I'm In A Suboxone Program I Wanted To Take Some Of My Clean Urine And Freeze It For A Few Weeks Is That Possible?
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Hi...I'm in a suboxone program and I have been for awhile. My question is can I take my clean urine and freeze it? Cause I want to save a sample of my own urine incase they call me in randomly and it has to show my suboxone in my urine. So I've been trying to research this to see if say in 4 weeks will the frozen urine sample still show my subonxone levels in it? And I have an old sythentic urine bottle that I was going to use to put it in cause it has the temp. gauge on it, is there any good idea's that u can tell me about storing it?? Please let me know I'd really appreciate it.

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Re: relieved (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Can someone please tell me what fake urine is? I'm just a little confused. I'm not sure what that is. Thank you so much.

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I don't believe there will be any problem since you are going to rectify your problem with the doctor. its hard to obtain narcotics anywhere in the country but since you are an established patient someplace.

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I have a urine test with my pain Dr next week. I've been taking a quarter of a suboxon 8mg daily for 3 months (only see pain Dr every 3 months) I intend on talking with him this time that the Percocet he writes me are no longer working as well (I run out of these early in the month and that's why I take subs appox 2-3 wks of the mo). Question is, if I take quarter of an 8mg sub a day for 3 months, how long do I need to make sure I pass my urine test with my pain Dr? The test are not sent out. They are preformed on site. Very desperate for truthful answers pls. Also don't judge me for my being not honest with my Dr b/c my intentions are to rectify the issue with my Dr next week to let him know they are no longer effective! Thank you to all of you who reply and to your honesty! Desperately seeking answers!s

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Clean urine will last a month in ur refrigerator n 1 yr. frozen. I HAVE used older urine but needed to dilute it due to sediment. Let it settle at the bottom n just use the noncloudy part.

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Will my urine that has my suboxone and klonopin that i have in the fridgerator work to pasz my urine test i have at my doctor friday morning

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I have a drug test today and was wondering if I could smash my pills n put them directly in the clean urine I'm using. If I can how much of the powder do I put in it. I am prescribed 30mg morphine and 40mg oxycontin and take them daily but I tripped up and had marijuana, so now I'm dirty. Please help. Someone please help

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How long can you keep your clean urine before it goes bad? And, how should I store it?

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I used fake urine and put half a sub in it. Was in my drawer for over two months before I had to use it. Warmed it at home and used a handwarmer to keep it warm. I was clean but tested positive for subs. This worked for me. My dr doesn't send it to the lab. He uses the cup with different panels on top. I'm not sure about real pee. But I'm sure that would work to.

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