Implanon Severe Depression And Suicidal Thoughts. It's Real.
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My daughter who was naturally a funny, happy adventurous person her whole life became severely depressed and had suicidal thoughts from the very beginning of her use of IMPLANON. Anxiety and panic attacks, non-stop bleeding, Even hallucinating towards the end. It was so bad, she was house bound the last few months of her life. She took her life during one of her severe bouts of severe depression. She had this implanted in her body for 2 years. Could not find a doctor to remove it, even planned parenthood to her sorry, not our problem. UNBELIEVABLE. What do these pharmaceutical companies think women are for? Do we not have any more worth then their test monkeys or guinea pigs that they can just stick something in our bodies without concern as to what it does to our mind not to mention only 40% of women who use it actually can trust it to keep them from getting pregnant? 654 women out of 1500 got pregnant while having it in their arm. Oh that's another thing, since when is it ethical to put something in your body that an x-ray cannot find? That's right, if you no longer have your paper work you received when it was implanted, best of luck trying to find a doctor to take it out. They cannot just x-ray your arm because it does not show up in x-rays. UNBELIEVABLE................This is not only unethical, it sucks that our government approved such a thing. Maybe because it was initially designed for low income underage sexually active girls who they consider to be to irresponsible to take a pill everyday. Is this the governments answer to keeping the welfare system from growing? And so what if they have the paper work to show where it was inserted, the "match stick" as they call it, moves around in the body. The doctors who insert it are most definitely in the pocket books of the manufacturer, MERCK INC. Something needs to be done about this.... And if you are suicidal, remember, IT ISN'T YOU OR YOUR LIFE THAT HAS GONE BAD it is the implant in your arm. {edited for privacy} DO NOT HURT YOURSELF. GET IT REMOVED NOW before you let it get the best of you like my beautiful daughter did. Thank You....
My daughter is 19 and having the same experiences since the implant. I'm going in the morning and demanding that it be removed. Thanks for this site and warning others like me.
Re: Annie (# 53)
Sorry to hear your problems are it being resolved. You need to get the implant removed. You story sounds so much like my daughters. It will only get worse. It might help you to decide to get it removed if you knew the dosage on it is HIGHER then what has ALREADY been determined in a clinical testing h to be to dangerous for women. Basically you are over dosing on synthetic hormone. This if for no other reason is enough to hold MERCK accountable for negligence in marketing a product they were well aware was to dangerous for women. Please except your parents help as you never know when the severe depression caused by this BC will get the better of you. Leads make an appointment and get it removed. The longer it’s in the chances of a full recovery are reduced tremendously. You are not alone.
My post is the very first story on here about my daughter who took her life because of this horrific birth control. PLEASE CONTINUE TO REACH OUT TO ATTORNEY'S FOR HOLDING MERCK ACCOUNTABLE. When I wrote this there was nothing about any lawsuits against this drug and company. If you look now, slowly things are finally coming up and justice will prevail one day for those of us or our daughters who have had adverse drug effects. I believe the attorney's start with the symptoms that are easiest to prove, thus winning the case. As time goes on they are slowly moving down the list of problems caused by this horrific BC. Suicide, being what it is, is hard to prove a company's negligence when a person kills themselves, but if we all keep talking to and BOTHERING attorney's across the nation one day they will see that adverse effects include mental problems. This BC contributes to the fatal results of not being able to get it removed. God bless all and may your health continue to improve. {edited for privacy}. It's been 5 years and I am still not over my loss.
I had suicidal thoughts aswell and ive become closed off from family and rarely speak to anyone unless spoken to. Im staking it out today. I was hospitalized last october because of suicidal thoughts.
Re: Vsanchez (# 1)
hi,so sorry to hear this, had the implanon fixed some 5 months ago, and its been horriffic....but just, had the courage to have it removed and instantly i felt better and slept so well.pls tell your sister to hang in there, keep supporting her....wish her all the best.
How are you feeling now? Has it gotten better for you?
