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UpdatedI never knew this could happen to me. here's my story. In 09 I got diagnosed with crohns disease, prior to that I was experiencing a flare up. I had gone to the er plenty of times for this but not once I never asked for something to help the pain. Figured they would just give it to me. I didn't care to ask. one time my bf went with me this time the pain was excruciating. Again I didn't ask for anything. He had asked if there is something to relieve the pain. The nurse said yes. She came with a 5 mg oxycodone. So I took it and it was a miracle I had thought then because shortly after I took it the pain was gone. So as me and my bf left with a prescription for Borodin, I felt this feeling of being silly and I liked it. We filled my prescription and I took it the next day and had that same silly feeling. Not long after I was out of that prescription. it all has started now with wanting them, not knowing a thing about withdrawals either. Finally I couldn't get any because I had no ways to. Then this happened, I had degenerative discs in my lower back. About 10 months after that I had to have back surgery and now have 6 screws and 4 rods in my spine. I remembered what I went through with the narcotics before and I told the dr after that I didn't want any. I tried as hard as I could in the hospital not to take them and told them just give me Motrin. That didn't last. I asked for something stronger because it hurt so much. Anyways 5 months after that back surgery is when I was noticing the pain I had was almost the same not feeling like I was a few months after surgery. I started going to a pain clinic which now I regret. I did find out the reason I was in so much pain was because the surgery failed and now I have that failed back surgery syndrome. I got put on oxycodone now for a year straight. I built a tolerance to it. I experienced withdrawals which are awful that made me so afraid so I stayed on this narcotic. Now I want off and just take non narcotic. The pain clinic said they will help and ween me, but that is not easy for me because the pain hurts. In a few weeks there supposed to put me on suboxine short term then put me on a non narcotic for the back pain. I am prescribed now 3 10mg of oxycodone. That is my weening. Prior to that I was prescribed 4 of the 10mg a day.I don't know how withdrawals would be to just stop, because I an scared. But what I regret so much is starting those without knowing all about them. I feel so stuck and alone and I just want my life back where narcotics were not in my life. any helpful advice is so greatly appreciated. I never wanted to be like this. Ty. And Go Bless.
3 Replies
Sounds like your pretty much going to be stuck taking narcotics for your pain. I don't know why you make such a big deal of it . If you had diabetes you'd be taking insulin for the rest of your life. So unless you can live with the pain, take the pills. The only time it'll be a problem is if you for some reason can't get them. As you have a legitimate need for them I don't know why you would ever get stuck like that. They say don't hoard your pills but they also don't ever give you any extra pills for "just in case" so if you don't need them one day. Dont take them it wont kill you. If your really in pain and take them as prescribed. It will be harder for you to become addicted to them as the pain is a kind of antidote. I've been taking opiates of different kinds for about 2 years now and I'll often only take half my daily dose. But I have unrelenting back pain from a failed spinal surgery, if I stop, so I don't usually have that option. Especially since I don't think they really give me a decent dose to start with. At least I'm not laying in bed crying. Good luck and onl;y take the pills for PAIN ! I hope you can find some kind of comfort somehow.
Denzidrine has a point, there is no harm, or shame in using them if you legitimately need them.
If you are experiencing bad side effects from them, you should know that such side effects should only last about 4 to 6 weeks and then they should taper off, after your body adjusts to the medication.
You also may want to talk to the doctor about the issues, as there are other medications you can try that may not cause the same problems.
Learn more Oxycodone information here.
Does anyone else have any advice to add?
Can someone please recomend a PAIN doctor in middle or east tennessee that will give my husband the medicine he was taking before his doctor got shut down
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