I Need Help Getting Benzodiazepines In North Carolina Or I'm Afraid I Will Be Back On Pain Killers (Page 2)
UpdatedI must have called 20 or more doctors today. None of them will prescribe me benzodiazepines such as Klonopin at all. I'm 25 and have been on it since I was 16 and they just simply say "no one in the state will prescribe those thanks for calling".
I'm near Charlotte but right now I would drive anywhere to get them because in a week or two I will be deathly sick and I can't face that. I just moved across the country away from my family, stopped my addiction to pain killers (that was caused by anxiety), and I'm trying to better my life. And to make it worse I'm having such a hard time living on my own mentally and they want me to stop all benzos. PLEASE HELP ME if you know of anyone who can help. {edited for privacy}
What if a person genuinely needs a benzodiazepine? I initiated tapering down from 4 mg of Klonopin day to getting off of it when I thought things were somewhat fine in my life. Now I see that I was naïve about doctors prescribing things in our telling them you want to try to get off. I am going through the hardest thing of my life. If I don’t have something to calm my nerves, I’ll go down.
Re: Lanna (# 12)
Who is the doctor who helped you with clonazepam in North Carolina. My dr left her practice without continuing this med for me. Thank you
Re: Stephie (# 21)
If the doctor thinks in his professional opinion you need a benzo. He can prescribe it. A patient saying they need a particular drug does not mean they do. Nor does it mean the doctor should or will prescribe it. There are other medications that can be used in the place of benzos.
Re: Hurting In Charlotte (# 20)
I have a fractured back too plus Sponlothesis which is a vertebre going inward towards my spinal cord, also have Scoliosis, Stenosis, arthritis, Sciatica and anxiety/depression! Same problems here in TX. I have to drive 75 miles one way to my PM doctor as no doctors in my city RX narcotics! It's so effing annoying! I had a doctor about 5 years ago who was Rx'ing me 120 Hydrocodone and 150 Oxycodone/Roxys 30 mg. After 2 yrs. he suddenly tells me he's not going to be taking my ins anymore so I said I'd just pay in cash and he said that was against the law, I do not know why the Eff he did that, but of course I was addicted to the Roxys, literally went to 5 different doctors and they all had an excuse as to why they couldn't take me as a patient. One said she only did after surgery pain care, the other one I went to I couldn't urinate quick enough and they wouldn't wait. Finally went to the Back Institute and was referred to this one 75 miles away. I had to go cold turkey off the Roxys and Hydrocodone, they don't care, after a week I was fine and I used some Xanax I had to help me through it. Well now I only get 100 Hydrocodone 10 mg. and 60 Methadone 10 mg. I was getting 120 Hydro and 90 Methadone but of course they cut me down. Why are medical doctors allowing the CDC/Government to dictate to them what and how much to RX to their patients? Are these doctors a bunch of wusses or what? They need to stand up to these crazy S.O.B.s! When you have legitimate pain and MRI's to prove it, there should be no question as to help the patient. The problems began when doctors were RX'ing to anyone who came in w/ no evaluations and complaining of pain, then they cut them off so they went to heroin.
Why in the heck are they NOT keeping track of who's buying all the booze? Alcohol kills way more people than narcotics do. They keep track of how much medicine you're getting, what happened to privacy laws, HIPPA? This is such an invasion of privacy and I think we should all file a legal suit. So many people are suffering because of these effs! Well, I want to see a tracking system for alcohol and limit what they can all buy, it's the SAME thing, it'd never happen because all the folks that work for the government are alcoholics! Seriously, this is SUCH an invasion of privacy!! I had to go the ER several years ago for an abscessed tooth, my face was swollen the size of a small football and my pain meds weren't touching this awful pain, this woman doctor went out of my room and to the computer in the middle of all the rooms, she then SCREAMS OUT "You've BEEN FLAGGED, YOU'RE getting 120 of these and 150 of those" so loud that everyone in the other rooms heard and this b**** made me look like some drug seeker. I was literally SO upset I was sobbing not to mention the effing pain I was in. She was calling me a drug addict. I said "I NEVER asked to be put on that medication and I have a broken back among other things, etc". I was LIVID!! LIVID! How was that even legal for her to shout out that info so everyone there could hear? I really don't think it's legal for the government to be keeping track of who takes what when it comes to controlling your effing pain!! I've really had it with this B.S., I don't even like taking the crap I take but I have no choice, I'd be laying in bed all day unable to move if I didn't take anything. I seriously can't even believe this is going on in 2018. Doctors know good and well who needs meds and the fakers who are looking for a high! I just think there will be a lot more illicit drug deaths because of them doing this. More and more people will get fed up and turn to illicit drugs to control their pain. Morphine/Dilaudid is a man-made heroin.
Re: Tiny Dancer (# 24)
You are so right. It's a knee-jerk reaction from the early 2000s when the doctors had the prescription pad out and writing anything and everything for anyone. If they came in for a hangnail they were given oxycodone. Now we the true people that need the drugs to live a halfway decent life I'm not even asking for a decent life anymore are labeled attics and slammed on Suboxone or methadone if that. It's wrong. Do you think that those lawmakers in Washington DC and around the country are doing without? Do you think that they're not abusing the stuff for fun? I believe not. I believe that there are two standards here; one is for the higher echelon and for the second it's for the peons that they want to kill off and unfortunately I'm one of them. I'm a throwaway patient. And I have been assured that I'm not but here I am begging for help. My jaw joints were operated on three times and in 2001 they wanted to totally replace the joints but I refused to do so because I was allergic to the titanium. I have proof of that. I have proof that my back was broken in a head-on collision in the 80s. I have proof that I have a diffuse bulging disc in my lower back and it bulges to the right as well so bone is grinding on bone. I had four surgeries on my right arm last year alone period yet I'm an addict and I'm the scum of the Earth. I wish the so-called caring doctors would at least have to suffer our type of pain for at least a month without any pain relief as part of their training. Let them try to find a comfortable place to lay. Let them do their work every day without anything more than Advil or Tylenol like what they expect us to do. But that will never happen cuz they're too good for it.