I am so sorry about your daughter. I am extremely empathetic as my parents are going through the same thing you did. I live in the house next door to my parents home. I had a baby 2 months ago and was experiencing some post partum depression. Nothing too too bad but sad and crying occasionally. At 6 weeks post partum on may 30th I got nexplanon implanted. 3 days after I got it I started bleeding. It's now June 26th and I have not bled only 2 days this month. I have major mood swings. I feel like my body is disgusting. I feel old and ugly and stretched out and gross. I haven't put make up on or did my hair in a couple weeks. I never would leave the house without make up and hair a month ago. I am freezing in 72°. I'm so cold all the time. I can't tell the actual temperature anymore. Sometimes I pick up the baby and he's sweaty. But how when it's so cold? It's only cold to me. I know now to ask others before covering the baby. I stare blankly at walls for hours at a time contemplating the future and how miserable it is going to be. How I'm miserable and I make everyone around me miserable. I am 36 yrs old and I have 3 older kids ages 17, 15, and 13. I haven't seen my daughter in weeks because she refuses to be around me. I have an urge... not just thoughts anymore but an urge to take my life. I've never had the actual urge before, but i picture it and can almost feel it.
I sometimes get the urge to slice my skin or burn myself to feel something other than this solitude and loneliness. I honestly feel like my kids would be better off without me. I hate the person I am. I have broken up with my babies father because I suddenly hate him. I have paranoia about him cheating or wanting to have a family with his ex... a woman he hates. I have isolated myself completely. I don't even have Facebook anymore because all I want to do is tell the world how much I hurt inside. How much I can't cope and how much I need help. My parents have a rotating schedule to check on me. It's ridiculous that I am like this. I hate this. Why can't I stop crying? My beautiful baby boy started to smile a couple weeks ago and when he does I do. That's the only happiness I seem to be able to feel. I am completely numb except for my heart-wrenching love for my children. They keep me going but the urge is so strong that it scares the crap outta me. I have an appointment to remove it tomorrow. I hope I go back to normal. I can't take this pain anymore. I am so angry that they put this in me. It has stolen all of the joy of a new mom from me. It has stolen my life for the last month. I feel so bad for the people who have been suffering for years. I won't make it that long. This medication is dangerous and shouldn't be allowed to be used. It's literally killing people and not just from the blood clots. I hope It leaves my system quickly. My kids deserve so much better.
Hey girls, I wanted to add my input as i wish i had done my research on the implanon years ago!
I had my first one inserted at 15 years old, no real severe side effects except for no bleeding for about 2-4 months, which was a bonus. Sometimes i would bleed non stop for weeks and this was random! Doctor put me on the pill to make my periods regular and bleeding stop, but being young and dumb i just took the pill to stop my period completely. I got my 2 implanon put in after 3 years at 18. I do remember being at party and thinking of hanging myself, so yes depression was up and down. I was definitely moody and the same thing with my periods being so random, i could never control it.
At 19 my mood swings were insane, i would feel a rage throughout my whole body, extreme depression. My doctor put me on all sorts of antidepressants which made life worse! Crying for no reason, panicky, moody, rage is the only way i can explain it, like a vibration of anger throughout my body. I am honestly the most happy and outgoing person USUALLY!
At 19/20 i started smoking marijuana daily and cigarettes, I have no doubt being on the implanon for 5 years with no regular period, this just made me pure crazy. I remember at 21 i was extremely depressed, panic attacks, anxiety, butterflies in my stomach were so bad i would hold my sides in fear when talking to people, i couldn't speak sometimes as my voice would tremble. I wouldn't leave the house or get out of bed. I was so scared.
I quit smoking marijuana/cigarettes and drinking excessively at 22 thanks to my current boyfriend. He paid for my new new implanon to be put in 2015 February. 9 months later we decided enough is enough and the implanon is to go. 7 years with that thing in my arm and it just made me a psycho.
I have had no contraception for a year and a half now and am a completely different person. I have been too scared to take any type of pills, antidepressants or anxiety pills. I just wanted to get my body clean from all forms of drugs.
I'm 24 now and have regular periods. It did take a while to be regular though as the side effects from the implanon were still occurring (non stop bleeding and mood swings). I feel like a normal woman again! Although now i see a pattern of anxiety or panic attacks. Its either 1 to 2 weeks before my period everyday. Very extreme anxiety, panicky in my stomach over nothing. And one i get my period it stops.
Strangely the anxiety is only every 3rd period. Some can be really moody/angry prior to my period and some is no side effect besides the norm, pain in boobs and craving chocolate.
