I'm Allergic To Suboxone (Top voted first)
UpdatedHi, when I take suboxone I breakout in hives and skin rashes. Is there anything else I can take.
4 Replies
Hello, Michele! How are you?
What are you taking it to treat?
Have you tried Subutex, since it doesn't contain the Naloxone that Suboxone does?
The FDA classifies this as being an opiate, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
When I firsf started suboxone I broke out in rashes/hives for the first couple weeks which subsided I fhought I was going to have to see if the dr could swap me to something else but it did eventually subside for me... This may not be the case for you so I suggest discussing with your health care provider who perscribss you the suboxone
Subutex. it's the same thing w out the narcan in it that is known for giving people mouth sores and hives if ur allergic to it. just tell ur Dr abt it allergic reactions. it's not that uncommon.
Sunlight causes me a rash from the suboxone to exposed skin,do this happen to anyone else?
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