Implanon Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Implanon forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Implanon and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.After some advice: So i had the implant in for 3 years, had it changed and now in the second year of this one - in total about 5 years. I never had a period when i got it put in on both occassions; i had the very very minute spotting on the very odd occassion. Last month i had a full on period for 7 days. And now iv come on again this month. Should i be worriied?
UpdatedMy birth control expired December18 2016 I still have it in my arm I wanted to know is it possible that I can be pregnant, my breast are very tender also milk very easy to come out I keep feeling light head more of a feeling like I'm about to pass out early mornings I feel so sick I was just curious because of my exasperation date over due could I be pregnant? ## Yes, if it has expired and you've been engaging in intercourse, there is a risk of pregnancy. However, as reported by the FDA, these symptoms could also be caused due the changes in hormones that are occurring in your body due to this expiration. However, given the milk leakage, it would be best to have yourself checked out by your doctor to be sure. Are you on any other medications? ## Helllo im 20 and im trying to con...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI am coming up on my last week before the set date it expires and to get it removed. My breasts have been really sore. Is this a side effect from the hormones? I am just worried because it is coming up on the expiration date. Is implanon less effective towards the last few weeks? ## It is most likely just due to fluctuating hormone levels, you may also experience headache, nausea, spotting, and PMS-like symptoms. However, if you are concerned, it never hurts to have yourself checked for pregnancy to be sure. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY UpdatedHi have the arm birth control implant- Nexplanon I've had it for about 2years now my question is, is it normal to be hallucinating, or hearing things that aren't really going on? Example -I'll be sleeping in bed and i believe that i hear my son crying and every time i get up to see if he's ok, he's sleeping, it goes on for hours, or i start thinking someone is in my house and start having a panic attack because i believe I'm hearing -seeing things that aren't really happening, I'm not sure if it's because lack of sleep or if it could possibly be a side effect. ## Hello, Kels! How are you? No, the psychological side effects are listed by the FDA as possibly including emotional lability and depression, so what you're experiencing is very unusual. Ar...
1 REPLY Updatedhi i have an implanon n went to my periods but on my last day i noticed that am having heavy bleeding with clot and i have to change pads efter every two (2) hours so i went to the clinic they gave me anserobyl 400, injection and ovral 28 but still no change.Is there any problem with my abnomen?Is is normal to have those rainy periods?its like i pee when having them ## That can be normal, when you have the Implanon, but the Anaerobyl won't help, it is an antibiotic and can only help treat, or prevent bacterial infections. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY UpdatedHello, I got the implanon inserted 1 year and 8 months ago and starting this year I have gain weight approximately 25 lbs. I went to a nutritionist and prescribed me redotex, just wanted to know if it interferes with birth control function or if the results of loosing weight are the same while using birth control? Just a quick question, Thanks. ## Hello, Birdy21! How are you? Redotex is not recommended, the FDA actually issued a warning about it last year. It contains a potentially dangerous combination of medications, including a benzodiazepine, which carries the risk of being habit forming. Have you considered consulting an actual doctor? There are safe and legal medications that you can try.
1 REPLY UpdatedThis is my third implanon implant because it works brilliantly for me... No periods and no mood swings and no babies in 7 years! Well I did get some spotting once when the first one was finishing. Now I am spotting again though and I only had the new one put in nine months ago... It's been working since then and I'm just slightly worried if this one has run out or if it's just something that happens every now and then... Can't find any examples of anyone using it this long. It's very light but cannot risk pregnancy Please can someone let me know if this is normal? I live in a country where contraception is not something you can go to the doctors about ## ... I had to fly to Australia to get the implant... So removing/changing it is a very costly and difficult procedu...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI got the implanon back in August of 2015. Everything seemed fine at first and I had the unpredictable periods for a bit but they went away. Well my biggest side effect is hair loss. Yes it is a side effect, I've done lots of research on it. Some people don't think it is but for me it's a bad one and I know people who have this side effect too from implanon. My question is has anyone else experienced this? If so, how long did it last and what supplements did you take to fix this problem? ## Hello, Hope! How are you? That isn't a normal side effect of this contraceptive, as reported by the U.S. FDA. The typical ones are listed as usually including insertion site pain, irritation, headache, irritability and irregular bleeding. Hair loss, however, is a sign of hormonal imba...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI'm a 27 year old female and have had the implanon for a little over two years now but only in the last couple of months I have developed a rash under my breast and arm pits. The doctor reckons its Contact Dematitis but I'm starting to think it's a side effect from the implanon, he's given me a steroid cream to use but it doesn't seem to work. I also have been suffering from severe cramping. (I used to have it so bad in high school that I'd want to vomit.) my periods are irregular and very heavy. I'm wanting to know if anybody else has had any of the symptoms? I'm thinking of removing the device next week because I can't take much more. ## Everything you've listed are reported by the FDA as possible side effects, except the rash. You may also expe...