But my god, when the month of anxiety comes it's seriously so damn horrible. I cant even deal with life as my confidence is just gone. I found diazepam 5mg is the only thing to calm my panic attacks but Doctors wont prescribe it as apparently its highly addictive, which i believe is bulls*** when someone like me and many other woman need it! I used to smoke to stop my anxiety and now nothing helps besides regular exercise. Its hard to get to the gym when u have anxiety though :( Any who i will figure this out as ive come a long way from being a psycho to just anxiety every now and then.
My doctor prescribed me paroxetine 20mg like 5 months ago but ive been too scared to take it. My anxiety came back for 2 weeks before this period cycle, so im thinking of taking 10mg of this paroxetine at first. Wish me luck and ill repost my progress after a month today of taking the pills. I hope my rant could help some of you girls and feel free to ask me any questions :)
Planned Parenthood is about ONE thing. MONEY! Yours is not the only story about PP refusing to help remove this birth control. But, PP pushes Nexplanon. I was a Clinical Research Coordinator, the Pharmaceutical houses do the same thing; and the FDA is financially supported by them.
Sorry for your loss!
This helped me I'm feeling the exact same way expereiencing terrible lows. Bleeding a lot though I get relieved like that's why I'm acting so strange. My boyfriend noticed I'm just sitting awake at night with a blank stare I don't want to eat or sleep and a few times this week I've had thoughts of death.
Your post helped me realise it's not me at all this is with only two weeks after it was inserted thank you for helping me consider getting it taken out.
My granddaughter committed suicide a little over one and a half years ago. She had been on Implanon AND Nexplanon.
She had a bubbly personality, a funny loving way; she "lite up a room". She became severely depressed & committed suicide.
This drug is NOT being dealt with properly!! The doctors did not know the contraindication. I'm sure her death was NEVER reported to the FDA. The drug company simply doesn't care! I know for a fact that at least one other person has committed suicide on this drug & the drug company did not report the SAE. This drug needs to be taken off the market, its dangerous! It's not being taken off because the drug company is making big money & the FDA is not looking into this properly!
Hi, I know you posted this a whole ago, but I wanted to say thank you for posting it and sharing your story and so sorry about your daughter. I'm 34 and I've had the implanon in n out for 10 years. Because I'd had a long history of mental health issues previous to the implant and probably because I'd already had a very hard unplanned pregnancy, they never suggested to me that the implanon could be the issue. Tried various anti depressants n other meds nothing worked. Even I didn't want to believe this handy little thing that stopped me from getting pregnant could be the cause of such depression, suicidal thoughts and attempts, self harming...i had never had a bleed whilst on the implant. In may last year I started getting other strange symptoms, I was really very very ill for the rest of the year, I went to the docs they ran all sorts of tests, nothing. Still no suggestion my contraception was a worry. My new partner is a little more organized than me, having serious mhi I could barely leave the house. He started marking on a calendar the days that I was sick/depressed/raging and after a few months like this and some extremely heavy bleeds the pattern made sense, I told the doc. They suspected early menopause!! Ran checks on hormones but all clear, I spoke to the doc about my implant n tbh I'm not sure if they actually knew if, my implant was causing a problem, would it show in these tests? Anyway, I decided to book in to have it out which by the sounds of things is slightly easier in the UK at a contraception clinic, or docs do it but they can never get them out correctly!! Waited for 3 months and finally it was out. All that time I felt my body was trying to warm me of a problem, I could just feel it. So 3 months without it and I'm feeling really good and I am medication free. No suicide attempt's or thought or anything. Life's not easy because I got to pick up a lot of mess that I made. Xxx
I had my implant put in July 15. I lost my Dad in Feb 16 after a short illness and for 6 months felt so depressed, anxious and did attempt to take my own life. I would look at objects and how I could use them to kill myself. I have medication, have had counselling and still went backwards despite a small period of feeling a little better. It occurred to me that despite having depression off and on for years this was the lowest I had been and previously was off of my meds for 4 years. The issues started when I had my implant put in. I have now had it removed and feel much better. My Daughter is showing the same symptoms so we have an appointment to get it removed. These issues need to be more publicized. Sorry for your loss.
Hello. I have had a similar experience myself and just got it removed. I have found a lawyer and they agreed to take my case. Please know that you are not alone!