I think calling and asking directly for a Benzodiazepine is the red flag they’re reacting negatively toward. I would say you need the first available appointment, that you have to get established as a new patient, and continue treatment for a long term anxiety disorder. Explain that you just moved here, and you had no referrals from your previous doctors where you moved from. Explain that you’ve been on “.....” prescription(s), and what your milligram dosage is per day, and how long you’ve been on it. I think it’s medically irresponsible if they don’t AT THE VERY LEAST wean you down properly. There are some large practices like Cabarrus family medicine, where they have a ton of locations. They’re part of CMC. The other big hospital and doctors offices is Novant. If worse comes to worst, go to their emergency room. Please post back here and let me know how you’re doing. Hang in there! You’re definitely not alone in this struggle...
Re: Melody (# 6)
Who is this doctor, im on alpraz.. subutex and kolonpin and trying to find a a new aplaz doctor
Re: Tiger lily (# 25)
Oh believe me Tiger lily I'm a throwaway patient too! I worked for 20 yrs at a co. and then started my own mfg. company producing products for the defense industry and I was well on my way. Did that for 10 yrs until my ex husband ruined all that. I no longer can work from all the hard label of working on machines and running a business, so yeah I'm on disability so I'm a peon too. I know they want to kill off people like us. When my brother was still alive they'd RX him medications that were fatal when taken together so there's definitely a conspiracy going on between some of these doctors and the government. And hell yes the lawmakers in DC can get whatever the hell they want to abuse. Like these cop shows, Live PD, notice all these cops want when they stop someone in a traffic stop are drugs! You can't tell me they aren't drug seekers and don't dip their hands into what they confiscate and also when they confiscate drug money, there's no one policing the police. It's pretty bad when people who are in severe pain with proof have to suffer because of the drug addicts that chose to get addicted. These young people tell their parents they got addicted after a simple surgery, that is such B.S! They give you enough for like 3 to 5 days and after that your major pain should have subsided but these people lie to the doctor to get more or go to a new doctor to get more and this is when you can call the addiction a choice! There should be no problem stopping after 3 to 5 days.
Re: Melody (# 6)
Hi I'm new to Charlotte and I am having the same issue I'm so sick .. where can I find this doctor ?? I cannot function and I'm newly divorced and on my own with my 3 girls. I'm out of my Klonopin I've been taking for 9 years.
Re: Lucy (# 9)
Dr. On Paton Ave before the trader Joe's on the left side
Re: Jon (# 4)
I don't know where Scranton is n Pa., but a friend of mine moved to Coudersport, Pa and gets every drug you could think of. She's a chronic pain patient. She gets methodone, Klonipin, Lyrica and anything she asks for. So I know it's not a state law. Maybe you gotta be in the right place.
Hi Mike. I am sorry to hear it is so hard to get your meds. First, try a psychiatrist or a DO, not a M.D. Psychiatrists will be more open to your struggle and write scripts for Valium n Xanax all the time. I also found that 2000 mg of the amino acid, Gaba can help with your problem.
You can seek a Nutrient therapist treatment provider thru the website: The Alliance for Addiction Solutions. It is amazing what can be done today without drugs. Yet, if all else fails, and you simply can't live this way, just go down to Mexico or Canada, or other countries that have more relaxed and commpassionate care.
Usually psychiatrists are the only ones who will write for benzodiazepines. If you are diagnosed by a doctor have that doctor send your records to a psychiatrist who treats anxiety in your area. You may have to call and ask for an appointment for one accepting new patients. It may take a few weeks unless you can get an emergency appointment by telling them the truth. If you get sick you can go to a crisis center. I hope you can find a doctor to help you. You might try calling social services in your county to help you. They know what services are available.
Hi. You need to look at the Ashton manual for instructions on how to come off of benzodiazepines as you can have seizures and even die if stopping cold turkey. Clonazepam is one of the worst to get off of. PLEASE be very careful and get a pill cutter too, that way you can make the cuts more easily. I hope this helps. I had a habit on Xanax but now I’m totally clear. Took me 18 months but I followed the Ashton manual and did it. Wishing you all the best.
Re: Melody (# 6)
I've been prescribed 6mgs of xanax for the past 15yrs. Now bc I've had to go to get things from the street they don't help me. I suffer from terrible benzo withdrawal. Please if u have any suggestions let me know
Re: Danielle (# 35)
Go online order what you want it’s not hard fine a legitimate company don’t get screwed though. Good luck
Re: Melody (# 6)
what dr? I am in charlotte looking for a benzo friendly dr
Re: Patric (# 27)
Please help me find a dr that gives alprazolam or klonopin with being on methadone
Mike. I guess I'm confused about your need for benzos as a substitute for pain meds that was caused your anxiety? As someone mentioned Psychiatrist is who you need to see. Benzo are difficult to try to withdraw from without hospitalization. They will not give long term. Still doctors prescribe and can not continue as those meds are regulated. You can seize if you are in high doses of benzos. The combination of opiates and benzodiazepines are deadly. Unless you present to ER with medical emergency you will not receive much help unless you see a psychiatrist.
Re: Melody (# 6)
?? Melody. I have severe anxiety, panic attacks! Also have severe chronic pain! My former Dr was ok with prescribing benzos knowing I am on opioid prescription for my chronic pain. Can you tell me which Charlotte Dr. prescribes both as my dr. has moved out of State now.
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