1 REPLY UpdatedI had the Implanon fitted in May 2013 after having my first child and since having it fitted i've had pains in my arm. Put slight pressure on my arm or even carrying a bag for a small amount of time or even holding my phone makes it numb. But lately i've always been regular with my periods and for the past two months i've not had a single one. I had one spot of discharge and that was it. Partner seems to think it's cause it's nearing its expire date. But i've also started to have nausea and keep feeling little bumps and movements. I know its in my mind but it's starting to get to the point of being worried now. I've had another implanon before this one but never had any issues. Has anyone else experienced this?
UpdatedI have had the implanon in for some time now (over a year) and have recently been prescribed oxycontin for severe back/leg pain. Does oxycontin affect the implanon implant? I do not want an unplanned pregnancy. ## Hello, Jen! How are you? No, so it should be fine to take, as long as your doctor approves. The FDA classifies Oxycontin as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY UpdatedHello am 27 yrs on contraceptive known as implanon.the problem i hav is prolonged periods,kindly help me with the medicine i shud take to stop the periods... ## Hello, Fafa! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. You should consult your doctor, they usually prescribe oral contraceptives for a couple months to help get this under control. The FDA lists the typical side effects of oral contraceptives as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, weight gain and PMS-like symptoms. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY UpdatedI have a implanon implant and in three months it needs to be replaced. I have a new boyfriend and we have a lot of sex. I also use methamphetamine and was wondering if it would make my birth control not as potent. I feel like I may be pregnant as my cervix is hard. I took two pregnancy tests already but they both said not pregnant. what can I do now?
UpdatedI had my implanon / nexplanon put in last month in September. I recently have been prescribed bactrim/ sulfamethoxazole. does this make my rod less effective and my chances of becoming pregnant higher? I had unprotected sex last night, but took a sulfamethoxazole pill two nights ago. What are my chances.
UpdatedI have a UTI and was PRESCRIBED.250MG Ciprofoxacn I also have a recent vomiting issue and the dr.prescribed 25MG of Promethazine. I also take 75mg of Levothyroxin and 600MG of Tripleptal everyday for my bipolor & thyroid problems.. I am wondering cause my fiance and I have unprotected intercourse everynight.. ## Hello, Kookie! How are you? No, there shouldn't be any problems, since Implanon doesn't use estrogens and that is what antibiotics usually affect to decrease the efficacy of contraceptives, but you should double check with your doctor or pharmacist to be certain. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY UpdatedCan u get prego by taking fruta bio while on implanon ## Hi Lucy, Regarding one of the active ingredients found in fruta bio (known as Sibutramine), there is a precautionary statement pertaining to it's use with birth control that reads as follows: "You should use effective birth control to be sure you do not become pregnant while you are taking sibutramine. Ask your doctor if you need help choosing a method of birth control." Referecned from: I personally don't think that taking fruta bio is worth the risk of getting pregnant, but it really depends on how effective Implanon is for you. Even if you're aware of Implanon's effectiveness, in my opinion, it's still taking a risk and you'd just have to be your...
1 REPLY UpdatedI had my implanon removed 3 weeks ago on Wednesday. During the year my implanon was in I didn't get my period at all. I was experiencing a lot of emotional problems while on the implanon. Doctor said it was putting too many hormones in my body. So the day I got it removed I started taking birthcontrol. (Keeping in mind haven't had my period in over a year) my doctor said I could take it the same day but to stay protected for 2 weeks. Later that night my bf actually came inside of me just as a habbit of the implanon. I continued to take the pills everyday kind of around the same time but am experiencing a lot of tenderness in my breast I have 1 week of my pack left. Just wondering if I am even protected at all. Please help me. ## Have you talked to your doctor and/or done a pregn...
1 REPLY Updatedwhat are the chances of getting pregnant while on this medication, while having the birth control, called implanon? ## The problem with antibiotics and birth control occurs when women are using oral contraceptives, because the antibiotics can affect the birth control tablets, in the digestive system and cause them to be less effective. Therefore, with an implanted IUD, this risk is eliminated, so the antibiotic will not lower the efficacy of the IUD and increase your risk of pregnancy. You will still be protected. Sulfamethoxazole with Trimethoprim may cause some side effects, such as: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more: Are there any other comments or questions?
1 REPLY Updated