Dear Mary,
I wasn't on Implanon I got nexplanon but I had similar side effects. I had it for 10 months and from the beginning it was all downhill. I got severely depressed, was always angry, couldn't figure out why and took it out on everybody around me. By the time I figured out what was causing it i had already lost almost everything in my life and had to fight to keep what I did have left. Because of the things that happened my life will never be what it was before I got it implanted. I have contacted a lawyer and they said they would take my case but I haven't heard anything since then. I believe they need to be held accountable for the lives they are affecting and make the changes to ensure nobody else has to go through it!!!!
My granddaughter was on Implanon And Nexplanon. On the Nexplanon she developed severe anxiety, panic attacks and depression. She committed suicide last year 3-days after having the device removed; which means the drug was not out of her system. Did you notify the FDA? Do you know of any law suits on "Depression or Suicide" either pending or those that have possibly reached a verdict? I'm looking for any info into this matter. Right now, I haven't been able to find any law suits on the "depression/suicide" issue.
I am so sorry for your loss! I am currently having these issues and they have fussed at me telling me I'm crazy and take more meds. I have had places refuse to take it out as well. I feel ridiculously violated. It's like I have no rights. I could understand if I was asking for a boob job Stat or to remove something keeping me alive. But I'm not. I just want this thing out because it's caused so many problems, I feel like I am literally losing it right now. I even threatened to cut it out myself... They don't care. I am so broken. I guess I really am going to have to cut it out after my kids go to bed.
Hello my name is katie. i am 24yrs. I got my birth control back march 2013. A few years ago, about 2 and a half, i got very suicidal, now i used to be suicidal when i was younger about 2010 as last time i was when younger. Ive grown up alot since n my son kept me going. Two half yrs ago i had my first really bad episode, i got very depressed and suicidal. Now i didnt think anything of it because i get depressed already but i can shake it off no biggy. Except that day i was in a very dark place emotionless. My bf at the time had my friend come to my place and was able to snap me out of it... Last time i had an issue up until few days ago. My birth control is expired now for 2 months. I need to get it removed but dont have money or any type of insurance. I havent had a period for 2 months but not pregnant. Im constantly having headaches past month. Im Moody but lately depressed. I started getting bad bad sharp pain in my lower stomach Cramping bad felt like sharp knife stabing into me. I knew it was time for period time i figured since i didnt get period last 2 months it was hitting me harder this time. so monday cramping started then wednesday night i got suicidal thoughts. I was already depressed and emotional and one lil fight with my bf brought me over the edge. It got so bad i had a panic attack to point i couldnt breath. My heart literally was hurting. My whole body was numb but tingly. My arms hurt. I kept looking at the knife n wanting to kill myself. I kept trying to think of my kids and take my mind off it. I tried everything to stop myself from hurting myself but no matter what i did i wanted to hurt myself. i could picture myself grabbing the knife and stabbing it into my wrist and ripping it down not slicing but ripping like such a violent way. I wanted to so bad but my other side was saying katie stop ur kids need u. It was so bad. I woke up my son and told him to hold me and its 2:30 am and here i am with my 6yr old son holding onto him trying to keep myself from killing myself. It was horrible. Today is now saturday im back to normal but still cramping everyday. i started my period on thursday. Normally i only cramp for 2 days... So i thought id look online to see if this is a thing that happens when birth control expires, the cramping and headaches. Then i came across ur story and it was like a match to me. I know something is wrong with me and it all adds up. about 6 months after i got birth control i got suicidal then now that its expired i got a horrible suicidal thought that was the worst ive ever felt b4. I needed to share my story. im very sry for the loss of ur daughter. This will now give me the strength to save up money to get it removed asap.. Very sry what ur family went through.
I got my nexplanon removed about 6 months ago and had it for 4 years. I felt very anxious and even depressed while having it, but ever since I got it taken out I feel like I'm going insane. Will things ever get better? I just want to feel like me again. I have never felt like this before I can't even explain how scary it is not having control of who you are. Please someone reply. Did this change me for life?
I got my nexplanon removed about 6 months ago. I felt very anxious and even depressed while having it, but ever since I got it taken out I feel like I'm going insane. Will things ever get better? I just want to feel like me again. I have never felt like this before I can't even explain how scary it is not having control of who you are. Please someone reply. Did this change me for life?
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