I Need My Zanax Back. I Don't Take Them On A Daily Basis


My Dr. took my Zanax away because I am on pain killers. I desperately need them back. I walked out of my job last week because my anxiety and depression were so bad. If I would have had a Zanax I wouldn't have done that. I now have nothing to take for anxiety and I am not doing well.

5 Replies

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If the doctor prescribing you Xanax is not a Psychiatrist, you need to see one. In almost all cases when the doctor prescribing a benzodiazepine is a Psychiatrist and the doctor prescribing the pain killers is a pain management doctor there is not a problem.

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I have a problem with that though BL. Most Psychiatrists charge rate of $500 or more and don't take Insurance. I'd rather go to a regular GP for Xanax and spend a $20 copay.

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Can you tell me what tablet this is and what for.they are. A sort of flat tab round curff at two ends with 7.5 at one side and z at other.

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Re: Rob (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Without seeing it I couldn't tell you Rob although it sounds like Buspirone hydrochloride, Buspar

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Re: EDDY (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

From what you have said. If you want the Xanax you are going to have to see a Psychiatrist. Most psychiatrists accept insurance. Call your insurance company and ask for a list of psychiatrists in your area.

Xanax is prescribed for anxiety. Anxiety is a mental health condition. Psychiatrists specialize in mental health.

If you are prescribed opiates from another doctor it is highly unlikely you will find a PCP that will prescribe Xanax. It is also highly unlikely you will find a PCP that will prescribe Xanax and opiates.

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