I Want To Know If I've Taken Kolonopin A Few Times During This Pregnancy Will It Come Up In His 1st Stool


I'm about 6month's pregnant and have started having horrible anxiety attacks, what I normally take is a none narcotic and has not been helping. So my friend has been letting me get a few of her Kolonopin the past few week's, works like a charm. But because I am not prescribed them I am worried that when the baby is born and the check his stool for drugs, that the Kolonopin will show up and I will get him taken away. I have tryed nearly everything else so I don't end up needing the pills, but nothin else has been working. I am so scared of losing this child. I have been involved with CPS before and because I am on Methadone CPS will already be called. I'm scared, but hate how I feel during the anxiety attacks. What do I do? And will it show up in his stool?

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