Thank God! Guess what? I actually take less than I did on generics.

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Re: Deedee (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Wow that's interesting you were on leading lorazepam for a month and it took that long to realize they didn't work and you have severe panic attacks hmm I've been on lorazepam for 26 years and I take leading brand 2mg for severe panic and ptsd and I'm not being rude but lets be real here if in fact leading brand did not take your panic away and did not have the ingredients to treat it and you have taken it for quite some time im sorry to say but you would have ended up in the er for withdraw and possibly seizures after a day or two

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Re: Paul (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

I was made to take them after I started having horrible panic attacks . I went off three weeks later had another panic attack within a week . Went to ER was told by them and my Dr I had to stay on them prob for the rest of my life . I was upset but found over time I took smaller doses and spread them out . That’s what my dr suggested and it has worked in that regards .
Now years later I get griped at for taking them by many .. it’s like I did not make the decision to stay on them they did . So here I am . Yes I have had to increase them about every 8 years . However when I went to the brand Ativan I actually was able to decrease the meds . They are the actual correct dosage . Not full of garbage fillers . Teva worked the best for me besides the brand name . Watson made my jaw hurt . Leading brand was the worst I have ever taken . Like taking zilch .

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Yes I'm on leading lorazepam it taste like sugar because of the potassium it has an inactive ingredient these comments and side effects of this brand of pill causing all these death side effects are just ridiculous give them a try all the generic lorazepam are the same to me good luck

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Re: Hnnypooh (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

How long were you taking the LEADING PHARMA LORAZEPAM and what were your symptoms

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Re: Charlii77 (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

Hi , I tried taking for 3 weeks . I had severe anxiety . Very strange physical symptoms . Felt like I was going through withdrawals . Nausea , headache . Multiple things . Once I took 1 ativan it was so much better .

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Re: David (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Yes the potassium in the leading brand lorazepam is a tablet disintegrate meaning you will get the most out of the pill if taken sublingually instead of oral I put one under my tongue in about 20 seconds it's dissolved and I don't swallow for about 3 minutes and I feel immediate relief I'm starting to wonder if this tablet is only supposed to be used sublingually hope this helps

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Re: Hnnypooh (# 91) Expand Referenced Message

I went through the same. Ended up in ER with severe panic attack with very high heart rate..

Go back to thread maybe 6 months ago. Leading Pharma does not work for me..their pills are a little large for sublingual???

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Leading works great. It’s not like Mylan but better than the other placebos. Yet to try Teva. Would like to hear if someone can compare the two

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Re: Dee (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Clonazepam should have a sweet taste ! The more - the more active ingredients

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Re: Abomb (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

I think it all depends on the individual.....and what we believe is working for us...if Leading works for you, then stick with it.......when my old (the original-non-India) Watson was first changed to Leading I found it to be just fine..but after a few months my anxiety levels had risen....and others here also noted Leading to be rather pharmacy then switched to Teva (still says "Watson" but its Actavis using the old molds)....then Leading was actually more desirable...and no longer available to my pharmacy (probably Actavis was cheaper) goes on..... I tried an experiment...if you've lost faith in your generic (I've been on benzos for over 50 years (lorazepam 35+-same dose as I began with (2mg 3x day).......try skipping a dose....lorazepam washes out rather fast compared to valium/ the time you haven't taken your next dose..evaluate how you feel.....try skipping the next (that's as far as I got) take your "weak" generic......suddenly in 1/2 hour it seems so much more powerful than I thought it was.....(I got this idea from years ago when I tried fasting..... I always had utterly hated chestnuts........but into day three of the fast I gave in..grabbed the first thing I could find (I was out shopping)...a bag of pre-peeled roasted chestnuts... I've been loving them ever since.

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Re: Judy (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Agree. A disgrace and a rip off.

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Re: Charlii77 (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

Nothing works like the Mylan brand which was discontinued because...ohh because it works the best! Great reason. Leading is now the best. The others are trash. I never tried teva brand though.

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Leading makes junk. Is the FDA aware?

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I was on Lorazepam by Watson for a while, no problems, got a refill 1-9-2020 , new manufacturer,leadingPharma , kinda afraid to take it. seems to have a cinnimon like taste when hitting the mouth. Do not know what to do next. called CVS Pharmacy. Change manufacturer without notice of which I'm getting sick and tired of.

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