Ifa Purple Pill (Page 2)


Is a purple football shaped tablet with IFA on one side and a thick score line on the other a 1 mg Xanax? Is that the drug manufacturer? Please help, I am only used to seeing alprazolam tablets come in blue or white.

IFA purple football tablet

95 Replies (5 Pages)

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i meant they say 1.0 under the word xanax

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I got purple xanax from quick-pharmacy.net. They are completely fake. They say xanax 1mg on them and are scored on the other side, shaped like a football. The bottle says alprazolam on it. Knew I shouldn't have trusted them. Don't order from them.

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I have ordered some xanax off the internet.... i got some purple ovalled xanax that has a score on one side and "xanax" with "1.0" underneath it... are these real????

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yess they are real. Even the actual bars that say xanax on them are sweet

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Equivalency; All benzos are compared to Valium 10 mg
Valium (diazepam) 10 mg = Xanax (alprazolam) 0.5 mg = Ativan (lorazepam) 1 mg

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Take a drug test after u eat 1 then you'll no if there real.....TO DRINK IS TO DIE!

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Keith I read your post and I too ordered on line and received the same thing with the same #'s on the bottle and I too tasted the sweet taste not the norm that I have gotten from the Dr. Everything you posted is exactly what I got. Your post was from July/August. I ordered mine in Sept. I have not seen a post since. Are the real or not? I took one and was concerned that they tasted different. I have since gotten a prescription from my Dr but they are not quick in refilling and I have the purple ones but am a bit nervous on taking them unless I know they are the real deal. Please respond. Thanks

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There garbage um positive just call them back n ask for a reshipment from a different manufacturer it took 3 reships one time to get real ones. Don't order the bars either. I still go thru tha same company n I get blister packs now. So neway don't takem they don't look or taste rite and I tried them there bunk sorry.

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There is a brand of alprazolam that I regularly get from this company in Pakistan that ships from the EU. I get a least once a month and I am positive that they are scored but I have no clue about the imprint - but they are purple and come in blister strips of 10 pills each and the back of the strip has the brand name 'Pinix' on the back of the strip and people LOVE them - there has not been a single complaint that they were under-dosed.

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Hi Keith
I called them today and told them that what they sent me was not real and that it does not taste like what xanax would taste like and that it has a sweet taste which is not normal and I told them that I have researched many different websites and there is no purple color/white speckled xanax anywhere. I said I either want my money back or you reship me a new order on what I originally wanted. And I said I want it in a blister pak. They said they were sorry and that they would reship me a new order. Hope they are true to thier word or I want my money back.

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Yall r all stupid. Xanax only goes up to 2mg in pill form. Now injectable, I have no clue. Different colors r different manufacturers. No such thing as 5mg or 10mg pill. Yall need to study up on ur stuff instead of relying on forums. LOL!

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May o have your customer service phone number please.

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the purple footballs are 2mg the round white xanax are 2 mg the blue are 1mg peach 50mg white 25mg footballs then you have the bars that are 2mg also

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The devil is right

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What is the link? Please share

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A purple football shape xanax is 2mg but i haven't seen those in years NOW you have 2mg round tabs or bars so to say

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I purchased 1 mg. Xanax from an online company in Pakistan (mycarepharmacy) they came in blister packs of 10 pills (via t UK). They are a lavender/mauve color . Imprinted "xanax 1.0" on one side, football shaped and they are real. It took about a month to finally receive my orderr but they came through. The back of the blister pack identified them as Alprozolam 1 mg in a few languages.

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There are purple footballs. Peaches r. 5 wite footballs.25 green bars or tris 3 mg

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But the purple ones seem fatter to me.

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In asian and european countries pfizer,upjohn and parke davis all make purple footballs with imprint xanax 1.0 meaning 1 mg. Of alprazolam. Before the early 90s all footballs in America were purple until the fda showed studies that the dye in the pills making them purple was potentially more harmful over tme for the liver thus now most all 1 mg. Footballs in america are blue while south america,asia and european countries still serve purple footballs and quality is better with the purple ones.

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