I Need Help With A Doctor To Prescribe Me Xanax


I was on a few years ago and help me amazing with my anxiety but my doctor retired and now the doctors are replaced it won't refill them for me and I have no idea what to do. I live in Missouri. Can anyone help me out......

6 Replies

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Kat, if you are clean off Xanax for some time now it is best not to start back with them. These days they are much harder to obtain and can be highly addictive. I wish I never saw one 30 years ago

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I'm in orange county new York near Middletown if anyone can help me find a doctor that will help me with my anxiety and be able to start me back on Xanax I would appreciate it got an appointment today with a psyciatric nurse practitioner but I don't know what's going to happen have alot going on in my life right now and I've always had panic attacks and social anxiety but have been able to handle it but in the last month I need something can't sleep or eat

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My doctor has liberally written for valium and Xanax for years, fourteen to be specific. He stated as of 2018, he can no longer write these scripts thanks to public outcry. Also, very limited on the Ambien now. In a state next to you. Regards

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All you need is an old prescription bottle, if you can't find one, pull up your RX from your pharmacy. Any doctor will or should fill it when they see you've been treated with them in the past. Hope this helps.

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Re: Patrice (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

How do I get access to those records? Can I call the doctors office I used to be prescribed through and have them mail them to me?

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Re: Sam (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Records from your last Doctor, or the old bottle will probably do you no good Sam, although you can bring up the subject with your new provider

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