Ifa Purple Pill (Top voted first)
UpdatedIs a purple football shaped tablet with IFA on one side and a thick score line on the other a 1 mg Xanax? Is that the drug manufacturer? Please help, I am only used to seeing alprazolam tablets come in blue or white.
Based on my research, a purple oval tablet marked IFA is reported to be 1mg Farmapram (Xanax) from Mexico.
“Farmapram is a brand of Alprazolam that’s produced in Mexico by IFA Celtics with registration number 420M2001 SSA II.” [1]
However, I think it would still be best to verify this with the pharmacy who dispensed the medication just to be on the safe side.
Yes it is a 1mg a purple football is from a mexico pharmacy cause i have a pocket full of purple trays !!!
This is a pill from a Mexican Manufacturer, other people that have purchased it from Mexico said it is a 1mg Xanax, but I am unable to confirm that with any certainty.
It is a 1 mg Xanax made by a Mexican pharmaceutical company called Farmapram. So yes they are real as I thiink they are just as strong as pfizer's 1 mg xanax
Um no blues r 1 mg brandy. Any round while alprazolam is .25 mg.. anything peach is .5. and ALL footballs whether blues or purple o or footballs or round tabs r 1 mg . while alprazolam bars r 2 mg and yellow r 3 mg supposedly there is a 10 and 20 mg injectable but i never seen it.
May o have your customer service phone number please.
Your best bet is to call your doc but im assuming since you got it from a foreign pharmacy that you don't call poison control and say u found the pills in ur little sisters room and want to know wat it is
I purchased 1 mg. Xanax from an online company in Pakistan (mycarepharmacy) they came in blister packs of 10 pills (via t UK). They are a lavender/mauve color . Imprinted "xanax 1.0" on one side, football shaped and they are real. It took about a month to finally receive my orderr but they came through. The back of the blister pack identified them as Alprozolam 1 mg in a few languages.
Re: thedevilwearsecko (# 5)
You are misinformed. They have foot balls that are
.25mg.they also have 1mg blue round and so you should look it up before u call other people dumbass.and there is 2mg yellow white and blue bars.i think the only thing u said correct is peach round are
.5 just look it up.
Re: Breezy (# 88)
The Purple 1 mg "footballs" have been sold in the U.S. and are of fine quality. If you see these without a number stamped on it, throw the pill away. If the pill did not come directly from a pharmacy, you are playing with danger no matter what color it is. A lot of misinformation in this Xanax/Alprazolam forum, in fact some of the posts here were from the pre Fentanyl days, a lot of counterfeit Xanax is now mixed with poison in 2023.
Albert (# 93) --
Mexico, you can buy all you need in Mexico.
Yall r all stupid. Xanax only goes up to 2mg in pill form. Now injectable, I have no clue. Different colors r different manufacturers. No such thing as 5mg or 10mg pill. Yall need to study up on ur stuff instead of relying on forums. LOL!
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In asian and european countries pfizer,upjohn and parke davis all make purple footballs with imprint xanax 1.0 meaning 1 mg. Of alprazolam. Before the early 90s all footballs in America were purple until the fda showed studies that the dye in the pills making them purple was potentially more harmful over tme for the liver thus now most all 1 mg. Footballs in america are blue while south america,asia and european countries still serve purple footballs and quality is better with the purple ones.
I have a light purple one milligram alprozolam score on one side of John 90 on the other side from Romania and they are real
IFA is a company in Mexico (?) that manufactures medication. They sell generic Xanax and other medication. They stamp everything IFA regardless of medication or dose. No way of knowing what dose it is. I bought supposedly .5 mg and they're a dark blue. I bought a 2 mg bar that was yellow a couple years back from the same company. Their 1 mg is purple. I don't know for sure the other colors. I take alprazolam regularly for an anxiety disorder and it tastes the same, dissolves the same, does exactly what my peach version does and does what my light blue version does that I get here in the USA. I've never bought it online though. I've only bought it in person when I've actually been in Mexico and can compare the products and verify I'm getting the real thing and not getting scammed.
I tell u what, I've been a certified tech for 6 yrs. 1mg xanax, i've had them in a light blue w/ a score in the middle. i switched mgs bc the xanax bars my pharmacy were dispensing were GREEN WITH ONLY 3 SCORES = 2MG XANAX. So my doc didn't like the fact that if i broke those three pieces up and mixed them around I would be getting a different dose just about every time [the way the GREEN bars were=the 2 ends=0.5/and the middle is 1mg]. anyways, so i got 120, 1mg, but when i got them they were really dark, just about purple, Manufacturer=Qualitest and the pill marks are2089 w/ a strange V on it.
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