I'm 21 Years Old And Have A Bad Knee
UpdatedHi I'm 21 years old & I always have back pains while trying to sleep. I also have a bad knee (most likely from jumping out of trees when I was younger) I haven't been working so I've been able to mange the pain by getting hot baths and trying to relax when they so occur. My main worry is now that I will be going back too doing heavy construction / Road work as a labor in about a month from now, When I was doing this work before my right knee ( my bad one ) would always give out on me when carrying heavy material & trying to take a step up carrying stuff. After my knee gives out on me, the rest of the day even walking on it I'm useally in bad pain & it makes doing my job a lot harder. Ive always kept some aleeve & even some ibuprofen 800 in my lunchbox for when I needed it but really none of it helped & I'd end up taking more trying to get relief which I don't like to do cause I know it's bad for my liver & my dad has a lot of problems with his liver already. My question is do you think my family doctor would perscribe me some type of stronger pain meds so i would be able to take one when stuff like this does occur at work even tho im so young? I've never been perscribed pain meds besides after getting a tooth pulled or something. But Im trying to get insurance now so I can go see him & get something for my sleep insomnia before I start working & was wondering if you thought I'd have a chance with getting something for pain relief if I explained my situation like I did here? I've heard it really hard to get pain meds but I'm hoping for the best so I can continue & keep the job that I'm about to start working again. I been doing this kind of work for four years, it's all I know. Thank you & please give any input or advice
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